IC Companys A/S - Corrected English Interim Report H1 2008/09

stock exchange announcement

IC Companys A/S - Interim Report H1 2008/09

Revenue increased 1% to DKK 2,041  million in the first half year  of
the financial year. However,  impacted by the currently  unfavourable
market, operating profit is down to DKK 202 million, equivalent to  a
33% decline. Consequently, the Executive Board has launched a  number
of initiatives,  which all  are targeted  at increasing  the  Group's
earning capacity and revenue.

At its  meeting on  22 February  2009 the  Board of  Directors of  IC
Companys A/S has approved the Interim Report for the period 1 July  -
31 December 2008.

*           The Group reported revenue of DKK 2,041 million (DKK
  2,015 million) corresponding to a growth of 1%. Same-store sales in
  the Group's own stores declined by 4% in the first half of the
  financial year. The second quarter records a decline of 8%.
*           Gross profit came to DKK 1,211 million (DKK 1,229
  million) including additional inventory write downs amounting to
  DKK 24 million. This equals a gross profit of 59.3% (61.0%).
*           Operating costs came to DKK 1,009 million (DKK 928
  million), the equivalent of a 9% increase. Adjusted for
  non-recurring impacts of combined DKK 42 million, the increase came
  to 4%.   This corresponds to an adjusted cost rate of 47.4% (46.1%)
*           Operating profit in the first half of the financial year
  is down by 33% to DKK 202 million (DKK 301 million) corresponding
  to an EBIT margin of 9.9% (14.9%). Adjusted for non-recurring
  impacts of a total of DKK 66 million, the Group records an EBIT
  margin of 13.1%.
*           Order intake for all four collections for delivery in
  2008/09 is completed showing a combined 1% growth. Order intake for
  the 2009 summer collection reported a 21% setback and a decline for
  the autumn collection 2009 is further expected.
*           As previously announced in September 2008 in connection
  with the annual report 2007/08, the Executive Board has launched a
  number of initiatives within the areas of rationalisation of the
  cost structure, adjustment of the distribution strategy and
  optimisation of the value chain, all of which aimed at increasing
  the Group's earnings capacity and revenue.
The action  taken is  expected to  result in  a cost  base  reduction
amounting to DKK  200-250 million as  measured against the  financial
year 2007/08. A regrettable consequence is that 140 employees will be
terminated - of which 60 are  in Denmark. In addition, 150  employees
are expected to be transferred to new distributors. The cost  savings
are expected to have full effect in the financial year 2009/10.

Reestimation future guidance

*           For the full year 2008/09 expectations remain slightly
  lower revenue as compared to the financial year 2007/08. For the
  full year 2008/09, an operating profit in the region of DKK 110-160
  million is now expected including total non-recurring impacts in
  the region of DKK 100-120 million (previously: significantly lower
  than in the financial year 2007/08).
*           Investments in the region of DKK 120-140 million will be
  carried through, primarily to direct sales promoting activities,
  including interior design of stores and showrooms.
*          The execution of the actions mentioned in the above
  concerning rationalisation, distribution strategy and value chain
  is expected to result in positive consolidated earnings in 2009/10
  as well as the investment rate is expected to be maintained.
further information
Chris Bigler
Chief Executive  Officer                                        Chief
Financial Officer
Tel.:                   +                   45                   3266
7721                                                            Tel.:
+45 3266 7017
financial highlights and key ratios

This announcement contains future-orientated statements regarding the
Company's future development  and results and  other statements  that
are not historic facts.  Such statements are  based on the  currently
well-founded prerequisites and  expectations of  the management  that
may prove erroneous. The actual results may deviate considerably from
what has been outlined as  planned, assumed, assessed or forecast  in
this announcement.

This announcement is a translation  from the Danish language. In  the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
Danish version shall prevail.


The last quarter was characterised by very unstable market conditions
for the  Group's brands  and  markets, which  resulted in  a  revenue
setback. The Group's profit margin was forced down as a result of the
level of operational costs, lower sell through at full price,  higher
discounts and increased inventory write downs relative to last year.

