Year 2008

Revenue was EUR 1,485 million (1,568)

EBITDA  exclusive of non-recurring items was EUR 478 million (491)
and EBIT EUR 271 million (294). EBITDA margin increased to 32 per
cent (31)

Profit before tax amounted to EUR 228 million (285)

Earnings per share was EUR 1.12 (1.38)

Cash flow after investments increased to EUR 260 million (114)

Financial position and liquidity are good. Cash and undrawn committed
credit lines totalled EUR 258 million and there are no major
refinancing needs expected before the year 2011.

Net debt / EBITDA was 1.7 (1.5) and gearing 93 per cent (71)

The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of EUR 0.60 per share

Fourth quarter 2008

Revenue was EUR 372 million (402)

EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items was EUR 129 million (128) and
EBIT EUR 77 million (76). EBITDA margin improved to 35 per cent (31)

Profit before tax amounted to EUR 70 million (65)

Earnings per share were EUR 0.34 (0.32)

Cash flow after investments increased to EUR 84 million (53)

ARPU in the mobile business was at the previous quarter's level EUR
26.3 (Q3: 26.4)

Churn decreased to 12.0 per cent from the previous quarter (Q3: 14.1)

The number of Elisa's mobile subscriptions increased by 49,600 during
the quarter, due in particular to the new 3G customers and mobile
broadband subscriptions

The number of fixed broadband subscriptions decreased by 18,300 on
the previous quarter partly due to divestment of subscriptions

Key indicators:

EUR million                 10-12/2008 10-12/2007 1-12/2008 1-12/2007
Revenue                            372        402     1,485     1,568
EBITDA                             129        126       472       499
EBITDA excluding                   129        128       478       491
non-recurring items
EBIT                                77         74       264       302
Profit before tax                   70         65       228       285
Earnings per share, EUR           0.34       0.32      1.12      1.38
Capital expenditures                64         69       184       206

Financial position and cash flow:

EUR million          31.12.2008 31.12.2007
Net debt                    812        738
Net debt / EBITDA 1)        1.7        1.5
Gearing ratio, %           92.8       71.3
Equity ratio, %            43.3       47.9

| EUR million     | 10-12/2008 | 10-12/2007 | 1-12/2008 | 1-12/2007 |
| Cash flow after |            |            |           |           |
| investments     |         84 |         53 |       260 |       114 |

1) (interest-bearing debt - financial assets) / (4 previous quarters'
EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items)

The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting an ordinary
dividend of EUR 0.60 per share. The Board of Directors proposes also
that the Board of Directors be authorised to acquire 15 million
treasury shares, which corresponds to 9 per cent of the entire share
capital. Furthermore, The Board of Directors also decided to propose
to the General Meeting that the Board of Directors be authorised to
distribute funds out of the retained earnings account or the reserve
for invested non-restricted equity to a maximum of EUR 150 million.

CEO Veli-Matti Mattila:"Improved profitability in latter half of year, over 220,000 new
mobile customers in 2008

Strengthened competitiveness in the latter half of the year
translated into good financial performance at Elisa in 2008. Cash
flow was strong although revenue decreased slightly from the previous
year, mainly as a result of lower interconnection and roaming fees,
as well as terminal sales. Elisa's financial position and liquidity
remain good.

Elisa continues to enjoy excellent success in the highly competitive
mobile communication market. Our mobile subscription base increased
by nearly 8 per cent or by over 220,000 new subscriptions, thus
further solidifying our position as the 3G market leader. Our
popularity was further boosted by the market launch of new services
such as the mini laptop. A focus on the profitability of the
broadband business contributed to the decline in the number of fixed
broadband subscriptions.

Our market position in the Corporate Customer sector also grew
stronger. Collaboration solutions are enhancing the productivity and
flexibility of operations for an increasing number of our customers.
Elisa completed several acquisitions to bolster the implementation of
the strategy in the Corporate Customer sector.

In 2008, substantial investment was made in building the 3G network
which enables mobile broadband. At the end of the year, Elisa's 3G
network extended to more than 250 locations and covered over 80 per
cent of Finland's population. An independent survey rated Elisa's 3G
network as having the best coverage in Finland.

Other factors contributing to the material improvement in
competitiveness have been the development of an attractive product
selection and determined measures to streamline operations. The new
customer care and billing system gave rise to additional expenditure
in the first half of the year but functioned well in the latter half.

Our strategy to develop One Elisa, improve our profitability and
provide new services has proven successful. Our strong financial
position and cash flow provide an excellent framework for further
determined implementation of our chosen strategy. The prevailing
general economic uncertainty decreases the predictability of the
business environment, and our industry is not immune to the negative
development of the economy. Nonetheless, we have every confidence
that our business will continue to develop favourably over the next
few years."


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communications
tel. +35850 520 5555

Additional information:

Mr Veli-Matti Mattila, CEO, tel. +358 10 262 2635
Mr Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communications, tel.
+358 10 262 3036


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

Financial report 2008

The financial report has been prepared in accordance with the IFRS
recognition and measurement principles but not all of the IAS 34
requirements have been observed.

Market situation

The base of mobile communications subscriptions and the use of data
services have evolved favourably in Finland with 3G subscriptions
comprising a significant proportion of new subscriptions. The use of
services made available through 3G subscriptions has also increased.
Another factor contributing to the growth has been the use of
multiple terminal devices for different purposes, mobile broadband
services and prepaid subscriptions. Churn has been at a normal level
in relation to the market situation, and competition has been mainly
in services and campaigning.

