CENCORP CORPORATION	 STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   27 February 2009                

Cencorp Corporation(”Cencorp”) and Savcor Group Oy (“Savcor”, under the name    
Savcor Group Ltd Oy until 4 February 2009) have by the stock exchange releases  
published on 28 November 2008, 1 December 2008 and 3 February 2009 made         
disclosures concerning the agreement concluded between Cencorp, Savcor and Sampo
Bank (“Sampo Bank”) on 28 November 2008, by which the said parties have agreed  
on a conditional financing arrangement in relation to Cencorp. As part thereof, 
the extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Cencorp held on 22 December 2008   
resolved, inter alia, on authorising the board of directors to decide on issues 
of shares to Sampo Bank, the shareholders of Cencorp and the members of the     
board of directors of Cencorp (“Conditional Financing Arrangement”).            

Relating to the above said Conditional Financing Arrangement, disclosures were  
made by the stock exchange releases published on 28 November 2008, 1 December   
2008 and 3 February 2009 concerning the planned transaction, whereby Cencorp    
were to purchase the whole share capital of Savcor Alfa Oy, a company indirectly
owned by Savcor, and, relating to said transaction, Photonium Oy would offer to 
Cencorp, inter alia, planning and possible production services concerning       
production automation equipment based on a conditional cooperation agreement    
signed by Cencorp and Photonium Ltd. on 3 February 2009 (the “Cooperation       
Agreement” and together with the share transaction the “Transaction”). The      
Cooperation Agreement includes a call option, on the basis of which Cencorp has 
the right to purchase, at its discretion, the businesses of Photonium Ltd and   
Akseli Lahtinen Oy within the next three years from the date of the Cooperation 
Agreement's entry into force. However, the call option cannot be exercised prior
to 1 January 2010.                                                              

The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has today, on 27 February 2009,     
approved Cencorp's prospectus relating to the Conditional Financing Arrangement.
The Prospectus will be available as of 2 March 2009 at the company's head office
at Maksjoentie 11, FI-08700 Lohja, Finland, at the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd's    
service desk at Fabianinkatu 14, 00130 Helsinki as well as in electronic form on
the company's website and Sampo Bank Plc's website                                                         

Shareholders are requested to familiarise themselves in detail with the         
prospectus and the information included in it. By this stock exchange release,  
the Company publishes only the following, previously non-disclosed essential    
information described in more detail in the prospectus.                         

Business and strategy after the Transaction (Annex 1)                           
Financial figures of Savcor Alfa Oy (Annex 2)                                   
Unaudited pro forma financial information (Annex 3)                             
CENCORP CORPORATION                                                             

Additional information:                                                         

Hannu Timmerbacka                                                               
Managing Director                                                               
Cencorp Corporation                                                             

Tel.: +358 (0)400 620845                                                        


Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main Media                                                                      


Upon completion of the Transaction, Savcor Alfa Oy will transfer to Cencorp's   
ownership and it will become Cencorp's wholly owned subsidiary. The purpose of  
the Transaction is to create out of Cencorp an even more significant company    
specialised in automation solutions to the electronics industry, which is       
capable of providing more diversified and effective automation and laser        

Upon completion of the Transaction, Cencorp's business will consist of the      
planning, manufacturing, sale and marketing of automation solutions and         
automation systems. The production automation solutions and the production      
automation systems provided by the company usually combine products from several
of Cencorp's application areas. The application areas and main product lines of 
Cencorp after the completion of the Transaction are presented in the table      
below. Furthermore, the cooperation with Photonium based on the Cooperation     
Agreement will enhance the product range of Cencorp and will bring Cencorp an   
opportunity to offer more extensive product ranges and solutions.               