In order to increase the Group's competitiveness, the Executive Board
initiated in August 2008 a number  of actions, of all which aimed  at
increasing earnings capacity and revenue. The actions concern:

*          Rationalisation of the cost structure
*          Adjustment of the distribution strategy
*          Optimisation of the value chain

The subsequent market development  has accentuated and increased  the
necessity of these  actions. Based  on these  actions, the  Executive
Board believes that the Group will emerge stronger from the currently
unfavourable market conditions.

In the  first quarter  of 2008/09  significant rationalisations  were
carried  through.  First  of  all,  the  managements  of  InWear  and
Matinique were  integrated under  one Brand  Director. The  same  was
executed in  Jackpot and  Cottonfield.  Secondly, the  allocation  of
responsibilities between  brands and  sales countries  was  redefined
with  a  view   to  placing  unequivocally   all  operational   sales
responsibilities with  the  sales countries.  Finally,  a  continuous
adjustment of staff was  made in, among  others, stores and  regional
distribution centres. The adjustments have strengthened the executive
momentum for new  actions while at  the same time  reducing the  cost

The Executive  Board has  decided to  carry through  rationalisations
within two general areas in the third quarter:

*          Discontinuation of loss-making activities
*          Structural adjustments

The overall objective  is to  bring down  base costs  by DKK  200-250
million relative to the financial year 2007/08. The cost savings  are
expected to have full effect  in the financial year 2009/10.  Opening
new stores will, however, result in a decreased effect on total  cost

A regrettable consequence of  the actions mentioned  in the above  is
that 140 employees will be terminated  - of which 60 are in  Denmark.
In addition,  150 employees  are expected  to be  transferred to  new
distributors. Furthermore,  apart from  the  opening of  new  stores,
since 1 August 2008 110  fulltime positions have been shed  primarily
related to natural wastage and by not replacing positions.

Divestment of non-performing activities
The non-performing activities in China  and Spain are divested  under
their own auspices and are expected to be kept in operation by  local
distributors. The divestment is expected to be executed no later than
in first half  year of  the financial  year 2009/10.  In addition,  a
modest number of non-performing own stores will be discontinued.

Structural adjustments
A number of structural adjustments will be carried out in the  shared
platform. Furthermore, a general adjustment  of the Group's costs  to
the actual  activity  level  is planned.  These  activities  will  be
initiated presently  and are  expected  to have  full effect  in  the
financial year 2009/10. A detailed announcement will be published  at
the time of implementation.

A very  significant  element  of  the  distribution  strategy  is  to
strengthen the cooperation  with the Group's  third party  retailers.
Concurrently with the opening of  a controlled number of own  stores,
the number of franchise owned  concept stores will be increased,  and
expanded  cooperation   with   the  remaining   wholesale   will   be

More concept stores
In the next financial  year, prioritisation is  made to expansion  to
the number of own stores for  Peak Performance and Jackpot. For  Peak
Performance, the expansion will primarily be in Scandinavia, and  for
Jackpot primarily in Poland, the  Czech Republic and Hungary. At  the
present time, contracts have been made  to open 16 new stores  within
the next 15 months.

To run  the  franchise  expansion,  the Group  has  developed  a  new
franchise concept that fundamentally  changes IC Companys'  expansion
strategy. The goal  is to  attract financially  strong partners  that
each can open several stores without investment contributions from IC
Companys.  For  the  next  financial  year,  franchise  expansion  is
prioritised for Peak  Performance, Jackpot, Saint  Tropez, By  Malene
Birger and Companys stores.

Controlled wholesale
The Group's goal is to further develop third party retailer relations
into a cooperation, which among  other things entails the buying  for
third party  retailer stores.  For the  autumn collection  2009,  the
Group brands have  already worked out  order suggestions to  selected
customers in each  market. The  initiative was well  received and  is
expected to be  extended gradually to  include the main  part of  the
Group's customers.

Value chain optimisation
The following constitutes the three focus areas.

Best practice in the collection development
This involves development of the collections to controlled  wholesale
and enhanced efficiency  of the buying  procedures of retail  stores,
including own retail. A key element is order suggestions  determining
both sales and buying.

