no 21/09 23 March 2009 system upgrade - important instructions for members

Lysaker, 26 February 2009

Information to all exchange and clearing members
With reference to exchange information /en/asa/Quotes-and-market-information/Exchange-information/2008/no-9408-Launch-date-for-upgrades-of-Nord-Pools-trading-and-clearing-systems-2009/ no 94/08  and system upgrades 23 March 2009, please see instructions below about configuration and verification tasks to be carried out by members in advance.

Instructions for members
The upgrade will take place on the weekend 21-22 March. Members are asked to perform the following system verification steps on Sunday 22 March:
 - Sunday 22 March 10.00-12.00 CET. Verification of system connectivity and user accounts in the upgraded system. Detailed instructions on how to perform the verification will be communicated before the launch.

 - Results of the members' connectivity tests must be reported to Nord Pool via a web-based form by 12.00 on Sunday. 

 - A “go, no-go” decision will be communicated by 14.00 CET on Sunday 22 March.
Restrictions on changes of user accounts

Changes to user name and user rights will be kept to a minimum during the weeks before the system upgrade (calendar weeks 11 and 12). Members are recommended to plan ahead and make changes that will be needed during these two weeks already during the week of 2 March (calendar week 10).

Front-end applications
Members are recommended to keep the current front-end applications, i.e., the PowerCLICK v.1.03 application and CDA operational until Monday 23 March. The reason for this is the ability to trade, approve and distribute in case the upgrade has to be rolled back.

The new versions of front-end applications can be downloaded and installed the week before the launch, i.e. the week of 16 March. When installing a new version of a front-end application on a PC with an existing installation of the same application, the new installation must be placed in a new folder.

Backup date for the system upgrade 

 - The back up date for the system upgrade is 20 April, 2009.
An overview of the system upgrades actions can be found under /en/asa/Markets/System-upgrades/ system upgrades »  on the Nord Pool ASA website. 

For enquiries and general information, please contact:  // 

For further information, please contact Nord Pool Clearing ASA, part of NASDAQ OMX Commodities: 

Camilla Christiansen, head of market & credit, 
phone +47 6710 8414/ +47 9181 4112

Elisabeth Lervik, market & credit, 
phone +47 6710 8423

Media requests: Lars Galtung, corporate communications, 
phone + 47 9821 4812