Annual General Meeting of Sydbank A/S and election to the Bank's Board of Directors

Today, Sydbank's AGM gathered in Folkehjem in Aabenraa and adopted the 2008
Director's Report and Annual Report. 

Chairman of the Board of Directors, former County Mayor Mr Kresten Philip-sen,
presented the Directors' Report to the AGM and stated that profit for 2008 is
satisfactory and once again ranks Sydbank among the best perform-ing banks with
a return after tax on shareholders' equity of 8.8%. 

At the AGM four new members were elected and 11 members were re-elected to the
Shareholders' Committee, which now counts 61 members. 

Sydbank's Board of Directors
At the Shareholders' Committee meeting which took place immediately after the
AGM, Mr Svend Erik Busk was elected new member of the Bank's Board of

Mr Kresten Philipsen, former County Mayor, continues as Chairman of the Board
of Directors and Mr Anders Thoustrup, General Manager, continues as

Yours faithfully
Jakob Aakjær	
Head of Executive Secretariat


fm 04 - uk.pdf