Reduction of styles
Assortments offered for in-season sales (SSP) will be made more
efficient. This will reduce the inventory tied up while at the same
time increasing the Group's delivery capacity to the benefit of third
party retailers.

Optimisation of Group sourcing
With a view to counter  the pressure from falling selling  currencies
and rising sourcing currencies, the concentration of volume is also a
focus area. The goal  of the project is  to retain the Group's  gross
margins at the existing high level.

revenue development

In the first half  of the financial year  revenue recorded DKK  2,041
million (DKK 2,015 million) equivalent to a 1% growth. Revenue growth
is positively  affected by  net store  openings amounting  to DKK  29
million and adversely affected by exchange rate conversions of DKK 31

Sales performance for own brands:

The Group's own brands reported a  modest progress of combined 1%  in
the first half  year of the  financial year. However,  this does  not
reflect the substantial  differences between  the individual  brands.
While Tiger  of Sweden  and InWear  have lost  ground, Part  Two,  By
Malene Birger, Saint  Tropez, Soaked  in Luxury  and Designers  Remix
Collection all achieve double-digit growth rates. Tiger of Sweden  is
affected in particular on account  of the significant share of  men's
suits and outerwear,  including especially in-season  sales to  third
party retailers.

Second quarter revenue developed  negatively with a combined  setback
of 6%. The shift from growth in  the first quarter to setback in  the
second quarter  indicates that  impacts  derived from  the  financial
crisis reached full-blown effect  from mid-September to  mid-December
of 2008.

Sales performance for own brands per market:

Revenue development  at  country level  records  double-digit  growth
rates in the first  half of the financial  year 2008/09 for  Finland,
Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Russia. It is particularly positive
that Switzerland and Austria in  the second quarter of the  financial
year 2008/09 report  solid progress by  a revenue growth  of 34%  and
22%, respectively.

Recording  a  setback  of  35%,   Spain  accounts  for  the   weakest
development. As previously  mentioned in the  summary, the  Executive
Board has decided to transfer the activities in Spain to an  external

In the second  quarter of  the financial  year 2008/09  Sweden saw  a
decline of DKK  26 million.  To a  wide extent  this is  caused by  a
markedly weakened SEK,  which accounts  for 68% of  the decline.  The
remaining part of the decline is  due to an actual revenue  decrease,
to which primarily Tiger of Sweden contributes. A similar development
was observed for the Norwegian market, for which revenue declined DKK
14 million in the second quarter  of the financial year 2008/09.  For
Norway, a  weakened  NOK  constitutes  62% of  the  decline.  As  the
currency risks for SEK and NOK were hedged in the second quarter, the
earnings loss is significantly lower.

Order intake
Order intake  for  4  of  4  collections  in  2008/09  was  completed
recording a combined growth of 1% relative to 2007/08:

Peak Performance, Tiger  of Sweden,  Part Two, By  Malene Birger  and
Designers Remix Collection all advance by double-digit growth  rates.
This progress is, unfortunately, counteracted by setbacks for InWear,
Jackpot and Cottonfield.

Order intake for the summer  collection 2009 was completed showing  a
setback of 21%.  Order intake  for the autumn collection 2009,  which
started early January, is also  expected to be completed reporting  a
setback. Order intake is completed by mid-March 2009.

Distribution channels

Wholesale operation
In the first half of the financial year, wholesale revenue came in at
DKK 1,377 million (DKK 1,368  million) which corresponds to a  growth
of 1%.  Pre-order  revenue  increased  by  2%,  and  in-season  sales
decreased by 8%. Franchise revenue  is included herein and records  a
decline of 1%.
The distribution channel profit of the wholesale operation is down by
14% to DKK 248 million (DKK 287 million) which equals a  distribution
channel profit  margin of  18.0% (20.9%).  The downturn  in  relative
earnings is  chiefly  caused  by discounts  and  returns,  which  has
reduced the  distribution channel  profit margin  by 1.2%  percentage

During the first half  year of the financial  year 2008/09 the  Group
opened 5 new franchise net store openings.

