Proposal to elect two new members to the Board of Directors of Carlsberg A/S

Carlsberg A/S 
100 Ny Carlsberg Vej 
DK-1760 Copenhagen V 
Tel +45 33 27 33 00
CVR no 61056416    


18 FEBRUARY 2009

Proposal to elect two new members to the Board of
Directors of Carlsberg A/S                       

The Board of Directors of Carlsberg A/S will recommend that the Annual General  
Meeting approve a proposal to elect Richard Burrows, Ireland, and Kees van der  
Graaf, the Netherlands, to the Board, replacing Jens Bigum, Deputy Chairman, and
Henning Dyremose, Board member. The Annual General Meeting will take place on   
Thursday 12 March 2009.                                                         

”The acquisition of parts of Scottish & Newcastle has resulted in a significant 
transformation of Carlsberg, which is now a far bigger company with increased   
global exposure in the FMCG industry (Fast Moving Consumer Goods). This is      
reflected in the composition of the day-to-day management of the company, and it
will also be reflected to a much higher degree in the Board of Directors, if the
Annual General Meeting adopts the proposal to elect Richard Burrows and Kees van
der Graaf. As members of the Board both will contribute with substantial        
international experience and inspiration within Carlsberg's business areas”,    
says Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, Chairman of the Board of Directors.                

Richard Burrows is 63 years old and holds board positions in Bank of Ireland,   
Rentokil Initial plc., Mey Icki San. Ve Tic A.S., and Cityjet Ltd. Until 2005,  
Richard Burrows was joint CEO of Pernod Ricard and before that CEO of Irish     
Distillers. He also held the position as president of the Irish Business and    
Employers Confederation for a period of two years.                              

Kees van der Graaf is 58 years old and held the position of President Europe in 
the Board of Unilever until May 2008. He joined Unilever in 1976 and during his 
32 years with the Company he held several top management positions within       
various FMCG categories. Amongst other external positions Kees van der Graaf is 
on the Board of Directors of the Dutch automobile club ANWB and he joined IMD,  
the Lausanne based Business School as an Executive-in-Residence in the autumn of

Jens Bigum, who joined the Board of Directors in 2001, retires from the Board in
accordance with the age clause in the Articles of Association, whereas Henning  
Dyremose has decided to step down after 10 years on the Board of Directors.     

CVs of Richard Burrows and Kees van der Graaf enclosed.

Investor Relations: Mikael Bo Larsen   +45 3327 1223
Media Relations:    Jens Peter Skaarup +45 3327 1417

The Carlsberg Group is one of the      in the world, with a large portfolio of
beer and 
leading brewery groups brands. Its     soft drinks 
flagship brand - Carlsberg - is one of 
the fastest growing and best-known beer 
brands in the world. More than 45,000 
people work for the Carlsberg Group, 
and its products are sold in more than 
150 markets. In 2008 the Carlsberg 
Group sold more than 120 million 
hectolitres of beer, which is about 100 
million bottles of beer a day. Find out 
more at 

Carlsberg Group


16 January 1946

Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                                                
2000 - Date Bank of Ireland (Governor since 2005) 2003 - 2008      
Pernod Ricard board member 2000 - 2005 Co-Chief Executive, Pernod  
Ricard 1978 - 2000 Chief Executive Officer, Irish Distillers 1976 -
1978 General Manager, Irish Distillers 1972 - 1976 Chief Executive,
The “Old Bushmills” Distillery Company 1971 - 1972 Managing        
Director, Fitzgerald & Co. 1970 - 1971 Assistant to Managing       
Director, Edward Dillon & Co. 1963 - 1970 KPMG, Dublin             

Bank of Ireland - Governor                        
Rentokil Initial PLC - Non-Executive Director     
Mey Icki San. Ve Tic A.S. - Non-Executive Director
Cityjet Ltd. - Non-Executive Director     

Carlsberg Group


2 November 1950

1974 MBA in Production Planning and Investment Analysis,
Technische Hogeschool Twente, Enschede                  

BUSINESS EXPERIENCE                                              
2005 - 2008 Member of the Board of Unilever NV and PLC, President
Europe 2004 - 2005 Member of the Board of Unilever NV and PLC    
Responsible for the global Foods Division 2001 - 2004 President  
Ice Cream & Frozen Foods, Europe 1998 - 2001 Executive Vice      
President, Operations of the Food & Beverages, Europe 1995 - 1998
Senior Vice President, Ice Cream Category 1993 - 1995 Chairman   
Lipton Sais, Sqitzerland 1990 - 1993 Foods Member East Asia      
Pacific Region, HQ Rotterdam 1986 - 1990 Marketing and Grocery   
Sales Director, Frigo, Spain 1983 - 1986 General Marketing       
Manager, Wall's Meat Co., Banbury 1981 - 1983 Management         
Development Officer, HQ Rotterdam 1981 - 1981 Brand Manager,     
Lipton Inc., New Jersey 1976 - 1981 Several Product Management   
positions, Calvé-De Betuwe B.V., Delft                           

BOARD POSITIONS                                                 
2000 - 2004 Non-executive Director of Unilever Beleggingsbank BV
2005 - 2006 Member of the Board WCFS (Wageningen Centre for Food
Science) 2005 - 2008 Member of the Liaison Committee of the CIAA
(Confederation of the Foods and Drinks Industries of Europe)    
2005 - 2008 Board Member of ECR (Efficient Consumer Response)   
2005 - 2008 Member of the IAB (International Advisory Board of  
the City of Rotterdam) 2006 - Supervisory Board Spieren voor    
Spieren 2006 - 2008 Supervisory Board Synergos Institute 2006 - 
Member of the Supervisory Board of ANWB (Company and Club) 2008 
- Executive-in-Residence, IMD business school, Lausanne         

Founder and President of the FSHD Foundation


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