Correction: Metro International announces results of EGM/OGM

The press release is hereby re-sent with it's entire content,
including the first words, which were missing in the original
version. /Hugin

Metro International S.A. ("Metro" or the "Company"), the
international newspaper group, today held its Extraordinary General
Meeting ("EGM") and an Ordinary General Meeting ("OGM") of
shareholders in Luxembourg. All proposed resolutions were duly

The minutes from the EGM and OGM can be downloaded on Metro
International's website

For further information please contact:

Anders Kronborg, CFO             tel:  +44 (0)791 2540800
Ingrid Seldén, IR contact        tel:  +44 (0)77 25245881



Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro is
published in over 100 major cities in 19 countries across Europe,
North & South America and Asia. Metro has a unique global reach -
attracting a young, active, well-educated Metropolitan audience of 17
million daily readers.

Metro International S.A. shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm
through Swedish Depository Receipts of series A and series B under
the symbols MTROA and MTROB


Press release PDF.pdf