* Unallocated corporate costs comprise IT, finance, HR and general

Retail operation
In the first half  of the financial year  retail revenue came to  DKK
580 million (DKK 576 million) which corresponds to a growth of 1%. As
a result of  net store  openings and expansions,  retail revenue  was
positively affected by DKK 29 million. The development in  same-store
sales (organic  revenue development)  was in  the second  quarter  of
2008/09 achieved by a setback of 8%. The decline in same-store  sales
was combined 4% in the first half year of the financial year.

Retail profit decreased  by 82% to  DKK 14 million  (DKK 77  million)
which  equals  a   retail  profit   margin  of   2.5%  (13.4%).   The
deterioration is mainly owing to lower sell through at full price and
higher discounts, but also impacts from new store openings.

During the first half year of 2008/09 the Group opened 31 new  stores
and closed 17, primarily in China, which has resulted in a total  net
store influx of  1,200 square  metres. This brings  the Group  retail
operations to 37,600 square metres distributed between 248 locations.

Outlet operation
Outlet operation  came  to DKK  84  million (DKK  71  million)  which
constitutes an 18%  growth. Outlet profit  decreased DKK 13  million,
which equals  an outlet  profit margin  of 4.6%  (24.3%). Again,  the
heavy decline  reflects that  the  economic crisis  has  necessitated
increased discounts.
Earnings development

Decreasing gross profit
For the first half year, gross profit came to DKK 1,211 million  (DKK
1,229 million) which corresponds to a decrease of 1%.

Gross margin was 59.3% (61.0%). The 1.7% percentage point setback  is
attributable to higher discounts and increased inventory write  downs
relative to  last year.  Of these  write downs,  non-recurring  write
downs made  to Cottonfield  Female constitute  DKK 5  million in  the
first quarter and  DKK 19  million in  the second  quarter, in  which
write downs were made to counter the increasing inventories.

Increased discounts and returns and  also inventory write downs  have
more than offset the effect of lower sourcing currencies, which  seen
in isolation have benefited the gross margin by 1.9% percentage point
relative to last year. The effect on gross margin from shifts  across
channels was neutral as compared to last year.

In order  to  ensure a  healthy  gross  profit growth,  a  number  of
activities will be carried through in 2008/08.

Rising capacity costs
Capacity costs came  to DKK  1,009 million (DKK  928 million),  which
translates to  a  9%  increase.  The  cost  rate  increased  by  3.3%
percentage points to 49.4% as  measured against last year.  Excluding
non-recurring impacts amounting to DKK 42 million, the cost rate  is,
however, increased by 1.3% percentage point to 47.4% relative to last

The  non-recurring  impacts  are   partly  owing  to   organisational
rationalisations implemented in the  first quarter (DKK 18  million),
partly allowances  for non-performing  lease  holds, write  downs  of
furniture and equipment in, among others, non-performing stores,  and
a write down of goodwill in the second quarter of the financial  year
(DKK 19 million). Additionally, a marketing inventory (DKK 5 million)
was recognised as a result of an interpretation of the  international
accounting standard IAS 38 adopted.

The underlying cost increase in the first half year of the  financial
year  therefore  constitutes  DKK  39  million,  and  it  is   mainly
attributable to the effect of more retail stores (DKK 32 million). In
the second quarter,  the underlying  cost increase amounts  to DKK  8
million. The effect of more  retail stores constitute DKK 13  million
and increased allowances for bad debts  amount to DKK 8 million.  The
rationalisations carried  out in  2008  alone therefore  entail  cost
savings of DKK 13 million in the second quarter.

The Executive Board expects to significantly bring down costs in  the
second half year of the financial year.

Operating profit
Operating profit  decreased  to DKK  202  million (DKK  301  million)
representing a fall of 33%. Adjusted for the non-recurring impacts of
66 DKK million  mentioned in  the above,  EBIT margin  came to  13.1%

Net financial items
Net financial items increased DKK 6 million to DKK 19 million (DKK 13
million). The  increase is  attributable to  a higher  interest  rate
level of  combined DKK  4 million  as a  result of  averagely  higher
utilisation of  the Group's  credit facilities.  An averagely  higher
average interest  rate  level increased  the  financial costs  DKK  2

In the second quarter, net financial items came to DKK 4 million (DKK
8  million).  Consequently,  net  financial  items  saw  a   positive
development  throughout  the  quarter.  The  development  is  due  to
settlements  of  forward   currency  contracts   in  consequence   of
unrealised sales, which resulted in a profit of DKK 7 million.

