Energy XXI Partially Monetizes Hedges

                     Proceeds to Reduce Bank Debt

                      Affected Volumes Re-Hedged

HOUSTON, March 12, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Energy XXI (Bermuda) Limited (Nasdaq:EXXI) (AIM:EXXI) today announced the early settlement of certain oil and natural gas hedges. Net proceeds of $66.5 million are expected to be used to reduce borrowings under the company's secured revolving credit facility. Concurrent with the early settlements, Energy XXI re-hedged all of the related volumes.

"Monetizing a portion of our hedges and re-hedging allows Energy XXI to capture value today while still protecting our future cash flows," Energy XXI Chairman and CEO John Schiller said.

At March 11, 2009, the company had approximately $63 million of cash on hand and bank borrowings under its $400 million borrowing base totaled $300.6 million, before application of the $66.5 million of hedge-settlement proceeds. Following the hedge repositioning, the mark-to-market value of the company's hedge portfolio is currently $102 million.

In total, the company monetized crude oil swaps and collars covering 4,174 barrels per day (Bbl/d) for the remainder of 2009, and 1,516 Bbl/d for 2010, as well as natural gas swaps and collars covering 10,507 million British thermal units per day (MMBTU/d) for the remainder of 2009, and 16,055 MMBTU/d for 2010. These hedges were replaced with new crude oil swaps on the same volumes at prices averaging $50.32 for the remainder of 2009 and $54.70 for 2010, as well as natural gas swaps on the same volumes at prices averaging $4.22 for the remainder of 2009 and $5.75 for 2010. The full revised hedge schedule is included as an attachment to this news release.

"Even after re-setting a large portion of our hedge portfolio, we expect to generate sufficient cash flow from operations to pay down additional debt during our 2010 fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2009," Schiller said. "Energy XXI is positioned to ride out the current industry down-cycle and to capture opportunities as oil and gas prices recover."

Energy XXI currently is pursuing a bank borrowing redetermination that is expected to be completed by the end of March. The company remains in compliance with the revolving credit facility's covenants and expects to have continued liquidity under the facility following the redetermination.

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements included in this release relating to future plans, projects, events or conditions and all other statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based upon current expectations and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including changes in long-term oil and gas prices or other market conditions affecting the oil and gas industry, reservoir performance, the outcome of commercial negotiations and changes in technical or operating conditions, among others, that could cause actual results, including project plans and related expenditures and resource recoveries, to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Energy XXI assumes no obligation and expressly disclaims any duty to update the information contained herein except as required by law.

About the Company

Energy XXI is an independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company whose growth strategy emphasizes acquisitions, enhanced by its value-added organic drilling program. The company's properties are located in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters and the Gulf Coast onshore. Collins Stewart Europe Limited and Tristone Capital Limited are Energy XXI listing brokers in the United Kingdom. To learn more, visit the Energy XXI website at

The Energy XXI logo is available at

                     ENERGY XXI (BERMUDA) LIMITED

                 Natural Gas (000 MMBTU)

  Qtr     Instrument           Volume   Sub   Floor    Cap
  ---     ----------           ------   ---   -----    ---

  Q409    Swaps                 4,200          5.83    5.83
          3 Way Collars           710  6.00    8.00    9.98
          Put Spreads           2,770  6.16    8.33

  Q110    Swaps                 1,770          7.20    7.20
          3 Way Collars         2,480  6.00    8.19   10.13
          Put Spreads             920  6.50    8.50

  Q210    Swaps                 1,570          7.50    7.50
          3 Way Collars         2,400  6.00    8.19   10.13
          Put Spreads             920  6.50    8.50

  Q310    Swaps                 1,400          5.74    5.74
          3 Way Collars         2,110  6.00    8.21   10.15

  Q410    Swaps                 1,120          5.45    5.45
          3 Way Collars         2,100  6.00    8.22   10.15

  Q111    Swaps                   760          5.69    5.69
          3 Way Collars         2,100  6.00    8.22   10.15

  Q211    Swaps                   460          6.17    6.17
          3 Way Collars         2,080  6.00    8.22   10.15

  Q311    3 Way Collars           900  5.50    7.50   10.55

  Q411    3 Way Collars           910  5.50    7.50   10.55

  Q112    3 Way Collars           920  5.50    7.50   10.55

  Q212    3 Way Collars           920  5.50    7.50   10.55

                      Crude Oil (000 BBL)

  Qtr   Instrument             Volume   Sub    Floor      Cap
  ---   ----------             ------   ---    -----      ---

  Q409   Swaps                    541           54.17    54.17
         3 Way Collars            137  53.69    67.37    79.66
         Collars                   73           80.00   111.00
         Put Spreads              273  85.00   110.00

  Q110   Swaps                    422           55.62    55.62
         3 Way Collars            111  53.38    67.52    80.49
         Collars                   67           80.00   111.00
         Put Spreads              276  85.00   110.00

  Q210   Swaps                    398           56.03    56.03
         3 Way Collars             87  52.93    67.70    81.64
         Collars                   61           80.00   111.00
         Put Spreads              276  85.00   110.00

  Q310   Swaps                    304           63.98    63.98
         3 Way Collars             68  52.35    67.35    82.05
         Collars                  124           77.34   106.22

  Q410   Swaps                    277           64.36    64.36
         3 Way Collars             60  52.00    67.00    82.04
         Collars                  113           77.30   106.13

  Q111   Swaps                    248           64.83    64.83
         3 Way Collars             52  51.54    66.54    82.03
         Collars                  101           77.28   106.10

  Q211   Swaps                    222           65.26    65.26
         3 Way Collars             45  50.95    65.95    82.02
         Collars                   95           77.30   106.15

 Includes production for April 2009 and later; Quarters based on
 June 30 fiscal year-end

 All prices are weight-averaged by contract volume



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