Carver Bancorp, Inc. Announces Third Quarter 2009 Results

Reports Third Quarter Net Loss of $6.5 Million and Loss Per Share of ($2.63) Driven by Non-Cash Charge and Market Trends

NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carver Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company") (Nasdaq:CARV), the holding company for Carver Federal Savings Bank (the "Bank"), today announced its results of operations for the three- and nine-month periods ended December 31, 2008, the third quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 ("fiscal 2009").

The Company reported a net loss of $6.5 million and loss per share of ($2.63) for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to net income of $1.6 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.62 for the prior year period. For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, the Company reported a net loss of $5.2 million, or a loss per share of ($2.10), compared to net income of $3.5 million, or $1.36 per diluted share, for the prior year period. The net loss for the three and nine months ended December 31, 2008 primarily relates to a non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $6.4 million.

Deborah C. Wright, the Company's Chairman and CEO, stated: "In recent months a 'perfect storm' has roiled our industry nationwide, including a declining economy, tightening net interest margins, and credit deterioration. All of these broad forces have negatively impacted the market values of banking institutions. Carver's third quarter results were significantly impacted by these trends."

"Carver incurred a non-cash charge of $6.4 million reflecting impairment to goodwill attributable to the 2006 acquisition of Community Capital Bank, leading us to our first quarterly and fiscal year loss since 2001. The charge follows a required goodwill impairment assessment, conducted with the assistance of an independent valuation firm, which concluded that the carrying amount of goodwill exceeded its implied fair value. At a time when managers of most financial institutions are taking a hard look at their balance sheets, it is important that Carver recognize changes in market valuations in our industry and move forward from a baseline that acknowledges the reality of today's economy. While we are extremely disappointed to experience any loss, our capital structure remains very strong as we and our industry continue to manage through unprecedented headwinds from the economy. While this charge flows through the Company's income statement, it is a non-cash item which will not impact Carver's liquidity or capital ratios. Carver remains well capitalized and is positioned to continue prudent growth during this period.

"With construction lending representing 23% of our loan portfolio, reductions in LIBOR and Prime indices of 460 and 400 basis points since December 31, 2007, respectively, reduced interest income more than 15% year over year. While deposit rates have also declined over both periods, competitive pressures have prevented commensurate reductions. Nevertheless we were pleased that our funding strategy generated a 3.4% improvement in net interest income before provision for loan losses this quarter.

"On the credit front, non-performing assets decreased from 3.46% of total assets at September 30, 2008 to 1.81% at December 31, 2008, as we substantially addressed matured credits and continued to work through delinquencies. However we increased the provision for loan losses 94% year over year to $431,000, to reflect higher risk in New York City's current real estate and business markets and the increase in Carver's non-performing assets over the past year.

"Finally, this quarter's 10-Q details the events leading to a restatement of our fiscal year 2007 results, due to reconciling items identified by new procedures implemented in preparation for compliance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This change has resulted in fiscal 2007 earnings per share being adjusted downward to $0.81 from $1.00. Of course, our management team is disappointed by this development and has taken the appropriate corrective steps to solidify financial controls."

Carver also announced that on February 12, 2009, the Company's Board of Directors declared a cash dividend on its common stock of ten cents ($0.10) per share for the third quarter of fiscal 2009. The Company noted that this action reflects the Board of Directors' continued confidence in Carver's long-term growth and earnings outlook. The dividend will be paid on March 13, 2009 to stockholders of record at the close of business on February 27, 2009.

Income Statement Highlights

Third Quarter Results

The Company reported a net loss of $6.5 million or a per share loss of ($2.63) for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to net income of $1.6 million and diluted earnings per share of $0.62 for the prior year period. The net loss of $6.5 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 is the result of an increase in non-interest expense of $6.1 million, primarily due to the non-cash goodwill impairment charge, as well as an increase in the provision for loan losses of $0.2 million, offset by an increase in net interest income of $0.1 million and an increase in the income tax benefit of $0.4 million.

