Publication of reprimand

|                                      |         Copenhagen, 13 February 2009  |
Time of publication of annual financial statement                               

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has reprimanded to HIO Property Invest that the company   
did not publish its annual financial statement for 2007/2008 within the three   
month deadline subsequent to the expiration of the accounting period, in        
accordance with the rules in the First North Rulebook rule 4.6 (c).             

Furthermore, the exchange reprimanded to company that the company did not have  
its procedures and working processes arranged in such a way that the company was
able to publish its annual accounts for 2007/2008 within the three month time   
limit in accordance with rule 2.2.4 in the First North Rulebook.                

Finally, the exchange reprimanded to the company, that it did not, at an earlier
stage, found and publish the reason for the profit warning of the result for    
2008 in accordance with rule 4.8 (a) in the First North Rulebook.               

The complete decisions are available in Decisions & Statements on the following 

In order to ensure a greater transparency concerning the exchange's decisions,  
the exchange decided from 1 July 2008, to publish decisions on reprimands or    
fines taken by the exchange. Sanctions of violations on First North, shows in   
the First North Rulebook, rule 7.2.1 (e) and rule 7.1 (c). In case of a company 
admitted to trading on First North, breaching the set of rules, the exchange can
give a reprimand to the company, which the exchange must publish. In case of a  
Certified Adviser breaching the set of rules, the exchange can give a reprimand 
to the Certified Adviser, which the exchange can publish.                       

For yderligere information kontakt: Pernille Burkal, Surveillance, tlf. 33 93 33


au meddelelse_uk_februar 2009 - hio.pdf