Metsäliitto Group's first quarter 2009 operating result, excluding non-recurring items, will be weaker than the result for previous quarter

Metsäliitto Group Stock Exchange Release 6 March 2009

In connection with the announcement of the financial results for
2008, Metsäliitto Group estimated that the operating result for the
first quarter of 2009, excluding non-recurring items, would improve
from the fourth quarter of 2008 but would remain weaker than the
first quarter of last year. It was also stated that Metsäliitto Group
will not issue a profit estimate for the full year 2009.

Demand and delivery volumes, except for tissue and cooking papers,
have been weaker than expected and production adjustments have had to
be continued on an even larger scale than earlier planned. In
addition, the market price for pulp has continued to fall steeply
during the first months of the year. The fall in price and increased
inventory levels have resulted in pulp inventories being written
down. As a result of these factors, Metsäliitto Group's first quarter
2009 operating result, excluding non-recurring items, is now expected
to be weaker than in the previous quarter.

Due to the great uncertainties with regard to the general economy, it
is currently exceptionally difficult to make result forecasts.
Consequently, when issuing future outlooks Metsäliitto Group will not
give specific result estimates until further notice.

Additional information:
Ilkka Pitkänen, CFO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 10 465 4260