Interest income decreased by $1.9 million, or 15.4%, to $10.4 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to $12.3 million for the prior year period. The decrease in interest income was primarily the result of decreases in interest income on loans of $1.6 million and interest income on investment securities of $0.3 million. This decrease reflects a decrease in the yield on interest-earning assets of 108 basis points to 5.87% for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to 6.95% for the prior year period, which is primarily the result of LIBOR and Prime based construction loans repricing at lower rates. The decrease in yield on interest earning assets was primarily the result of a 112 basis point decrease in the yield on loans as a result of LIBOR and Prime based construction loans repricing at lower rates. The decrease in interest income was also the result of a decline in the average balance of investment securities from $21.4 million in the prior year period to $6.4 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2009, as securities matured.

Interest expense decreased by $2.0 million, or 33.2%, to $4.0 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to $6.0 million for the prior year period. The decrease in interest expense was primarily the result of decreases in interest expense on deposits of $2.1 million. The decrease in interest expense primarily reflects a 119 basis point decrease in the average cost of interest-bearing liabilities to 2.43% for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to 3.62% for the prior year period, and a decrease in the average balance of interest-bearing liabilities of $3.6 million, or 0.54%, to $653.4 million compared to $657.0 million for the prior year period. The decrease in the yield on interest bearing liabilities was primarily the result of our decision not to renew higher relative cost certificates of deposits, which were replaced by short-term advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York ("FHLB-NY").

The Company recorded a $0.4 million provision for loan losses for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to a $0.2 million provision for the prior year period. The increase reflects deterioration in the housing market and the New York City economy. The Bank's future level of non-performing loans will be influenced by economic conditions, including the impact of those conditions on the Bank's customers, interest rates and other factors existing at the time.

Non-interest income decreased $2.0 million, or 62.4%, to $1.2 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to $3.2 million for the prior year period. The decrease was due primarily to a reduction of $1.6 million in other income and a $0.2 million reduction in the value of mortgage servicing rights, reported as gain (loss) on loans. The decrease in other income is primarily related to a $1.7 million fee generated by a New Markets Tax Credit ("NMTC") transaction in the prior year period that did not recur.

Non-interest expense increased $6.1 million, or 77.1%, to $14.1 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to $8.0 million for the prior year period. The increase was primarily due to a $6.4 million non-cash goodwill impairment charge as well as increases in occupancy expense of $0.3 million and FDIC insurance of $0.2 million, offset by decreases in employee compensation and benefits of $0.4 million and other expenses of $0.3 million. The reduction in employee compensation and benefits expense was the result of a reduction in the number of employees and resulting cost of employee benefit plans during the third quarter of fiscal 2009.

The income tax benefit was $0.6 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 compared to a tax benefit of $0.3 million for the prior year period. The tax benefit for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 primarily reflects a tax benefit of $0.5 million for the NMTC transaction. The Company expects to receive additional NMTC tax benefits of approximately $10.6 million from its $40.0 million investment through the period ending March 31, 2014.

Nine Month Results

Carver's net loss for the nine month period ended December 31, 2008 was $5.2 million or a per share loss of ($2.10) compared to net income of $3.5 million for the prior year period and diluted earnings per share of $1.36 for the prior year period. The net loss of $5.2 million for the nine months ended December 31, 2008 was the result of an increase in non interest expense of $7.1 million, primarily due to the non-cash goodwill impairment charge as well as a decrease in non-interest income of $1.3 million and an increase in provision for loan losses of $0.5 million, offset by an increase in income tax benefit of $1.1 million.

