Statistics for February 2009 and II quarter of 2008/2009 financial year

In the second quarter of the 2008/2009 financial year (December-February) AS    
Tallink Grupp transported 1 807 414 passengers which is 15% increase compared to
the previous year. The number of trucks and trailers decreased by 29% to 56 602 
units in the second quarter. In February 2009 the passenger volume was nearly  
same as year ago. Our market shares increased in all of our main routes.        

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo unit and passenger car numbers for February 
2009 and second quarter of the financial year were the following:               

|           | February  | February | change | II Quarter| II Quarter | change  |
|           |   2009    |   2008   |        | 2008/2009 | 2007/2008  |         |
| Passengers|   601 218 |  606 058 |  -0,8% | 1 807 414 |  1 570 255 |   15,1% |
| Finland-  |   271 963 |  269 482 |   0,9% |   743 726 |    654 388 |   13,7% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |   237 264 |  244 015 |  -2,8% |   750 743 |    659 965 |   13,8% |
| Finland   |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |    64 449 |   66 196 |  -2,6% |   212 341 |    172 385 |   23,2% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Latvia-   |    23 321 |   18 548 |  25,7% |    83 992 |     58 642 |   43,2% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Finland-  |     4 221 |    7 817 | -46,0% |    16 612 |     24 875 |  -33,2% |
| Germany   |           |          |        |           |            |         |
|           |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Cargo     |    19 061 |   27 601 | -30,9% |    56 602 |     79 374 |  -28,7% |
| Units     |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Finland-  |     7 225 |    8 932 | -19,1% |    19 443 |     25 060 |  -22,4% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |     6 625 |   10 048 | -34,1% |    20 485 |     27 901 |  -26,6% |
| Finland   |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |     2 202 |    3 410 | -35,4% |     7 265 |     10 258 |  -29,2% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Latvia-   |     1 019 |    1 057 |  -3,6% |     3 085 |      2 894 |    6,6% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Finland-  |     1 990 |    4 154 | -52,1% |     6 324 |     13 261 |  -52,3% |
| Germany   |           |          |        |           |            |         |
|           |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Passenger |    49 954 |   38 507 |  29,7% |   163 572 |    128 180 |   27,6% |
| Vehicles  |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Finland-  |     8 148 |    6 609 |  23,3% |    27 097 |     25 237 |    7,4% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |    34 524 |   25 489 |  35,4% |   108 405 |     78 381 |   38,3% |
| Finland   |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Estonia-  |     2 955 |    2 795 |   5,7% |    11 910 |     10 184 |   16,9% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Latvia-   |     3 374 |    2 135 |  58,0% |    12 130 |      8 780 |   38,2% |
| Sweden    |           |          |        |           |            |         |
| Finland-  |       953 |    1 479 | -35,6% |     4 030 |      5 598 |  -28,0% |
| Germany   |           |          |        |           |            |         |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


M/S Galaxy which is larger in capacity operates in the Turku-Stockholm route    
instead of M/S Silja Festival.                                                  


Since April 2008 the second Tallink Shuttle vessel Superstar operates between   
Tallinn and Helsinki.                                                           

New cruise ferry M/S Baltic Princess has replaced the 2006 built M/S Galaxy     
which moved to Turku- Stockholm operations.                                     

From September 2008 the Superfast vessels are not doing the daily               
Tallinn-Helsinki roundtrip any more.                                            


M/S Silja Festival which is larger in capacity has replaced M/S Vana Tallinn.   


The operations in the route are continued with the two vessels instead of three 
as Superfast IX has stopped from September 2008 and is employed in the long-term

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              