|                     | Application industries   | Main product lines          |
| From current        | Test applications        | Test handling(test          |
| Cencorp             | Automation applications  | handlers, visual inspection |
|                     |                          | and laser marking)          |
|                     |                          | ML2000, ML4, SL501, LM501   |
|                     |                          | and FM50                    |
|                     |                          | Depaneling machines for     |
|                     |                          | circuit boards              |
|                     |                          | BR1000, VR1000, SR1001 and  |
|                     |                          | OS 1001                     |
|                     |                          | Odd-form component placing  |
|                     |                          | assembly cells              |
|                     |                          | OF1000 and OF Flex 1000     |
|                     |                          | Fi                          |
| From current Savcor | Laser applications       | Laser marking workstations: |
| Alfa Oy             |                          | Basic, Basic R, In-Line,    |
|                     |                          | Maxi, Cube, Nano            |
|                     |                          | Laser plastic cutting       |
|                     |                          | workstations:               |
|                     |                          | Gate and Gate-T             |
|                     |                          | Laser plastics welding      |
|                     |                          | workstations:               |
|                     |                          | Basic QS, Basic QS-R and    |
|                     |                          | In-Line QS                  |
|                     |                          | Laser metal welding         |
|                     |                          | workstations:               |
|                     |                          | Basic W and Inline W        |
|                     |                          | Custom made marking,        |
|                     |                          | cutting and welding         |
|                     |                          | workstations with customer  |
|                     |                          | specific needs              |
|                     |                          | Contract manufacturing      |


Cencorp is engaged in the telecommunications, industrial electronics and        
transport electronic application industry by offering production automation     
cells, testing solutions, laser solutions and delivering comprehensive solutions
comprised of these as well as maintenance and other technical service related   
thereto. Cencorp focuses on Scandinavia and the rest of Europe, North America,  
Latin America and Asia as its market area. Compared to its competitors, the     
Company produces significant additional value to its customers by focusing the  
product development to the needs of its target market as well as from the       
development actions taken in respect of the operative business.                 

Cencorp seeks to tailor the company's operational functions to reflect the      
requirements of the strategy approved by the board of directors of the company. 
Cencorp seeks growth with the help of new products and new clients as well as by
mergers and acquisitions and by technology licensing.                           

Cencorp's aim is to set optimal pricing for its product and services in order to
ensure the repayment of its investments. Cencorp aims at scheduling the launch  
of its development results accurately based on developments in demand and the   
degree of readiness of its products.                                            

APPENDIX 2: FINANCIAL FIGURES OF SAVCOR ALFA OY                                 

The figures presented below are based on the confirmed financial statements of  
Savcor Alfa Oy from the financial periods ended on 31 December 2008, 31 December
2007 and 31 December 2006. The prospectus of Cencorp approved on 27 February    
2009 presents more detailed information on Savcor Alfa Oy.                      

Profit and loss statement information                                           

| EUR 1,000                    | 1 January    | 1 January     | 1 January 2006 |
|                              | 2008 -31     | 2007 -31      | -31 December   |
|                              | December     | December 2007 | 2006           |
|                              | 2008         |               |                |
|                              | FAS          | FAS           | FAS            |
|                              | (audited)    | (audited)     | (audited)      |
| Turnover                     |        1,690 |         2,004 |            842 |
| Acquisition and manufacture  |      (1,559) |       (1,478) |          (658) |
| costs                        |              |               |                |
| Gross profit	             |          131 |           527 |            183 |
| Sale and marketing costs	    |        (293) |         (197) |           (32) |
| Administrational costs      |        (260) |         (180) |          (132) |
| Other business profits	   |           62 |             - |             45 |
| Other business costs	   |          (6) |           (4) |           (49) |
| Operating income	            |        (367) |           146 |             16 |
| Financial income and         |         (66) |          (15) |             17 |
| financing costs	             |              |               |                |
| Profit before extraordinary  |        (433) |           132 |             32 |
| items	                      |              |               |                |
| Extraordinary items	    |            - |         (100) |           (30) |
| Profit before                |        (433) |            32 |              2 |
| profit-adjusting entries,    |              |               |                |
| taxes and minority interest  |              |               |                |
| Profit-adjusting entries	    |            - |           (1) |              - |
| Direct taxes	             |            - |          (10) |            (1) |
| Profit of the financial      |        (433) |            21 |              1 |
| period	                      |              |               |                |

