Vacon's summary of year 2008 releases published

Vacon Plc, Stock Exchange Announcement February 27, 2009 at 4 p.m.:

Vacon has today published an annual summary of all its stock exchange
releases and stock exchange announcements during the financial year
2008. This can be found at Vacon's website at, under
the Media Center>Releases> Summary of stock exchange releases and
press releases in 2008

Vacon will publish its Annual Report 2008 in Finnish and English
during week 11. The report will be available as flash paper version
as well as PDF files on the company web site at You
can order the printed version of the report from the company's
website under Investors > Order Annual Report or by sending an email
to The printed reports will be mailed to the
shareholders only by request, not automatically as has been the
practice during the last years.

Vacon in brief:
Vacon is driven by a passion to design, manufacture and sell only the
best AC drives on the planet. AC drives can be used to control
electric motors or to help generate power from renewable sources.
Vacon has R&D and production facilities in Finland, the United
States, China and Italy, and sales offices in more than 25 countries.
In 2008, revenues totalled EUR 293.2 million, and Vacon employed ca.
1,200 persons worldwide. Vacon's shares (VAC1V) are listed and
publicly traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
Driven by Drives,

Further information:
Sebastian Linko, Director, Corporate Communications, +358 (0)40 8371
634, email
Nasdaq OMX Helsinki
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