Nomination proposals with regard to the Geveko Board

The Nomination Committee has submitted the following proposals with
regard to election of the board at the Annual General Meeting 2009:

that David Bergendahl, Christer Simrén, Klas Dunberger, Tomas
Landeström, Ove Mattsson and Åsa Söderström Jerring be re-elected to
the Board,

that Ove Mattsson be elected Chairman of the Board and

that Lars Lewerth be re-elected as deputy member of the Board.

Annual General Meeting will take place at 4.30 pm on Wednesday 29
April 2009 in the Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel in Göteborg, Sweden.

Shareholders representing more than 50% of the voting rights in the
company has informed that they support proposals of the Nomination

The members of the Nomination Committee are: Sigurd Walldal,
Chairman, David Bergendahl and Sören Sjölander.

Göteborg, Sweden March 6, 2009

For further information:
Mr Hans Ljungkvist, CEO and Managing Director
Phone: +46 31 172945, Mobile: 0705 371110

AB GEVEKO (plc) Reg. no.: 556024-6844
Box 2137, 403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 172945,


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