Structural adjustments in IC Companys A/S


2 March 2009

Structural adjustments in IC Companys A/S

As previously announced in the Group's Interim Report H1 23  February
2009 (Stock Exchange Announcement  no.   7/2009) the Executive  Board
has launched a  number of  initiatives with  a view  to, among  other
things, reducing the cost base. These initiatives are partly made  to
enhance efficiency  and  flexibility  in  IC  Companys  in  order  to
strengthen the Group's sustainability  to cyclical fluctuations,  and
partly to increase the capacity to exploit new opportunities.

Outsourcing non-strategic functions
In the  future,  an external  partner  will be  responsible  for  the
interior shop design. As a result, the Group's executive momentum and
flexibility will be enhanced, which  is paramount to the  realisation
of the growth required.  Our partner assumes  full ownership after  a
transition period up to 1 July 2009.

Other structural adjustments
In order to increase efficiency,  two minor warehouses in Poland  are
merged into one large that is more suitably organised. Combined,  the
result is a capacity  increase from the beginning  of April 2009  and
consequently, the satellite warehouse in Herlev will be vacated.  The
relocation is expected to be completed 1 July 2009.

In connection  with  increased  focus on  value  chain  optimisation,
Soaked in Luxury  will be integrated  in IC Companys  A/S and on  the
shared platform.  The integration  will  result in  synergy  effects,
which are  expected  to  benefit  not  only  the  brand  by  offering
economies of scale, but also the shared platform, which in turn  will
draw on the insights and competences  built in Soaked in Luxury.  The
integration is expected to be  completed during the first quarter  of
the financial year 2009/10.

The structural adjustments  mentioned in  the above are  part of  the
rationalisations announced  in the  Interim  Report H1  2008/09.   As
such, they  will  not have  any  impact on  the  future  expectations
previously announced.

IC Companys A/S

Niels Mikkelsen
Chief Executive Officer

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to

Chris Bigler
Chief Financial Officer
+45 3266 7017

Thomas Rohold
Investor Relations Manager
+45 3266 7093

 This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the
event of any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the
                    Danish version shall prevail.


IC Companys AS structural adjustments.pdf