In the fixed network business the number and usage of traditional
subscriptions decreased at a slower pace than in the previous year.
The fixed broadband market is declining slightly, while the
subscription growth is now in mobile broadband.

Revenue, earnings and financial position

EUR million                             2008  2007  2006
Revenue                                1,485 1,568 1,518
EBITDA                                   472   499   434
EBITDA-%                                31.8  31.8  28.6
EBITDA excluding non-recurring items     478   491   445
EBITDA-% excluding non-recurring items  32.2  31.3  29.3
EBIT                                     264   302   225
EBIT-%                                  17.8  19.3  14.8
Return on equity, %                     18.5  18.8  12.1
Equity ratio, %                         43.3  47.9  63.1

Revenue by segments:

EUR million            2008  2007  2006
Mobile communications   919   980   930
Fixed network           615   642   665
Inter-segment sales     -49   -54   -77
Total                 1,485 1,568 1,518

Elisa's revenue decreased by 5 per cent in 2008. Reasons contributing
to the reduction included lower mobile interconnection fees both in
Finland and Estonia, as well as declined equipment sales and
decreases in the number of traditional fixed network subscriptions
and the volume of traffic.

Earnings by segment:

| EUR million                          | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
| Mobile communications                |      |      |      |
|  EBITDA                              |  266 |  299 |  259 |
|  EBITDA-%                            | 29.0 | 30.5 | 27.9 |
|  EBITDA excl. non-recurring items    |  269 |  300 |  263 |
|  EBITDA-%, excl. non-recurring items | 29.3 | 30.7 | 28.3 |
|  EBIT                                |  151 |  195 |  162 |
| Fixed network                        |      |      |      |
|  EBITDA                              |  209 |  206 |  181 |
|  EBITDA-%                            | 33.9 | 32.1 | 27.2 |
|  EBITDA excl. non-recurring items    |  212 |  197 |  187 |
|  EBITDA-%, excl. non-recurring items | 34.5 | 30.7 | 28.1 |
|  EBIT                                |  117 |  113 |   71 |
| Corporate functions                  |      |      |      |
|  EBITDA                              |   -3 |   -6 |   -6 |
|  EBIT                                |   -4 |   -6 |   -7 |
| Total                                |      |      |      |
|  EBITDA                              |  472 |  499 |  434 |
|  EBITDA-%                            | 31.8 | 31.8 | 28.6 |
|  EBITDA excl. non-recurring items *  |  478 |  491 |  445 |
|  EBITDA-%, excl. non-recurring items | 32.2 | 31.3 | 29.3 |
|  EBIT                                |  264 |  302 |  225 |

* 2008: Restructuring costs EUR -7 million. 2007: Capital gains on
real estate EUR 11 million and restructuring costs EUR -3 million.
2006: Restructuring costs EUR -10 million.

EBITDA excluding non-recurring items decreased slightly, but the
EBITDA margin improved. The EBITDA margin improvement was
attributable to factors such as new services in the mobile
communication business, as well as efficiency measures. Also the
decreased mobile interconnect revenue and costs improved
profitability. The improved profitability of the fixed network
business was affected by changes in broadband subscription prices,
withdrawing the broadband offering from some less profitable
geographical areas and improved cost efficiency.

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -37 million (-17).
Financial income and expenses in 2007 include a EUR 13 million gain
on the sale of Comptel shares. The increase on the previous year was
mainly attributable to increased net debt. Income taxes in the income
statement amounted to EUR -51 million (-65).

Elisa's January-December earnings after taxes were EUR 177 million
(220). The Group's earnings per share (EPS) amounted to EUR 1.12
(1.38). At the end of 2008, the Group's equity per share was EUR 5.61

Financial position:

EUR million                  31.12.2008 31.12.2007 31.12.2006
Net debt                            812        738        377
Net debt / EBITDA 1)                1.7        1.5        0.9
Gearing ratio, %                   92.8       71.3       28.7
Equity ratio, %                    43.3       47.9       63.1

EUR million                        2008       2007       2006
Cash flow after investments         260        114        118

1) (interest-bearing debt - financial assets) / (4 previous quarters'
EBITDA exclusive of non-recurring items)

The financial position and liquidity remained good. Cash and undrawn
committed credit lines totalled EUR 258 million at the end of the
year and there are no major refinancing needs expected before the
year 2011.

Elisa's net debt increased from EUR 738 million to EUR 812 million
mainly due to the capital repayment of EUR 285 million in March 2008.

Cash flow after investments increased clearly on the previous year to
EUR 260 million (114) mainly due to the change in net working

Changes in corporate structure

At the end of February, Elisa acquired 51 per cent of Kuntokompassi
Oy. This acquisition had no material impact on Elisa's profit or
balance sheet. The new name for the company is Excenta Oy.

In June, Elisa acquired 100 per cent of Electur Oy. Electur's core
business consists of identity management, one-off registration and
entry management. Elisa will develop new solutions for its corporate
customers' e-businesses by combining Electur's products and Elisa's

At the end of October, Elisa acquired the business operations of
Dialmedia Oy and merged it to Elisa's fully owned subsidiary Lounet
Call Center Oy and also acquired 100 per cent of Doneto Oy. Both
companies businesses comprise contact centre services.

