Adjustment of OMXC20 index due to rights issue in Nordea Bank AB (03/09)

Nordea Bank AB's Extra General Meeting (EGM), on March 12, 2009, approved a
rights issue (11:20), whereby the shareholders are entitled to 11 new shares
for every 20 shares held. The subscription price is set at DKK 13.49 and the Ex
Date is March 13, 2009. 

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm will carry out an adjustment of OMXC20 index in accordance
with the ”Guidelines for Calculation of the OMXC20 Index” rule 5.3.3 and 5.7.
Due to that the newly issued shares do not entitle to the proposed dividend of
EUR 0.20, the proposed dividend is added to the issue price in the formula for
the adjustment factor. Conversion from EUR to DKK will be made by using The
World Market Company (WM) rate 16.00 (GMT), March 12, 2009. The current number
of shares for Nordea in OMXC20 is 295 306 527. The adjustment will increase the
number of Nordea Bank AB (NDA DKK, SE0000427361) shares in the OMXC20 index to
457 725 116. Due to the adjustment the OMXC20 index divisor will change on the
Ex date.


release_03_omxc20_nordea_rights issue.pdf