Generational change in FIH Erhvervsbank A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange
SIX Swiss Exchange AG
The Press                                                          10 March 2009
                                                                        Ref. LJO

| Company release 9-2009 - Generational change in FIH Erhvervsbank A/S         |
|                       | Lars Johansen, the CEO of FIH Erhvervsbank A/S       |
|                       | through 11 years is leaving his post on 30 June 2009 |
|                       | as part of a generational change. New CEO is         |
|                       | Director Henrik Sjøgreen.
|                       | Lars Johansen, 63 years, joined as CEO in 1998 and   |
|                       | has delivered excellent results all years until 2008 |
|                       | when FIH Erhvervsbank was also affected by the       |
|                       | global crisis in the financial markets. Earlier this |
|                       | year, FIH Erhvervsbank headed by Lars Johansen,      |
|                       | carried out a major business refocusing to ensure    |
|                       | that the bank is stronger and ready to meet the      |
|                       | challenges of the coming period. The work has now    |
|                       | been completed and Lars Johansen can therefore hand  |
|                       | over a business that has a solid platform in the     |
|                       | market. The generational change has been planned for |
|                       | a time and a date has now been appointed.
|                       | The Board of Directors has appointed Henrik          |
|                       | Sjøgreen, 44, as FIH's new Managing Director and CEO |
|                       | taking up the position on 1 July 2009. Henrik        |
|                       | Sjøgreen has been a member of the Executive Board of |
|                       | FIH Erhvervsbank since 2002 and has previously       |
|                       | served as Senior Executive Director as well as       |
|                       | Executive Director and Head of Banking respectively. |
|                       | Henrik Sjøgreen has been employed in FIH             |
|                       | Erhvervsbank since 1992.
|                       | FIH Erhvervsbank's annual general meeting was held   |
|                       | today, 10 March 2009. The general meeting adopted    |
|                       | the annual report for 2008.
|                       | Immediately following the annual general meeting,    |
|                       | the Board of Directors met to elect its Chairman and |
|                       | Vice-chairman. Hans Skov Christensen was             |
|                       | re-elected as Chairman and Gudni Niels Adalsteinsson |
|                       | was elected as new Vice-Chairman. The composition of |
|                       | the Board of Directors remained unchanged in other   |
|                       | respects.
|                       | Copenhagen, Tuesday 10 March 2009 at 17:00
|                       | Hans Skov Christensen                                |
|                       | Chairman
|                       | For further information please contact Chairman of   |
|                       | the Board of Directors Hans Skov Christensen on      |
|                       | telephone 3377 3600.                                 |


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