In November, Elisa acquired 100 per cent of Telenor Finland Oy from
Telenor Sverige Ab. Telenor Finland Oy takes care of Telenor Group's
customer service in the Nordic Countries. The new name for the
company is Elisa Links Oy.

Mobile communication business

| Number of subscriptions       | 31.12.2008 | 31.12.2007 |
| Total number of subscriptions |  2,879,600 |  2,657,400 |
| - Subscriptions in Finland    |  2,541,900 |  2,334,600 |
| - Subscriptions in Estonia    |    337,700 |    322,800 |

|User-specific indicators 1) |  10-12/2008|  10-12/2007|  1-12/2008|  1-12/2007|
|Average revenue/            |            |            |           |           |
|subscription,               |            |            |           |           |
|€/month                     |        26.3|        30.1|       26.4|       30.0|
|Annualised churn, %         |        12.0|        12.6|       13.3|       12.2|
|Outgoing calls,             |            |            |           |           |
|min/subscription/month      |         213|         217|        218|        218|
|SMS,                        |            |            |           |           |
|message/subscription/month  |          56|          57|         56|         53|
|Non-voice services/         |            |            |           |           |
|revenue, %                  |          20|          19|         20|         19|

| Indicators on   |            |            |           |           |
| network usage2) | 10-12/2008 | 10-12/2007 | 1-12/2008 | 1-12/2007 |
| Outgoing calls, |            |            |           |           |
| million minutes |      1,527 |      1,447 |     6,031 |     5,661 |
| SMS,            |            |            |           |           |
| million         |            |            |           |           |
| messages        |        434 |        407 |     1,615 |     1,550 |

1) Elisa's service operators in Finland (excluding
    prepaid subscriptions)
2) Elisa's network operator in Finland

Elisa's network operator in Finland increased the number of its
subscriptions by some 207,400 in 2008. The increase was markedly due
to the success of 3G service bundles, mobile broadband and prepaid
subscriptions. The number of subscriptions at the end of the year was
approximately 2,541,900. The fourth-quarter increase in Finland was
approximately 54,200 subscriptions. In Estonia the number of
subscriptions increased by 14,900 in 2008, but in the fourth quarter
they decreased by 4,600.

In 2008, the call minutes per subscription of Elisa's own service
operators were at the same level and the number of SMS messages
increased by approximately 6 per cent on the previous year. Due to
the increase in the number of subscriptions of Elisa's service
operators, the total call minutes in the network grew by 7 per cent
and the number of SMS messages 4 per cent.

Mobile communication revenues decreased by 6 per cent mainly due to
reduced interconnection fees both in Finland and Estonia, and
equipment sales. Revenue per subscription declined by 12 per cent on
the previous year due to lower interconnection fees as of the
beginning of the year and lower roaming fees as of September 2007.
Also the increase in mobile broadband subscriptions negatively
affected revenue per subscription.

In May 2008, Elisa decreased the mobile data roaming fee by
approximately 30-50 per cent. The fee reduction concerns internet,
MMS and WAP connections.

Elisa and other Finnish mobile operators have agreed on new
interconnection fees for 1 January 2009 - 30 November 2009. This is
based on an agreement made by the mobile operators on 19 February
2007. According to the agreement, operator interconnection fees will
be gradually equalised during 2007-2009, with the fees being equal
effective 1 December 2009.

From 1 January 2009  - 30 November 2009, Elisa's interconnection fee
for the mobile network will be 4.9 cents per minute, in 2008 the fee
was 5.1 cents per minute. The equal interconnection price enforced by
the operators as of 1 December 2009 will be agreed separately later.

At the end of 2008, Elisa's 3G services covered approximately over 80
per cent of the Finnish population in more than 250 municipalities.
UMTS900 technology allows more cost efficient construction of a 3G
network in rural areas. This will bring 3G services to all of Finland
within a few years. The speed of Elisa's 3G network increased during
2008 and most of the network uses maximum transmission speed of 5
Mb/sec. Mobile broadband will enable remote working almost everywhere
in Finland.

Revenue of the mobile communication business in Elisa's Estonian
subsidiary has been negatively affected by lower interconnection
prices, which were cut in November 2007 and July 2008. These changes
did not have any material impact on the result since the
interconnection costs declined respectively. Revenue decreased to EUR
98.5 million (113.1), EBITDA increased to EUR 36.7 million (36.2) and
EBIT to EUR 25.8 million (25.2). The number of subscriptions stood at
337,700 (322,800) at the end of 2008.

Fixed network business

Number of subscriptions          31.12.2008 31.12.2007
Broadband subscriptions             501,500    521,800
ISDN channels                        54,400     70,800
Cable TV subscriptions              244,200    237,100
Analogue and other subscriptions    447,700    471,500
Total number of subscriptions     1,247,800  1,301,300

Elisa's fixed broadband subscriptions decreased throughout 2008,
representing a decline of approximately 20,300 subscriptions or 4 per
cent on the previous year. This was mainly due to withdrawing the
broadband offering from some less profitable geographical areas and
divestment of fixed broadband subscriptions outside of the own
network area. Elisa sold 6,500 broadband subscriptions in the Vaasa
area to Anvia.

The number of traditional subscriptions continued to decrease as
voice calls shifted to the mobile network and data transfers to
broadband subscriptions.

