Report of transactions with shares and related securities of The East Asiatic Company Ltd A/S by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons/companies closely associated with these

Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Act on Securities Trading The
East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S shall make public transactions with
shares and related securities of The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S by
persons discharging managerial responsabilities and persons/companies
closely associated with these.

| Name             | Michael Østerlund Madsen                       |
| Reason           | Group CFO, member of Operations Management     |
|                  | Team                                           |
| Issuer           | The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S              |
| ID code / ISIN   | DK0010006329                                   |
| Description      | Shares                                         |
| Transaction      | Buy                                            |
| Trading Date     | 05.03.2009                                     |
| Market           | Copenhagen Stock Exchange                      |
| Number           | 1,000                                          |
| Market value DKK | 154,750                                        |

Yours sincerely,
The East Asiatic Company Ltd. A/S
(A/S Det Østasiatiske Kompagni)

For more information:
Christian Lund
Tel.: +45 3525 4300


Report of share transaction.pdf