Equities: Adjustment of OMX Stockholm Benchmark index due to the rights issue in Nordea (49/09)

Due to the rights issue in Nordea  AB (11:20) rate SEK 20.75 per share, NASDAQ OMX Stockholm will act and adjust Nordea AB (SE0000427361) in accordance to the “Rules for the Construction and Maintenance of the NOREX Exchanges´ All-Share, Sector and Benchmark Indices”, rule 5.1 and 5.3.

The reason for the deviation from the standard 5.3 rule is that the new shares subscribed not are entitled to dividend for year 2008. To compensate for this difference, an amount corresponding to the dividend, EUR 0.20, will be added to the subscription price on the Ex date. The dividend will be converted from EUR to SEK after closing on March 12, 2009 using the 16.00 GMT rate provided by WM Company.   

On the Ex date March 13, 2009 the number of shares for Nordea AB (SE0000427361) in OMX Stockholm Benchmark Index will be increased to 2 821 117 425 shares. 