On 1 February 2008, wholesale prices levied by telecommunications
operators on each other declined by approximately one-third of the
previous level.

Elisa launched a full triple-play service called Kotitotaali, under
the Saunalahti brand, which offers customers high-speed broadband,
television and fixed line telephony services with one single monthly

Cisco granted Elisa the "Service Provider Partner of the Year" prize.
Elisa is one of Cisco's biggest partners in Finland and together are
devoted to the development of innovative communication solutions.


Elisa employed 2,946 people on average in 2008 (2007 average 3,299
people and 2006 average 4,086 people). Employee benefit expenses in
2008 totalled EUR 162 million (2007 EUR 181 million, 2006 EUR 214
million).  At the end of 2008 the number of personnel was 3,017

Personnel by segments:

                      31.12.2008 31.12.2007
Mobile communications      1,271      1,252
Fixed network              1,710      1,727
Corporate functions           36         36
Total                      3,017      3,015

As of 1 June 2008, Elisa outsourced a part of  the planning and
documentation of Elisa's fixed network and material delivery to
Eltel, Empower and Relacom. This arrangement affected 47 employees.

In December, Elisa's Board of Directors resolved a new share-based
incentive plan for the Elisa group key personnel. The aim of the plan
is to combine the objectives of the shareholders and the key
personnel in order to increase the value of the company, to gain key
personnel commitment, and offer them a competitive reward plan based
on Elisa shareholdings.

The Plan is directed to approximately 50 people. The rewards to be
paid on the basis of the plan will correspond to the value of a
maximum total of 2.2 million Elisa shares (including a maximum 1.1
million shares and a portion to be paid in cash).

As part of the incentive programs, Elisa also has a share option
program. Approximately 500,000 series 2007A stock options were
distributed to 150 key personnel, who do not belong to the
share-based incentive plan.

Elisa has a personnel fund for all Elisa employees, except for those
who belong to some other incentive programs. Based on the 2008 result
no contribution was made to the personnel fund.


EUR million              10-12/2008 10-12/2007 1-12/2008 1-12/2007
Capital expenditures,            64         69       184       206
  of which
- mobile communication
  business                       38         28       103        91
- GSM leasing liability
  buy-backs                                  2         2         2
- fixed network business         26         38        79       113
Shares                            2          1        15        12
 - of which achieved
   through an
   exchange of shares                                            5
Total                            66         70       199       218

The primary investment targets were the expansion of the 3G network
and increases in the speed and capacity of the fixed broadband

Financing arrangements and ratings

Valid financing arrangements:

EUR million                 Maximum amount In use on 31.12.2008
Committed credit limits                300                   75
Commercial paper program ¹)            250                 55.6
EMTN program ²)                      1,000                  636

1) The program is not committed
2) European Medium Term Note program, not committed

Long-term credit ratings:

Credit rating agency      Rating Outlook
Moody's Investor Services   Baa2  Stable
Standard & Poor's            BBB  Stable


Trading of shares       10-12/2008 10-12/2007 1-12/2008 1-12/2007
Shares traded, millions       76.1       73.0     338.8     316.0
Volume, EUR million          881.4    1,536.2   5,041.1   6,737.0
% of shares                   45.8       43.9     217.7     199.7

Shares and market values            31.12.2008  31.12.2007
Total number of shares             166,307,586 166,307,586
Treasury shares                     10,688,629   8,049,976
Outstanding shares                 155,618,957 158,257,610
Closing price, EUR                       12.30       21.00
Market capitalisation, EUR million       1.914       3,323
Treasury shares, %                        6.43         4.8

At the end of the year, Elisa's total number of shares was
166,307,586 (166,307,568), all within one share series. The closing
price was EUR 12.30 (21.00), representing a decrease of 41.4 per
cent. The market value of Elisa's outstanding shares at the end of
the year was EUR 1,914 million (3,323).

In accordance with the share based incentive program terms, Elisa
transferred 361,347 own shares to persons involved in the 2006
incentive program on 2 May 2008.

In August 2008, Elisa received a notification pursuant to Chapter 2,
Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act from DNA Oy, Lännen Puhelin
Oy, Oulun Puhelin Holding Oyj, Kuopion Puhelin Sijoitus Oy and PHP
Liiketoiminta Oyj. According to the notification, the parties jointly
held more than one-twentieth (5 per cent) of Elisa's shares and
votes. The companies may use their voting rights in mutual

In October 2008, Elisa received the following three notices: 1. Varma
Mutual Pension Insurance Company hold more than 10 per cent of
Elisa's shares and votes. 2. Novator Finland Oy's shareholding in
Elisa has decreased below one-twentieth (5%) to zero (0%). 3. Varma
Mutual Pension Insurance Company hold more than 15 per cent of
Elisa's shares and votes.

In December 2008, Elisa received two notifications according to which
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company sold 16,000,000 Elisa's shares
to the Finnish State and their holding in Elisa deceased below 10 per
cent of Elisa's shares and votes, and the ownership of the State was
9.62 per cent of Elisa's shares and voting rights.

Based on the decision of the Board of Directors on 18 December 2007,
approximately 500,000 series 2007A stock options were distributed to
the key personnel in Elisa group. The strike price for series 2007A
options is EUR 19.04.

The distribution of shareholdings by type of shareholder and size of
holding, as well as major shareholders, are presented in section"Shares and shareholders" within the financial statements.

