Redemption of bonds and interest payments

On maturity date 24 March 2009 BIGBANK AS will redeem its bonds (ISIN code
EE3300096304) listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange bond list. BIGBANK AS will pay
interest on the bonds on 24 March 2009 in the amount of LTL 121.64 per bond.
The bonds interest rate is 12% per annum; the total issue size is ten million
Interests and the redemption payments will be paid to the investors, who
according to the Estonian Central Securities Register (Register) data are the
holders of the bonds on the respective interest payment day, i.e. on 24 March  
2009 at 9 a.m. 
Income tax will be withheld from the interest paid on the bonds in cases
stipulated in legal acts. 

Piret Raudsepp 
Tel +372 7350 923