For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, interest income decreased $4.3 million, or 11.8%, to $32.1 million, compared to $36.4 million for the prior year period. The decrease in interest income was primarily the result of decreases in interest income on loans of $3.5 million and interest income on investment securities of $1.0 million, offset by an increase in interest income on mortgage-backed securities of $0.2 million. The decrease in interest income reflects a decrease in the yield on interest-earning assets of 75 basis points to 6.16% for the nine months ended December 31, 2008 compared to 6.91% for the prior year period. The decrease in yield on interest earning assets was primarily the result of an 80 basis point decrease in the yield on loans as a result of LIBOR and Prime rate based construction loans repricing at lower rates. The decrease in interest income was also the result of the decline in the average balance of investment securities from $27.0 million in the prior year period to $5.7 million for the nine month period ended December 31, 2008 due to securities that matured, offset by a $7.0 million increase in mortgage-backed securities from $37.7 million to $44.7 million.

For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, interest expense decreased $3.7 million, or 22.0%, to $13.2 million, compared to $16.9 million for the prior year period. The decrease in interest expense resulted primarily from an 81 basis point decrease in the average cost of interest-bearing liabilities to 2.68%, compared to 3.49% for the prior year period, offset partially by growth in the average balance of interest-bearing liabilities of $10.1 million, or 1.6%, to $654.8 million compared to $644.7 million for the prior year period.

For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, the Bank provided a $0.8 million provision for loan losses compared to $0.2 million for the prior year period. The increase reflects deterioration in the housing market and the New York City economy. The Bank's future level of non-performing loans will be influenced by economic conditions, including the impact of those conditions on the Bank's customers, interest rates and other factors existing at the time.

For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, non-interest income decreased $1.3 million to $4.5 million compared to $5.8 million for the prior year period. The decrease is primarily related to other income decreasing $1 million due to the $1.7 million fee generated by a non-recurring NMTC transaction in the prior year period.

During the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, non-interest expense increased $7.1 million, or 32.7%, to $28.7 million compared to $21.7 million for the prior year period. The increase in non-interest expense was primarily due to the $6.4 million non-cash goodwill impairment charge as well as increases of $0.6 million in occupancy and equipment expense, $0.3 in employee compensation and benefits, $0.3 million in FDIC insurance and $0.2 million in equipment expense, offset by a decrease in other expenses of $0.6 million. The reduction in other expenses was primarily related to a reduction of consulting expenses during the nine months ended December 31, 2008.

For the nine month period ended December 31, 2008, the Bank recorded a tax benefit of $1.3 million compared to income tax benefit of $0.2 million for the prior year period. The tax benefit for the nine month period ended December 31, 2008 reflects a tax benefit of $1.5 million for the NMTC investment transaction offset by tax expense of $0.2 million related to income before income taxes excluding the effect of the non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $6.4 million.

Financial Condition Highlights

At December 31, 2008 total assets decreased $6.2 million, or 0.8%, to $789.9 million compared to $796.1 million at March 31, 2008, primarily as a result of decreases in cash and cash equivalents of $5.5 million, non-cash goodwill impairment charge of $6.4 million and other assets of $4.0 million, partially offset by increases in total net loans receivable of $3.2 million and investment securities of $7.4 million.

Cash and cash equivalents decreased $5.5 million, or 20%, to $21.9 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $27.4 million at March 31, 2008, primarily due to a $10.5 million decrease in federal funds sold, which were redeployed into higher yielding securities, offset by a $5.0 million increase in cash and due from banks.

Total securities increased $7.4 million, or 19.5%, to $45.6 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $38.2 million at March 31, 2008, reflecting an increase of $8.6 million in available-for-sale securities and a $1.1 million decrease in held-to-maturity securities. Available-for-sale securities increased $8.6 million, or 41.1%, to $29.4 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $20.9 million at March 31, 2008, primarily due to purchases of mortgage-backed securities of $12.4 million. Held to maturity securities decreased $1.1 million, or 6.6%, to $16.2 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $17.3 million at March 31, 2008, primarily due to principal repayments and maturities of securities.

Total loans receivable, net including loans held-for-sale, increased $1.1 million, or 0.2%, to $652.7 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $651.7 million at March 31, 2008. The increase was primarily the result of an increase in commercial real estate loans of $26.7 million and an increase in commercial business loans of $3.4 million, offset by decreases in one- to four- family loans of $16.2 million and construction loans of $11.4 million.