Elisa shareholders with more than      Per cent of the shares and
5 per cent holding                                          votes
The Finnish State                                            9.62
Elisa                                                        6.43
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company                       6.10

Research and development

The Group invested EUR 11 million, of which EUR 2.5 million has been
capitalised, in research and development in 2008 (EUR 8 million in
2007 and EUR 6 million in 2006), corresponding to 0.7 per cent of
revenue (0.5 per cent in 2007 and 0.4 per cent in 2006). Due to
changes in the corporate structure, the figures are not fully
comparable with previous years.

Elisa's Annual General Meeting of shareholders

On 18 March 2008, and in accordance with the proposal of the Board of
Directors, Elisa's Annual General Meeting decided on the capital
repayment to shareholders in the amount of EUR 1.80 per share on the
basis of the 31 December 2007 balance sheet approved by the General

The Annual General Meeting confirmed the financial statements for the
period in question. The members of the Board of Directors and the CEO
were discharged from liability for 2007.

The number of the members of the Board of Directors was confirmed at
six (6), and members Risto Siilasmaa and Ossi Virolainen were
re-elected to the Board of Directors and Mr Tomas Otto Hansson
(Director, Novator), Mr Orri Hauksson (Director, Novator Finland), Mr
Pertti Korhonen (CEO Elektrobit Corporation) and Ms Eira
Palin-Lehtinen (prev. Director in Nordea Bank) were elected as new

KPMG Oy Ab, authorised public accountants, with APA Pekka Pajamo as
the responsible auditor, was appointed the company's auditor.

The Board of Directors' authorisations

The Annual General Meeting accepted the proposal to authorise the
Board of Directors to decide on the distribution of funds out of
distributable equity up to a maximum of EUR 250,000,000. The
authorization is valid until the commencement of the next Annual
General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposal of the Board of
Directors to authorise the Board of Directors to issue shares and
special rights. The authorisation is valid until 31 March 2010. A
maximum aggregate of 50.0 million of the company's shares can be
issued under the authorization.  A total of 361,347 shares were
issued on 2 May 2008.

The Annual General Meeting decided on the authorisation to acquire
treasury shares. The amount of shares that may be purchased under the
authorisation is maximum 15,000,000 treasury shares. The
authorisation is valid until August 31, 2009.

The share repurchases announced by Elisa on 1st August 2008 was
completed on 16 September 2008. Elisa purchased 3,000,000 of its own
shares on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during 8.8 - 16.9.2008. The
average price per share was EUR 14.43 and the total purchase price
approximately EUR 43 million. Elisa now holds 10,688,629 treasury
shares following these purchases.

Elisa's Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders
on 21 January 2008

Elisa's Extraordinary General Meeting was concluded on 22 November
2007 at the request of Novator Finland Oy and held on 21 January
2008. The General Meeting turned down Novator's proposal of releasing
the members of Elisa's Board of Directors from office.

Significant legal issues

TeliaSonera's claim for refund of benefit by unjust enrichment due to
price difference based on TeliaSonera's own miscoding of the traffic
worth approximately EUR 4 million will be settled in arbitration.
Elisa has disputed TeliaSonera's claim in its entirety.

The disputes relating to the implementation and maintenance of
Elisa's billing and CRM system between Elisa and IBM is in

On 31 October 2007, the Helsinki District Court rendered its verdict
concerning the stock exchange disclosures of Jippii Group Oyj in 2001
in which no corporate fine or forfeiture was imposed on the company.
The prosecutor has appealed against the decision and claims for
corporate fine of EUR 800,000 and forfeiture of 215,000.

The Estonian Communications Authority has in 2007 issued a decision
on the level of interconnection fees. Elisa has appealed against the
decision and the proceedings are still pending. Elion Ettevõtted AS
has presented a claim for refunding the excess fees of approximately
EUR 2 million. Elisa disputes the refunding obligation.

The Finnish Competition Authority is investigating Elisa's broadband

Substantial risks and uncertainties associated with Elisa's

Risk management is part of Elisa's internal control system. It aims
to ensure that risks affecting the company's business are identified,
influenced and monitored. The company classifies risks into
strategic, operational, insurable and financial risks.

Strategic and operational risks:

The telecommunications industry is under intense competition in
Elisa's main market areas, which may have an impact on Elisa's
business. The telecommunications industry is subject to heavy
regulation. Elisa and its business are monitored and regulated by
several public authorities. This regulation also affects the price
level of some products and services offered by Elisa.

The rapid developments in telecommunications technology may have a
significant impact on Elisa's business.

Elisa's main market is Finland, where the number of mobile phones per
inhabitant is among the highest in the world, which means that growth
in subscriptions is limited. Furthermore, the volume of phone traffic
in Elisa's fixed network has decreased in the past few years. These
factors may limit the opportunities for growth.

The deterioration of the economic environment may impact the demand
for Elisa's services and products, and therefore growth prospects.
However, a good demand for communication services is expected to
continue also during a possible recession.

Accident risks:

The company's core operations are covered by insurance against damage
and interruptions caused by accidents. Accident risks also include
litigations and claims.

Financial risks:

In order to manage interest rate risk, the Group's loans and
investments are diversified in fixed- and variable-rate instruments.
Interest rate derivatives are used to manage interest rate risk.