Balance sheet                                                                   

| EUR 1,000                    | 31 December   | 31 December   | 31 December   |
|                              | 2008          | 2007          | 2006          |
|                              | FAS           | FAS           | FAS           |
|                              | (audited)     | (audited)     | (audited)     |
| Assets                       |               |               |               |
| Intangible assets	   |           376 |             6 |             7 |
| Tangible assets	             |           586 |           535 |           330 |
| Fixed assets	             |           962 |           541 |           337 |
| Current assets	              |           158 |            83 |            92 |
| Long-term receivables	    |             - |             - |            63 |
| Short-term receivables	     |           505 |           597 |           159 |
| Liquid assets	              |             3 |           119 |             5 |
| Current assets in total	     |           666 |           800 |           319 |
| Total	                       |         1,628 |         1,341 |           657 |
| Equity and liabilities       |               |               |               |
| Equity	                      |             8 |             8 |             8 |
| Profit of the previous       |           472 |           482 |           481 |
| financial periods	    |               |               |               |
| Adjusted profit funds	    |             0 |          (31) |             0 |
| Profit of the financial      |         (433) |            21 |             1 |
| period	                      |               |               |               |
| Equity in total	             |            48 |           480 |           490 |
| Accrued depreciation         |             1 |             1 |             0 |
| difference 	             |               |               |               |
| Long-term liabilities	    |           876 |           546 |             0 |
| Short-term liabilities	   |           703 |           314 |           167 |
| Liabilities in total	   |         1,580 |           860 |           167 |
| Total		           |         1,628 |         1,341 |           657 |


The unaudited pro forma financial information will be included in its entirety  
in the Section “Certain unaudited pro forma information on Cencorp” of the      
A summary of the unaudited pro forma information is provided below. The         
unaudited pro forma information has been presented in order to illustrate what  
would be the pro forma profit of Cencorp Group if the arrangements(“Combined    
Transaction”), disclosed by the stock exchange releases published on 28 November
2008, 1 December 2008 and 3 February 2009, consisting of the Conditional        
Financial Arrangement and Transaction as well as of the EUR 800,000 share issue 
to Savcor of 3 February 2008 and of Savcor's EUR 200,000 loan to Cencorp, would 
have been realised on 1 January 2008, and what would have been the pro forma    
balance sheet of Cencorp Group if the said Combined Transaction would have been 
realised on 31 December 2008.                                                   

The following transactions in the pro forma information concerning the Combined 
Transaction are assumed to have occurred earlier than the true timing of the    

1)	The EUR 200 thousand loan granted by Savcor to Cencorp based on the agreement
between Cencorp and Savcor signed on 3 February 2009;                           

2)	The share issue to Savcor based on the authorisation of the board of         
directors of Cencorp on 3 February 2009, of which Savcor subscribed for         
10,000,000 Company shares for a subscription price of EUR 0.08 per share.       

3)	Converting of the EUR 3,569 thousand senior loan receivables of Sampo Bank   
into equity after completion of Savcor's voluntary public tender offer for all  
the shares and options of Cencorp.                                              

4)	The conversion of the EUR 2,689 thousand capital loan of Sampo Bank into     
equity on 28 November 2008;                                                     

5)	Cencorp's receivable, based on the pre-emptive right share issue to the      
shareholders of Cencorp authorised by the extraordinary shareholders meeting of 
Cencorp on 22 December 2008, the minimum amount of which receivable, based on   
the undertaking given by Savcor, is EUR 1,600 thousand;                         

6)	Cencorp's receivable of EUR 450 thousand based on the undertakings of the    
members of the board of directors relating to the share issue directed to the   
members of the board of directors of Cencorp; and                               

7)	The purchase of shares based on the conditional agreement between Cencorp and
Savcor signed on 3 February 2009, based on which Cencorp will purchase the      
entire share capital of Savcor Alfa Oy.                                         

The information has been presented solely to illustrate the effects of the      
Combined Transaction and the intention is not to present what the result and    
financial position of the new Cencorp Group would have been in reality had the  
Combined Transaction been implemented at the time mentioned above. The          
information also does not illustrate what the result and financial position of  
the new Cencorp Group is in the future.                                         

The unaudited pro forma financial information is based on Cencorp's unaudited   
financial statement release concerning the accounting period 1 January - 31     
December 2008 and on Savcor Alfa Oy's audited financial statements of 1 January 
- 31 December 2008. The financial information concerning Cencorp has been       
prepared in accordance with the IFRS -standards. The financial information      
concerning Savcor Alfa Oy has been prepared in accordance with the calculation  
principles in the Finnish Accounting Act and has been adjusted to correspond to 
the international accounting standards (“IFRS”). Shareholders are asked to note 
that the IFRS and pro forma adjustments are not separately provided in table    
below. The IFRS and pro -forma adjustments in question and their impact and the 
calculation principles of the pro forma financial information are presented in  
detail in the prospectus.                                                       