Income tax
Calculated income tax was recognised in the amount of DKK 56 million,
which corresponds to 31% of the pre-tax profit.

Net result
Net result  for the  first half  year  decreased by  39% to  DKK  127
million (DKK 207 million).

Cash flows and Balance sheet

Balance sheet
Group assets decreased DKK 82 million  to DKK 1,956 million as at  31
December  2008   (DKK  2,037   million).  The   decrease  is   mainly
attributable to a reduction of the Group's non-current assets.

Non-current assets decreased DKK 68  million relative last year.  The
Group's deferred  tax  assets decreased  DKK  58 million  to  DKK  81
million as  at  31 December  2008.  The  development is  due  to  the
utilisation of deferred assets  in 2008/09 (DKK  27 million) and  the
effect of calculated tax of unrealised profits from forward  currency
contracts recognised  directly over  equity (DKK  37 million).  Fixed
assets under construction increased DKK 30 million to DKK 50  million
(DKK 20 million). This is  mainly attributable to rising  inventories
for the interior to stores, showrooms and the relocation of the  head
quarter of Tiger of Sweden.

Current assets decreased  DKK 14  million to DKK  1,185 million  (DKK
1,199 million).  The  decrease should  be  seen in  relation  to  the
year-on-year increase  of DKK  51 million  in total  inventory  write
downs and an increase in write downs of debtors of DKK 27 million. In
consequence, the  risk  of  further  loss on  these  asset  items  is
assessed to be limited.

In addition  to this,  cash  funds reported  a  decrease of  DKK  120
million  to  DKK  77  million.  Adversely,  other  trade  receivables
increased to DKK 155 million (DKK 33 million), which chiefly reflects
that the  market  value  of the  Group's  financial  instruments  for
currency hedging have increased.

Cash flows
Consolidated cash flows from operating  activities in the first  half
year of  the financial  year were  a  decrease in  inflow of  DKK  36
million to  DKK 134  million  (an inflow  of  DKK 170  million).  The
development is primarily  attributable to  decreased earnings,  which
more than  offset  the reduced  accumulation  of working  capital  as
compared to  the  first  half  year  of  2007/08.  Other  adjustments
comprise currency adjustments to the  balance sheet and the  increase
of  DKK  26   million  owing  to   the  considerable  exchange   rate
fluctuations in the first half year of 2008/09.

Gross investments  in  the first  half  year of  the  financial  year
2008/09 came  to  DKK 81  million  (DKK  75 million),  of  which  the
interior design of stores and showrooms constitute DKK 66 million.

Cash flows from operating and investing activities were an inflow  of
DKK 53 million (an inflow of DKK 95 million), which corresponds to  a
deterioration of DKK 42 million relative to last year.

Cash flows  from  financing activities  were  an outflow  of  DKK  83
million (an outflow  of DKK  76 million). In  the first  half of  the
financial year  repurchased shares  constituted  DKK 13  million  and
dividend paid amounted to DKK 70 million, of which DKK 4 million were
allocated to minority interests.

The total cash flow in the first  half year was an outflow of DKK  31
million (an inflow of DKK 19 million).

Net interest-bearing debt
Consolidated net interest-bearing  debt came to  DKK 681 million  DKK
(DKK 538 million)  which amounts  to an  increase of  DKK 42  million
relative to 30  June 2008  and 143  million relative  to 31  December
2007. The increase is  caused by a decrease  in cash funds, which  is
mainly attributable  to  decreasing  earnings  owing  to  forced-down

Cash situation
Consolidated credit lines constitute a total of DKK 1,226 million  in
non-committed withdrawal rights and DKK 168 in long-term debt against
security in  the  corporate  head  office.  The  utilisation  of  the
withdrawal rights has  at no  point in time  exceeded 80%,  including
currency hedging instruments, bank guarantees and the like.