As most of Elisa Group's cash flow is denominated in euros, the
exchange rate risk is minor. Elisa's Estonian business, which is
approximately 7 per cent of the consolidated revenue is denominated
in Estonian crowns.

The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure the Group's
financing in all circumstances. The Group's cash and undrawn
committed credit lines totalled EUR 258 million at the end of 2008

Liquid assets are invested within confirmed limits to investment
targets with a good credit rating. The business units are liable for
credit risk associated with accounts receivable. Credit risk
concentrations in accounts receivable are minor as the customer base
is wide.

In connection to the counterparty risk hedging Elisa, provided a
maximum USD 60 million guarantee for a credit derivative portfolio
(CDO). The risk for the guarantee being called has increased due to
the credit crisis. The rating of the portfolio has decreased from Aa3
level to B1 level. The guarantee is valid until 15 December 2012. The
maximum liability USD 60 million, if realised, would mean cash
payments of USD 0.5 million in 2010, USD 33.0 million in 2011 and USD
26.5 million in 2012.

Given the recent financial market turmoil, the banking sector has
suffered and the banks' ability  to finance companies have
deteriorated, with some capital market activities not operating
fully. However, Elisa has cash reserves, committed credit facilities
and a sustainable cash flow to cover its foreseeable financing needs.

Environmental issues

Elisa carries out high-quality and environmentally friendly
telecommunications services. The utilisation of these services
reduces the need to move people and goods around, which leads to a
reduction in traffic.

Elisa monitors the environmental impact of its operations and
continuously strives to improve their environmental friendliness.
Elisa evaluates suppliers and subcontractors according to their
environmental criteria, and improves the awareness of environmental
issues among the personnel by openly and regularly providing
information on their effects.

Elisa's environment group collected data on the environmental load
(energy, water and fuel consumption, waste), followed the development
in environmental legislation as well as other areas, and increased
environmental awareness among the personnel by directing the
operations that contribute to the environmental load.

The principal projects in 2008 included: continuing the design of a
standardised environmental management system, further development of
the environmental load data reporting system, improving waste sorting
and developing the production waste processes.

Events after the financial period

Elisa's subsidiary, Tampereen Tietoverkko Oy (TTV), outsourced its
whole personnel (19 people) to Elisa with business transfer effective
1 February  2009. In the future, TTV will buy all the business
services from Elisa. TTV take care of its own customers and
partnerships. Elisa holds approximately 63 per cent of TTV and Alma
Media approximately 35 per cent.

Outlook for 2009

The current economic environment and financial market turmoil creates
uncertainty for the 2009 outlook. Competition in the Finnish
telecommunications market remains challenging.

Our business has so far been impacted only marginally by the
worsening general economy. However, Elisa will not be immune to the
negative economic development. The visibility of the development of
the overall economic situation and its effects to our business is

Revenue is estimated to be at the same or slightly lower level than
in 2008. The use of mobile communications and mobile broadband
products is continuing to rise. The terminal sales volumes and other
sales in some customer segments may decrease. EBITDA excluding
non-recurring items is also expected to be at the same or slightly
lower level than in 2008. Elisa will determinedly continue to
stimulate demand for its services and continue to drive productivity
improvements of its operations. Likewise, capital expenditure will be
actively controlled to a maximum 12 per cent of revenue, and it may
be reduced clearly, if the general economy deteriorates further.

The contributory factors for long-term growth and profitability
improvement include the 3G market growth and efficiency measures,
which are continuing as expected. Elisa's financial position and
liquidity are good. There are no major refinancing needs expected
before the year 2011.


In accordance with Elisa's profit distribution policy, ordinary
profit distribution is 40-60 per cent of the profit for the financial
period. Distribution of profit includes dividend payment, capital
repayment and purchase of treasury shares.

The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting an ordinary
dividend of EUR 0.60 per share. The dividend payment corresponds to
53 per cent of the period's earnings.

Shareholders who are listed in the company's register of shareholders
maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd on 23
March 2009 are entitled to funds distributed by the General Meeting.
The Board of Directors proposes that the payment date be 31 March
2009. The profit for the period shall be added to accrued earnings.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors decided to propose to the General
Meeting that the Board of Directors be authorised to acquire 15
million treasury shares, which corresponds to 9 per cent of the
entire stock.

The Board of Directors also decided to propose to the General Meeting
that the Board of Directors be authorised to distribute funds out of
the retained earnings account or the reserve for invested
non-restricted equity to a maximum of EUR 150 million.

The parent company's distributable funds at year-end amounted to EUR
406 million.


Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

                                10-12   10-12    1-12    1-12
EUR million              Note    2008    2007    2008    2007

Revenue                     1   372,1   402,1  1485,0  1568,4

Other operating income            3,0     1,3     6,5    21,0

Materials and services         -159,0  -177,3  -652,4  -707,0
Employee expenses               -43,2   -50,7  -162,5  -181,2
Other operating
expenses                        -43,6   -49,3  -205,0  -201,8
EBITDA                      1   129,3   126,0   471,6   499,4

Depreciation and
amortisation                    -52,1   -51,9  -207,1  -197,4
EBIT                        1    77,2    74,1   264,5   302,0

Financial income                  7,2     3,8    17,1    27,9
Financial expense               -14,1   -12,6   -54,0   -44,7
Share of associated
companies' profit                 0,0     0,0     0,0     0,0
Profit before tax                70,3    65,4   227,6   285,2