Other assets decreased $4.0 million, or 9.5%, to $37.5 million at December 31, 2008, compared to $41.4 million at March 31, 2008, primarily due to receipt of $8.2 million in connection with the sale of certain available for sale investments sold in the prior year period and settled during this period.

Total liabilities decreased $0.4 million, or 0.1%, to $722.7 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $723.1 million at March 31, 2008. The decrease in total liabilities was primarily the result of a $33.1 million reduction in deposits, offset by an increase of $32.9 million in advances from the FHLB-NY and other borrowed money. The Bank made a strategic decision to allow higher cost certificates of deposit to run off and replaced them with lower cost borrowings.

Deposits decreased $33.1 million, or 5.1%, to $621.5 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $654.7 million at March 31, 2008. The decrease in deposit balances was primarily the result of decreases in certificates of deposit of $23.5 million, savings accounts of $8.8 million, money market accounts of $0.3 million and demand accounts of $1.2 million, which were partially offset by an increase of $1.9 million in NOW accounts.

Advances from the FHLB-NY and other borrowed money increased $32.9 million, or 56.1%, to $91.5 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $58.6 million at March 31, 2008. The increase in advances and other borrowed money was primarily the result of an increase of $32.9 million in FHLB-NY advances. At December 31, 2008, based on available collateral held at the FHLB-NY, the Bank had the ability to borrow from the FHLB-NY an additional $36.4 million on a secured basis.

Total stockholders' equity decreased $5.8 million, or 10.9%, to $48.1 million at December 31, 2008 compared to $53.9 million at March 31, 2008. The decrease in total stockholders' equity was primarily attributable to a net loss for the nine month period ended December 31, 2008 totaling $5.2 million, dividends paid of $0.7 million, partially offset by an increase of $0.1 million of accumulated other comprehensive income. The Bank's capital levels meet regulatory requirements of a well-capitalized financial institution.

Stock Repurchase Program

During the third quarter of fiscal 2009, the Company purchased no additional shares of common stock under its stock repurchase program. As of December 31, 2008, the Company has purchased a total of 176,174 shares at an average price per share of $15.72. The number of shares yet to be repurchased is 55,461 shares. However, during the Company's participation in the Troubled Asset Relief Program Capital Purchase Program ("TARP Program"), the U.S. Treasury's prior approval is required to make further repurchases.

Asset Quality

At December 31, 2008, non-performing assets totaled $14.3 million, or 1.81% of total assets compared to $4.0 million or 0.50% of total assets at March 31, 2008.

At December 31, 2008, the Bank's allowance for loan losses was $5.5 million which represents a ratio of the allowance for loan losses to non-performing loans of 40.3% compared to 170.9% at March 31, 2008. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to total loans was 0.84% at December 31, 2008 compared to 0.74% at March 31, 2008.

For additional information, please review our Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended December 31, 2008.

About Carver Bancorp, Inc.

Carver Bancorp, Inc. is the holding company for Carver Federal Savings Bank, a federally chartered stock savings bank. Carver Federal Savings Bank, the largest African- and Caribbean-American run bank in the United States, operates nine full-service branches in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. For further information, please visit the Company's website at

Certain statements in this press release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to uncertainty and changes in circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from those included in these statements due to a variety of factors, risks and uncertainties. More information about these factors, risks and uncertainties is contained in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                 Dec. 31,   March 31,
                                                   2008       2008
                                                ---------  ---------
                                                          (As Restated)
 Cash and cash equivalents:
   Cash and due from banks                      $  20,954  $  15,920
   Federal funds sold                                  --     10,500
   Interest earning deposits                          947        948
                                                ---------  ---------
     Total cash and cash equivalents               21,901     27,368
   Available-for-sale, at fair value
    (including pledged as collateral
    of $29,397 and $20,621 at
    December 31 and March 31, 2008,
    respectively)                                  29,442     20,865
   Held-to-maturity, at amortized
    cost (including pledged as
    collateral of $15,525 and
    $16,643 at  December 31 and
    March 31, 2008, respectively;
    fair value of $15,912 and
    $17,167 at  December 31 and
    March 31, 2008, respectively)                  16,169     17,307
                                                ---------  ---------
     Total securities                              45,611     38,172