Consolidated income statement information for the financial period as of 1      
January 2008 to 31 December 2008                                                

| EUR 1,000                    | Cencorp     | Savcor        | Pro forma New   |
|                              | Group       | Alfa          | Cencorp  Group  |
|                              | IFRS        | FAS           | IFRS            |
|                              | (unaudited) | (audited)     | (unaudited)     |
| Turnover                     |      15,611 |         1,690 |          17,277 |
| Other business profits	   |          86 |            62 |             148 |
| Changes in the stocks of     |       (675) |             - |           (675) |
| finished and unfinished      |             |               |                 |
| products	             |             |               |                 |
| Materials and services in    |      (6,521 |         (9269 |         (7,582) |
| total	                      |             |               |                 |
| Staff expenses in total	     |     (6,1499 |         (427) |         (6,789) |
| Depreciations and reduction  |       (831) |          (94) |         (1,025) |
| of value in total	   |             |               |                 |
| Other business costs	   |     (3,706) |         (671) |         (4,399) |
| Total	                      |    (17,882) |       (2,118) |        (20,470) |
| Business profit	             |     (2,185) |         (367) |         (3,046) |
| Financial income and         |     (2,386) |          (66) |         (1,926) |
| financing costs in total	    |             |               |                 |
| Profit after financing       |     (4,571) |         (433) |         (4,972) |
| items	                      |             |               |                 |
| Extraordinary items	    |           - |             - |               - |
| Profit-adjusting entries	    |        (24) |             - |            (24) |
| Profit before taxation	    |     (4,595) |         (433) |         (4,996) |
| Taxation in total	    |           - |             - |              -8 |
| Profit of the financial      |     (4,595) |         (433) |         (5,004) |
| period	                      |             |               |                 |

Consolidated balance sheet information per 31 December 2008                     

| EUR 1,000                    | Cencorp     | Savcor Alfa    | Pro forma New  |
|                              | Group       |                | Cencorp Group  |
|                              | IFRS        | FAS            | IFRS           |
|                              | (unaudited) | (audited)      | (unaudited)    |
| Assets                       |             |                |                |
| Tangible capital assets      |       1,431 |            586 |          2,154 |
| goods                        |             |                |                |
| Business value	             |       2,028 |             -  |          3,054 |
| Other intangible goods       |       1,243 |            57  |          1,599 |
| R&D costs                    |           - |            319 |              - |
| Calculated tax receivables   |           - |              - |             83 |
| Saleable investments         |          10 |              - |             10 |
| Long-term assets in total    |       4,712 |            962 |          6,900 |
| Current assets               |       3,554 |            158 |          3,788 |
| Sales receivables            |       2,974 |            259 |          3,233 |
| Other short-term receivables |         472 |            165 |            637 |
| Receivables from the         |           - |             81 |             81 |
| companies of the same group  |             |                |                |
| Liquid assets                |         175 |              3 |          2,412 |
| Short-term assets in total   |       7,175 |            666 |         10,151 |
| Total	                      |      11,887 |          1,628 |         17,051 |
| Equity and liabilities       |             |                |                |
| Share capital                |       3,425 |              8 |          3,425 |
| Other funds                  |      12,007 |              - |         18,425 |
| Conversion difference        |          69 |              - |             69 |
| Proceeds                     |    (13,602) |            472 |       (14,101) |
| Profit of the financial      |           - |          (433) |              - |
| period                       |             |                |                |
| Equity in total	             |       1,899 |             48 |          7,818 |
| Accrued depreciation         |           - |              1 |              - |
| difference                   |             |                |                |
| Liabilities                  |             |                |                |
| Long-term liabilities        |       2,962 |            876 |          1,370 |
| Calculated tax liability     |          13 |              - |            146 |
| Long-term liabilities in     |       2,975 |           876  |          1,517 |
| total	                      |             |                |                |
| Instalments of long-term     |       1,383 |              - |          1,383 |
| liabilities                  |             |                |                |
| Short-term liabilities       |       2,596 |              - |          2,596 |
| Accounts payable and other   |       2,919 |            377 |          3,296 |
| liabilities                  |             |                |                |
| Liabilities to the companies |           - |            327 |            327 |
| of the same group            |             |                |                |
| Short-term provisions        |         115 |              - |            115 |
| Short-term liabilities in    |       7,013 |           703  |          7,716 |
| total	                      |             |                |                |
| Liabilities in total	   |       9,988 |          1,580 |          9,233 |
| Equity and liabilities in    |      11,887 |          1,628 |         17,051 |
| total	                      |             |                |                |