The  Executive  Board   has  initiated   a  project   that  aims   at
rationalising  the  working  capital.  This  project  is  progressing
according to plan and funds tied up in working capital is expected to
be reduced DKK 150 million within 12 - 18 months. In conjunction with
the cost  rationalisation previously  outlined,  a reduction  of  the
utilisation of credit  lines is thus  expected. The investment  level
will be retained in order to support future revenue growth.

Based on the above together with the Group's outlook, cash generation
is expected to remain strong.  Against this background the  Executive
Board estimates  that  an  extended commitment  on  the  consolidated
credit lines is not required.

However,  the  future   holds  focus  on   reducing  utilisation   of
consolidated credit lines and consequently,  a decision was made  not
to pay dividends  to the shareholders  for the present,  which is  in
keeping with the previous announcement that share buyback  programmes
are discontinued for the time being.

Equity is at 31  December 2008 decreased DKK  122 million to DKK  559
million. Equity ratio is at 31 December 2008 28.6% (33.4%).

At the Annual  General Meeting of  the Company 22  October 2008,  the
proposal to pay dividends amounting to DKK 66 million was passed, and
dividends were subsequently paid.

Equity movements and the development in treasury shares are specified
on page 16.

Purchase of shares by related parties
On the 24  and 25  November 2008,  the company  Friheden Invest  A/S,
owned by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, acquired 106,236 and
50.000  shares,  respectively,  at  a  total  market  value  of   DKK
9,374,160. The transaction was made at OMX - Nordic Exchange.

Reduction of share capital
At the Annual General Meeting of IC Companys held on 22 October 2008,
a resolution was adopted to reduce the company's share capital by DKK
9,768,250 nominal value, equivalent to the number of shares, 976,825,
that had been bought back  under the share buyback programmes  during
the period from 3 January to 27 July 2008.

As no objections  against the  capital reduction  have been  received
within the three-month period, the reduction has now been  registered
at the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency as of 26 January 2009.  A
number of  shares equivalent  to the  reduction of  capital,  976,825
shares, has concurrently been cancelled.

After the completion of the reduction, the company's share capital is
DKK 169,428,070 nominal value, consisting of 16,942,807 shares of DKK
10 nominal value each.

Shares of 49% sold to the company Designers Remix Collection A/S
IC Companys has entered into an  agreement to sell 49% of its  shares
in the company Designers Remix Collection A/S to the daily management
of  the  company,  Creative  Director  Charlotte  Eskildsen  and  her
partner, Managing Director Niels Eskildsen.

The sale was made to support the future brand strategy and to  ensure
the long-term  partnership with  Charlotte and  Niels Eskildsen.  The
change in  ownership does  not  carry any  affect  on the  full  year
revenue guidance to the current financial year.

A prerequisite for the transfer is approval of the transfer price  by
the tax authorities.

reestimation future guidance

The outlook  for 2008/09  is affected  by uncertainty  regarding  the
economic development  in Europe  and implementation  of the  business
development and cost adjustment mentioned in the above.

For the full year 2008/09 expectations remain slightly lower  revenue
as compared to the financial year 2007/08. For the full year 2008/09,
an operating profit in the region of DKK 110-160 million is  expected
taking into account the combined non-recurring impacts in the  region
of DKK 100-120 million (previously:  significantly lower than in  the
financial year  2007/08).
Investments in  the region  of DKK  120-140 million  will be  carried
through, primarily to  direct sales  promoting activities,  including
interior design of stores and showrooms.
The  execution  of  the   actions  previously  mentioned   concerning
rationalisation, distribution strategy and value chain is expected to
result in positive consolidated  earnings in 2009/10  as well as  the
investment rate is expected to be maintained.

Based on these actions, the  Executive Board believes that the  Group
will  emerge   stronger  from   the  currently   challenging   market

IC Companys A/S

Niels Mikkelsen
Chairman of  the  Board  of  Directors
Chief Executive Officer

Further information

Niels  Mikkelsen,  Chief  Executive  Officer
Chris Bigler, Chief Financial Officer
Tel.: + 45 3266 7017
Tel.: + 45 3266 7721

statement of the management

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board have considered and
approved the interim financial report for the period 1 July 2008 - 31
December 2008.