 Loans held-for-sale                               21,563     23,767

 Loans receivable:
   Real estate mortgage loans                     579,309    578,957
   Commercial business loans                       55,554     52,109
   Consumer loans                                   1,793      1,728
   Allowance for loan losses                       (5,512)    (4,878)
                                                ---------  ---------
     Total loans receivable, net                  631,144    627,916

 Office properties and equipment, net              15,621     15,780
 Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
  stock, at cost                                    3,117      1,625
 Bank owned life insurance                          9,400      9,141
 Accrued interest receivable                        3,645      4,063
 Goodwill                                              --      6,370
 Core deposit intangibles, net                        418        532
 Other assets                                      37,484     41,437
                                                ---------  ---------
     Total assets                               $ 789,904  $ 796,171
                                                =========  =========

   Deposits                                     $ 621,534  $ 654,663
   Advances from the FHLB-New York
    and other borrowed money                       91,524     58,625
   Other liabilities                                9,561      9,835
                                                ---------  ---------
     Total liabilities                            722,619    723,123

 Minority interest                                 19,150     19,150

 Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock (par value $0.01 per
    share: 10,000,000 shares
    authorized; 2,524,691 shares
    issued;  2,475,037 and 2,481,706
    shares outstanding at December 31
    and March 31, 2008, respectively)                  25         25
   Additional paid-in capital                      24,188     24,113
   Retained earnings                               24,085     30,005
   Treasury stock, at cost (49,654
    and 42,985 shares at December 31
    and March 31, 2008, respectively)                (760)      (670)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income             597        425
                                                ---------  ---------
        Total stockholders' equity                 48,135     53,898
                                                ---------  ---------
   Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $ 789,904  $ 796,171
                                                =========  =========

     See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements

            (In thousands, except per share data)

                            Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                               December 31,         December 31,
                              2008       2007       2008       2007
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

 Interest Income:
   Loans                   $   9,800  $  11,403  $  30,093  $  33,579
    securities                   578        518      1,742      1,494
   Investment securities          39        328        209      1,183
   Federal funds sold              4         68         44        109
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total interest income    10,421     12,317     32,088     36,365

 Interest expense:
   Deposits                    3,016      5,069     10,516     13,970
   Advances and other
    borrowed money               991        932      2,699      2,962
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total interest
      expense                  4,007      6,001     13,215     16,932
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Net interest income
      before provision for
      loan losses              6,414      6,316     18,873     19,433

 Provision for loan losses       431        222        770        222
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Net interest income
      after provision for
      loan losses              5,983      6,094     18,103     19,211

 Non-interest income:
   Depository fees and
    charges                      732        666      2,114      1,981
   Loan fees and service
    charges                      264        327      1,070      1,218
   Write-down of loans
    held for sale                 --         --        (16)        --
   Gain on sale of
    securities                    --        102         --        181
   Gain (loss) on loans         (208)        75         38        103
   Other                         407      2,008      1,309      2,284
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total non-interest
                               1,195      3,178      4,515      5,767

 Non-interest expense:
   Employee compensation
    and benefits               2,968      3,413      9,998      9,731
   Net occupancy expense       1,223        908      3,142      2,673
   Equipment, net                794        827      2,103      1,931
   Federal deposit
    insurance premiums           233         18        389         56
   Other                       2,515      2,797      6,740      7,271
   Goodwill Impairment         6,370         --      6,370         --
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
     Total non-interest
      expense                 14,103      7,963     28,742     21,662

     Income (loss) before
      income taxes            (6,925)     1,309     (6,124)     3,316
 Income tax benefit             (550)      (268)    (1,293)      (168)
 Minority Interest, net of
  income taxes                   124         --        361         --
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
       Net income (loss)   $  (6,499) $   1,577  $  (5,192) $   3,484
                           =========  =========  =========  =========

