Fortum re-ranked the most responsible energy company in Storebrand's global 'Best in Class' report

Fortum Corporation                                                              
Press release                                                                   
26 February 2009
Fortum re-ranked the most responsible energy company in Storebrand's global
'Best in Class' report 
Norwegian banking group Storebrand has published its global report on the most  
responsible companies in the electric utilities sector. Among the 53 companies  
evaluated, 14 best were estimated to fulfil the criteria of the Storebrand      
funds. The report assessed companies with various indicators in the areas of    
environmental and social performance. In the overall assessment, Fortum was     
ranked the best, for the second time in a row.                                  

Fortum had the highest score with regard to climate change mitigation thanks to 
its comprehensive approach and large share of renewables in power generation.   
Also R&D investments in renewable energies and in carbon capture technologies   
were acknowledged. This year, climate change was added to the industry analysis 
as a new main indicator. Companies with the strongest impact and the worst      
performance in the climate change assessment do not qualify for any of          
Storebrand's investments.                                                       

Fortum got top scores also for its social performance, especially in the areas  
of corporate governance, occupational health and safety as well as human and    
labour rights. Also active approach to stakeholders was acknowledged.           

Storebrand performs periodic analyses of companies listed in the Morgan Stanley 
Capital International World Index. These analyses cover environmental and social
responsibility performance. Those companies ranking among the top 30% of        
Storebrand's SRI assessment earn the Storebrand Best in Class qualification. The
recipients of the symbol qualify as Storebrand's SRI investment targets.        
Storebrand is one of the pioneers in the assessment of corporate responsibility 
of investment targets and one of the best SRI-investment companies in the world.

In addition to the recognition from Storebrand, Fortum is also included on the  
global Dow Jones Sustainability and World Indexes as the only Nordic power and  
heat company. Furthermore, Fortum is included in the Climate Disclosure         
Leadership Index (CDLI), which comprised 68 FT500 companies that show           
distinction in their reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and implementation of
climate change strategies. Fortum is the only Nordic energy company also in this

Fortum Corporation                                                              
Corporate Communications                                                        

Further information:                                                                                                                                                            

Hannu Härkönen, Sustainability Manager                                          
Tel. +358 10 45 24162