Report on transactions in the Company's shares and related securities by officers of IC Companys and connected persons


24 February 2009

Report on transactions in the Company's shares and related securities
by officers of IC Companys and connected persons

Pursuant to section  28a of  the Danish Securities  Trading Act,  the
Company must  file information  on transactions  by officers  of  the
Company and connected persons.

| Name                | Anders Colding Friis                        |
| Reason              | Member of the Board of Directors of IC      |
|                     | Companys A/S                                |
| Issuer              | IC Companys A/S                             |
| Securities code     | DK0010221803                                |
| Description         | Shares                                      |
| Transaction         | Purchase                                    |
| Trading date        | 23 February 2009                            |
| Market              | OMX - Nordic Exchange                       |
| Number              | 3,000                                       |
| Market value in DKK | 145,500                                     |

| Name                | Henrik Heideby                              |
| Reason              | Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors   |
|                     | of  IC Companys A/S                         |
| Issuer              | IC Companys A/S                             |
| Securities code     | DK0010221803                                |
| Description         | Shares                                      |
| Transaction         | Purchase                                    |
| Trading date        | 23 February 2009                            |
| Market              | OMX - Nordic Exchange                       |
| Number              | 4,500                                       |
| Market value in DKK | 220,950                                     |

IC Companys A/S

Niels Mikkelsen
Chief Executive Officer

 This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
                    Danish version shall prevail.

IC Companys A/S - Raffinaderivej 10 - DK 2300 Copenhagen S - tel. +45
3266 7788 - fax +45 3266 7703 - CVR no. 62 81 64 14


Report transactions.pdf