 Earnings (loss) per
  common share:
       Basic               $   (2.63) $    0.63  $   (2.10) $    1.40
                           =========  =========  =========  =========
       Diluted             $   (2.63) $    0.62  $   (2.10) $    1.36
                           =========  =========  =========  =========

                            Three Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                               December 31,          December 31,
                           --------------------  --------------------
 Selected Statistical Data:   2008       2007       2008       2007
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------

 Return on average
  assets (1)(11)                  NM       0.82%        NM       0.61%
 Return on average
  equity (2)(11)                  NM      12.27%        NM       8.36%
 Net interest margin (3)        3.61%      3.59%      3.62%      3.71%
 Interest rate spread (4)       3.44%      3.33%      3.48%      3.42%
 Efficiency ratio (5)         101.61%     83.87%     95.66%     85.96%
 Operating expenses to
  average assets (6)            6.36%      4.14%      4.05%      3.78%
 Average equity to
  average assets (7)            6.98%      6.68%      6.90%      7.27%

 Average interest-earning
  assets to average
  liabilities                   1.09x      1.08x      1.06x      1.09x

 Net income per
  share - basic            $   (2.63) $    0.63  $   (2.10) $    1.40
 Net income per
  share - diluted          $   (2.63) $    0.62  $   (2.10) $    1.36
 Average shares
  outstanding - basic      2,470,082  2,489,101  2,472,305  2,494,801
 Average shares
  outstanding - diluted    2,470,082  2,549,924  2,472,305  2,564,926
 Cash dividends            $    0.10  $    0.10  $    0.20  $    0.29
 Dividend payout
  ratio (8)(11)                   NM      15.85%        NM      20.75%

 Capital Ratios:
   Tier I leverage
    capital ratio (9)           7.71%      7.77%      7.71%      7.77%
   Tier I risk-based
    capital ratio (9)           9.54%      9.57%      9.54%      9.57%
   Total risk-based
    capital ratio (9)          10.40%     10.45%     10.40%     10.45%

                               December 31,           December 31,
                           --------------------  --------------------
                              2008       2007       2008       2007
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
 Asset Quality Ratios:
   Non performing assets
    to total assets (10)        1.81%      0.52%      1.81%      0.52%
   Non performing loans
    to total loans
    receivable (10)             2.08%      0.61%      2.08%      0.61%
   Allowance for loan
    losses to total
    loans receivable            0.84%      0.84%      0.84%      0.84%
   Allowance for loan
    losses to
    non-performing loans       40.19%    137.51%     40.19%    137.51%

 (1)  Net income, annualized, divided by average total assets.
 (2)  Net income, annualized, divided by average total equity.
 (3)  Net interest income, annualized, divided by average
      interest-earning assets.
 (4)  Combined weighted average interest rate earned less combined
      weighted average interest rate cost.
 (5)  Operating expenses excluding Goodwill impairment divided by
      sum of net interest income plus non-interest income.
 (6)  Non-interest expenses excluding Goodwill impairment, annualized,
      divided by average total assets.
 (7)  Average equity divided by average assets for the period ended.
 (8)  Dividends paid on common stock during the period divided by
      net income for the period.
 (9)  These ratios reflect consolidated bank only.
 (10) Non performing assets consist of non-accrual loans, loans
      accruing 90 days or more past due and real estate owned.
 (11) Due to net loss ratios are not meaningful

                       (Dollars in thousands)

                              Three months ended December 31,
                              2008                     2007
                    ------------------------ --------------------------
                                      Average                   Average
                    Average            Yield/  Average           Yield/
                    Balance  Interest  Cost    Balance Interest  Cost
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
 Interest Earning                 (Dollars in thousands)