Income taxes                    -16,6   -15,2   -50,6   -64,9
Profit for the period            53,7    50,2   177,0   220,3

Attributable to:
  Equity holders of
  the parent                     53,3    50,1   176,3   219,8
  Minority interest               0,4     0,1     0,7     0,5
                                 53,7    50,2   177,0   220,3

Earnings per share (EUR)
Basic                            0,34    0,32    1,12    1,38
Diluted                          0,34    0,32    1,12    1,38

Average number of outstanding
shares (1000 shares)
Basic                         155 619 158 258 157 450 159 417
Diluted                       155 619 158 258 157 450 159 417

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

                                                        31.12. 31.12.
EUR million                                               2008   2007
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                            630,5  637,3
Goodwill                                                 778,6  773,6
Other intangible assets                                  177,5  194,5
Investments in associated companies                        0,1    0,1
Available-for-sale investments                            29,0   30,9
Receivables                                               12,4    7,3
Deferred tax assets                                       28,3   31,7
                                                        1656,4 1675,4
Current assets
Inventories                                               21,7   28,5
Trade and other receivables                              319,4  454,8
Cash and cash equivalents                                 33,0   16,9
                                                         374,1  500,2

Total assets                                            2030,5 2175,6

Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent      873,4 1033,4
Minority interest                                          1,6    2,0
Total equity                                             875,0 1035,4

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                                  30,9   34,9
Provisions                                                 5,6    7,3
Interest-bearing debt                                    672,3  627,3
Other non-current liabilities                             14,0   24,6                                             722,8  694,1
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                 255,5  303,2
Tax liabilities                                            3,4   10,8
Provisions                                                 1,5    4,1
Interest-bearing debt                                    172,3  128,0
                                                         432,7  446,1

Total equity and liabilities                            2030,5 2175,6

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

                                               1-12   1-12
EUR million                                    2008   2007
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit before tax                             227,6  285,2
   Depreciation and amortisation              205,8  197,4
   Other adjustments                           32,1    3,6
                                              237,9  201,0
Change in working capital
   Change in trade and other receivables      132,5 -116,0
   Change in inventories                        6,7   10,0
   Change in trade and other payables         -56,2    6,5
                                               83,0  -99,5

Financial items, net                          -38,8  -18,9
Taxes paid                                    -59,5  -82,2
Net cash flow from operating activities       450,2  285,6

Cash flow from investing activities
Capital expenditure                          -179,2 -203,7
Purchase of shares                            -11,6   -6,2
Proceeds from asset disposal                    0,8   38,2
Net cash used in investing activities        -190,0 -171,7

Cash flow before financing activities         260,2  113,9

Cash flow from financing activities
Purchase of treasury shares                   -43,3  -85,6
Proceeds from treasury shares                          1,7
Proceeds from long-term borrowings             80,0  350,0
Repayment of long-term borrowings             -30,0  -44,2
Change in short-term borrowings                38,6   67,0
Repayment of finance lease liabilities         -4,0   -6,7
Dividends paid and capital repayment         -285,4 -401,4
Net cash used in financing activities        -244,1 -119,2

Change in cash and cash equivalents            16,1   -5,3
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                         16,9   22,2
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     33,0   16,9

Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

                                 Trea-             invested Retai- Mino-
                         Share    sury                 non-    ned  rity
                   Share  pre-    sha-     Other restricted   ear- inte-  Total
EUR million      capital  mium     res  reserves     equity  nings  rest equity
Balance at
1, 2007             83,0  530,4  -81,3     422,1             353,4   4,7 1312,3
reduction and
transfer                 -530,4                       530,4
investments                                -18,2                          -18,2
changes                                                        1,6          1,6
directly in
equity                   -530,4            -18,2      530,4    1,6        -16,6
Profit for
the period                                                   219,8   0,5  220,3
income and
expense for
the period               -530,4            -18,2      530,4  221,4   0,5  203,7
subsidiaries                                            5,3   -0,8  -2,8    1,7
Dividends                                                   -401,7  -0,4 -402,1
Purchase of
shares                           -85,6                                    -85,6
Sales of
shares                             1,1                         0,4          1,5
compensation                                                   3,9          3,9
Balance at
31, 2007            83,0    0,0 -165,8     403,9      535,7  176,6   2,0 1035,4

Balance at
1, 2008             83,0        -165,8     403,9      535,7  176,6   2,0 1035,4
investments                                -10,4                          -10,4
directly in
equity                                     -10,4                          -10,4
Profit for
the period                                                   176,3   0,7  177,0
income and
expense for
the period                                 -10,4             176,3   0,7  166,6

repayment                                            -284,9              -284,9
Dividends                                                           -1,1   -1,1
Purchase of
shares                           -43,3                                    -43,3
compensation                       7,1                        -4,8          2,3
Balance at
31, 2008            83,0        -202,0     393,5      250,8  348,1   1,6  875,0

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.



Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared
in accordance with the IFRS recognition and measurement
principles, although all requirements of IAS 34 standard
have not been followed. The consolidated financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
effective at the time of preparing and adopted for use
by European Union. The accounting principles applied in
the consolidated financial statements are the same as
those applied in the Consolidated financial statements at
December 31, 2007.  As at 1 January 2008 International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has not issued and
European Union adopted new standards, amendments
and interpretations relevant to the group.


