Lappland Goldminers AB (publ) - Additional information regarding decision of new share issue with preferential right

With reference to a pressrelase earlier today, the following is some
supplementary information regarding the decision by the Board of
Lappland Goldminers on March 17, 2009, to issue new shares with
preferential right for the shareholders. The information below does
not include any changes in previously communicated terms, but is only
a more detailed description of the terms of the issue

Summary of the offer

  * Subscription price is SEK 7 per share. No commission will be
  * Record day for right to participate in the issue is April 23,
  * Those who are shareholders in Lappland Goldminers on the record
    day April 23, 2009, are entitled to subscribe for shares in the
    issue. One (1) owned share on the record day entitles to one (1)
    subscription right. Ten (10) subscription rights will entitle to
    subscription for one (1) new share for SEK 7.
  * Subscription due to subscription rights can be effected during
    the period April 27 - May 12, 2009.
  * Payment must be made at the latest on May 12, 2009.
  * Last trading day for the company shares with right to
    participation in the issue is April 20, 2009. First trading day
    for the shares without right to participate in the issue is April
    21, 2009.
  * Trading with subscription rights can be done on First North
    during the period April 27 - May 7, 2009.
  * Trading with BTAs (paid allocated shares) can be made on First
    North from April 27, 2009, and until the new share issue has been
    registered by Bolagsverket.

Complete conditions and instructions will be presented in a
Prospectus, which will be published before the subscription period

For additional information:

Ulf Ericsson, Chairman of the         Kjell Larsson, CEO
Ph: +46 70-529 09 59                  Tel. +46 950-275 06, + 4670-385
                                      03 57       

Also visit Lappland Goldminers' website at:
About Mangold Fondkommission:

Lappland Goldminers AB is an exploration company and a producing
mining company. The company is listed on the market place "First
North" under the name GOLD, with Mangold Fondkommission AB as the
Certified Adviser, as well as on the Norwegian OTC list. Lappland
Goldminers has secured a number of gold deposits along the so-called
Guldlinjen ("The Gold Line") in Västerbotten. The Company's strategy
is to develop a profitable, producing gold company, with centrally
located processing plants in Fäboliden and Blaiken, Sweden, and in
the Haveri area in southern Finland and Pahtavaara in Northern
Finland, supported by ore from one or several mines either through
the Company's own exploration or alternatively through acquisitions.
Lappland Goldminers is a member of SveMin, the trade association for
mines, minerals and metal producers in Sweden (formerly called the
Swedish Mining Association) and follows SveMin's reporting rules for
public mining and exploration companies.


Press release PDF.pdf