 Loans(1)           $655,324 $  9,800  5.98%  $642,600 $ 11,403  7.10%
  securities          44,636      578  5.18%    38,317      518  5.41%
  securities(2)        6,382       39  2.42%    21,439      328  6.07%
 Federal funds sold    4,025        4  0.39%     6,020       68  4.48%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total interest
   earning assets    710,367   10,421  5.87%   708,376   12,317  6.95%
  earning assets      76,436                    61,406
                    --------                  --------
  Total assets      $786,803                  $769,782
                    ========                  ========

 Interest Bearing
   Now Accounts     $ 25,820 $     13  0.20%  $ 26,003       58  0.88%
   Savings and
    clubs            118,456      145  0.49%   129,669      282  0.86%
   Money market
    accounts          44,424      218  1.95%    42,096      352  3.32%
   Certificates of
    deposit          359,731    2,627  2.90%   385,035    4,364  4.50%
    deposit            2,965       14  1.87%     2,745       13  1.88%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total deposits     551,396    3,017  2.17%   585,548    5,069  3.43%
 Borrowed money      101,996      991  3.85%    71,416      932  5.18%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total interest
   liabilities       653,392    4,008  2.43%   656,964    6,001  3.62%
   Demand             52,442                    50,117
    Liabilities        6,869                    11,276
                    --------                  --------
   liabilities       712,703                   718,357
 Minority Interest    19,150                        --
  equity              54,950                    51,425
                    --------                  --------
  Total liabilities
   and stockholders'
   equity           $786,803                  $769,782
                    ========                  ========
 Net interest                --------                  --------
  income                     $  6,413                  $  6,316
                             ========                  ========

 Average interest
  rate spread                          3.44%                     3.33%
                                      =======                   =======

 Net interest margin                   3.61%                     3.57%
                                      =======                   =======

 (1) Includes non-accrual loans
 (2) Includes FHLB-NY stock

                       (Dollars in thousands)

                              Nine months ended December 31,
                              2008                     2007
                    ------------------------ --------------------------
                                      Average                   Average
                    Average            Yield/  Average           Yield/
                    Balance  Interest  Cost    Balance Interest  Cost
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
 Interest Earning                 (Dollars in thousands)

 Loans(1)           $640,044 $ 30,093  6.27%  $633,335 $ 33,579  7.07%
  securities          44,705    1,742  5.20%    37,749    1,494  5.28%
  securities(2)        5,747      209  4.76%    27,023    1,183  5.81%
 Federal funds sold    4,060       44  1.44%     3,049      109  4.74%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total interest
   earning assets    694,556   32,088  6.16%   701,156   36,365  6.91%
  earning assets      94,338                    63,448
                    --------                  --------
   Total assets     $788,894                  $764,604
                    ========                  ========

 Interest Bearing
   Now Accounts     $ 24,460 $     49  0.27%  $ 25,303      116  0.61%
   Savings and
    clubs            121,904      474  0.52%   133,296      812  0.81%
   Money market
    accounts          45,125      736  2.16%    44,822      852  2.52%
   Certificates of
    deposit          373,143    9,218  3.28%   362,265   12,157  4.45%
    deposit            2,887       38  1.75%     2,786       33  1.57%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total deposits     567,519   10,515  2.46%   568,472   13,970  3.26%
 Borrowed money       87,261    2,699  4.11%    76,252    2,962  5.16%
                    -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------
  Total interest
   liabilities       654,780   13,214  2.68%   644,724   16,932  3.49%
   Demand             52,957                    52,574
   Other Liabilities   7,548                    11,753
                    --------                  --------
  Total liabilities  715,285                   709,051
 Minority Interest    19,150                        --
  equity              54,459                    55,553
                    --------                  --------
  Total liabilities
   and stockholders'
   equity           $788,894                  $764,604
                    ========                  ========
 Net interest                --------                  --------
  income                     $ 18,874                  $ 19,433
                             ========                  ========

 Average interest
  rate spread                          3.48%                     3.42%
                                      =======                   =======

 Net interest margin                   3.62%                     3.70%
                                      =======                   =======

 (1) Includes non-accrual loans
 (2) Includes FHLB-NY stock


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