10-12/2008                    Fixed Unallocated              Group
EUR million          Mobile Network       items Eliminations Total
External sales        227,5   144,6                          372,1
Inter-segment sales     3,2     8,9                    -12,1   0,0
Revenue               230,7   153,5                    -12,1 372,1
EBITDA                 73,6    57,2        -1,5              129,3
EBIT                   44,6    34,1        -1,5               77,2
income and
expense                                                       -6,9
Share of associated
companies' profit                                              0,0
Profit before
tax                                                           70,3
Investments            37,6    26,1                           63,7

10-12/2007                    Fixed Unallocated              Group
EUR million          Mobile Network       items Eliminations Total
External sales        247,7   154,4                          402,1
Inter-segment sales     5,1     7,3                    -12,4   0,0
Revenue               252,8   161,7                    -12,4 402,1
EBITDA                 79,6    46,7        -0,3              126,0
EBIT                   51,7    22,8        -0,3               74,2
income and
expense                                    -8,8               -8,8
Share of associated
companies' profit                                              0,0
Profit before
tax                                                           65,4
Investments            30,2    38,4                           68,6

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Informationin this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

1-12/2008                    Fixed Unallocated               Group
EUR million         Mobile Network       items Eliminations  Total
External sales       904,6   580,4                          1485,0
Inter-segment sales   14,7    34,8                    -49,5    0,0
Revenue              919,3   615,2                    -49,5 1485,0
EBITDA               266,3   208,7        -3,4               471,6
EBIT                 150,5   117,5        -3,5               264,5
income and
expense                                                      -36,9
Share of associated
companies' profit                                              0,0
Profit before
tax                                                          227,6

Investments in
companies                                  0,1                 0,1
Total assets        1398,7   528,5       103,3              2030,5
Total liabilities    141,6   137,2       876,7              1155,5
Investments          105,1    78,8                           183,9

1-12/2007                    Fixed Unallocated               Group
EUR million         Mobile Network       items Eliminations  Total
External sales       959,7   608,7                          1568,4
Inter-segment sales   20,2    33,5                    -53,7    0,0
Revenue              979,9   642,2                    -53,7 1568,4
EBITDA               299,5   206,0        -6,1               499,4
EBIT                 194,8   113,4        -6,2               302,0
income and
expense                                  -16,8               -16,8
Share of associated
companies' profit                                              0,0
Profit before tax                                            285,2

Investments in
companies                                  0,1                 0,1
Total assets        1516,6   571,9        87,1              2175,6
Total liabilities    174,9   162,3       803,0              1140,2
Investments           92,8   113,6                           206,4

Elisa Corporation
1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009.

                                                        31.12. 31.12.
EUR million                                               2008   2007
Due within 1 year                                         22,2   20,6
Due after 1 year but within 5 years                       36,8   42,6
Due after 5 years                                         15,2   21,1
Total                                                     74,2   84,3

                                                        31.12. 31.12.
EUR million                                               2008   2007
   For own and group companies                             0,4
Pledges given
   Pledges given as surety                                 0,8    1,3
Guarantees given
   For others (*                                          44,3   42,3
Mortgages, pledges and guarantees total                   45,5   43,6

Other commitments
   Repurchase commitments                                  0,1    0,2

Contingent liabilities in QTE-arrangement
Lease-leaseback agreement (QTE facility)
   Total value of the arrangement                            -  137,9
   Termination risk                                          -   14,5

*) EUR 43,1 million is related to the
guarantee given on a CDO portfolio

                                                        31.12. 31.12.
EUR million                                               2008   2007
Interest rate swaps
  Nominal value                                          150,0  150,0
  Fair value recognised in the balance sheet               1,0   -3,0
Credit default swaps (*
  Nominal value                                           47,4   45,6
  Fair value recognised in the balance sheet                 -    1,0

*) CDS is related to hedging of the guarantor bank
in the QTE-arrangement


VAT refund liability  of real estate investments is
EUR 16,8 million at 31 December 2008.

1.1. - 31.12.2008
Full year 2008 Information
in this release is based on
the company's audited
Financial Statements.
The Auditor's Report
has been given on
12 February 2009

                                                      1-12  1-12
EUR million                                           2008  2007

Shareholders' equity per /share, EUR                  5,61  6,53
Interest bearing net debt                            811,6 738,4
Gearing                                              92,8% 71,3%
Equity ratio                                         43,3% 47,9%
Return on investment (ROI) *)                        15,6% 18,3%
Gross investments in fixed assets                    183,9 206,4
of which finance lease investments                     4,7   2,7
Gross investments as % of revenue                    12,4% 13,2%
Investments in shares,                                14,8  12,4
Average number of employees                           2946  3299

*) rolling 12 months profit preceding
the reporting date

Formulae for financial indicators

Gearing  %

Interest-bearing debt -
cash and cash equivalents
------------------------------------ x 100
Total equity

Equity ratio %

Total equity
-------------------------------x 100
Balance sheet total -
advances received

Return on investment % (ROI)

Profit before taxes +
interest and other
financial expenses
-----------------------------------------x 100
Total equity +
interest bearing liabilities (average)

Net debt

Interest-bearing debt - cash and
cash equivalents

Shareholders' equity per share

Equity attributable to equity holders
of the parent
Number of shares outstanding
at end of period


Profit for the period attributable to
equity holders of parent
Average number of outstanding shares


Elisas Financial Statements 2008.pdf