The interim financial report is unaudited and has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" as adopted by
the EU, cf. section on accounting polices and additional Danish
interim reporting requirements for listed companies.

We consider the accounting policies applied to the effect that the
interim financial report gives a true and fair view of the Group's
assets, liabilities and financial position as at 31 December 2008,
and of the results of the Group's operations and cash flows in the
period 1 July 2008 - 31 December 2008.

We further  consider  management's  review  to be  a  true  and  fair
presentation  of  the  development  in  the  Group's  operations  and
financial matters,  the  profit of  the  period and  of  the  Group's
financial position  as  a  whole and  describes  material  risks  and
elements of uncertainty pertaining to the Group.

Copenhagen, 22 February 2009

Executive Board:

Executive Board:

Chief Executive Officer           Chief Financial Officer
Executive Brand Officer

Board of Directors:

NIELS ERIK MARTINSEN           HENRIK HEIDEBY                    OLE
Chairman                              Deputy
Chairman                   Deputy Chairman

income statement

balance sheet - Assets

BALANCE sheet - equity and liabilities

movements in equity

Group cash flow statement


1. Accounting policies
The interim financial report  is prepared in  accordance with IAS  34"Interim  Financial  Reporting"  and  additional  Danish   disclosure
requirements to the interim financial reports for listed companies.

The accounting policies applied in  the interim financial report  are
unchanged with respect  to the Company's  Annual Report for  2007/08.
For more  information on  the accounting  policies, we  refer to  our
Annual Report for 2007/08.  A few reclassifications  are made in  the
notes to the financial  statements, which have had  no affect on  the
income statement, the balance sheet and the equity in the comparative

2. seasonability
The Group's business area is influenced by seasonal fluctuations.
These fluctuations are attributable to seasonality in deliveries to
wholesale customers and a sales season of the Group's products that
varies over the year in retail and outlet operations. The Group's
wholesale peak quarters are historically first and third quarter. By
association, revenue and operating profit vary in the various
reporting periods, and interim financial reports are not necessarily
indicative of future trends. Results of the individual quarters are
therefore not reliable sources in terms of projecting the Group's

3. sharebased remuneration

Stock option grants in 2008/09
The Executive stock option programme for the current Executive  Board
comprised 142,302 stock options as at 30 June 2008.

The Board of Directors granted  Anders Cleemann 30,000 stock  options
after his  appointment  to  the Executive  Team.  The  stock  options
granted give  admittance  to  -  in  immediate  continuation  of  the
company's release  of  the annual  report  for 2008/09,  2009/10  and
2010/11 - against payment in cash - to buy 10,000 shares annually.

By the use of the Black &  Scholes model and under the assumption  of
an exercise price of DKK  163 plus 5% per  annum, a volatility of  25
per cent  annually,  an  expected  yield percentage  of  2.8%  and  a
risk-free rate of return of 4.40 per cent annually, the market  value
of the stock options can be assessed to DKK 0.3 million.

The Board of  Directors has  also granted Peter  Fabrin 30,000  stock
options. The stock options granted give admittance to - in  immediate
continuation of  the  company's  release of  the  annual  report  for
2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11  11 - against payment  in cash - to  buy
10,000 shares annually.

By the use of the Black & Scholes model, and under the assumption of
an exercise price of DKK 113 plus 5% per annum, a volatility of 35
per cent annually, an expected yield percentage of 4.1% and a
risk-free rate of return of 4.0 per cent annually, the market value
of the stock options can be assessed to DKK 0.3 million.

The Executive stock option programme to the previous Executive Board
comprised as at 30 June 2008 60,000 unexercised stock options. In the
financial year 2008/09, 40,000 stock options lapsed as unexercised
stock options for one year cannot be transferred to a subsequent

4. inventory

5. Trade receivables

Movements in allowance for bad debt:

6. restructuring costs

Profit for the  first half  year is affected  by restructuring  costs
recognised in the  first quarter in  connection with the  integration
under joint management of, for  one, Cottonfield and Jackpot,  InWear
and Matinique and the discontinuation of Cottonfield Female.


IC Companys AS  Interim Report H1 200809.pdf