EBRD is willing to invest 100 million Euro into Parex banka

On Wednesday, 18 March 2009, following the meeting with the Prime Minister of
the Republic of Latvia Valdis Dombrovskis, the First Vice President of European
Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Varel Freeman announced that EBRD
is willing to obtain minority shares of Parex banka investing 100 million Euro
(70 million lats). 

V.Freeman underlined that the final decision on the acquisition will be made
within the coming weeks. V.Freeman acknowledged that the decision on the
support to Parex banka was made since the Bank is stable and it has a very
proficient management. EBRD will also prepare proposals on the further strategy
and operations of the Bank. 

EBRD has a great experience in the restructuring of the banking business. The
entering of EBRD into a bank is being considered as a positive signal for
vitality and development potential of the institution. As it was previously
announced, in January and February 2009 EBRD performed a complete due diligence
of Parex banka. 

About Parex banka:

Founded in 1992, Parex banka offers universal banking services throughout the
Baltic region, the CIS and other European nations such as Germany, Switzerland
and Sweden. Parex Group companies operate across the banking, finance, leasing,
asset management and life insurance sectors. Parex banka is the only partner of
American Express in Latvia and Lithuania, allowed to issue American Express
credit cards. Since 27 February 2008, the Latvian Privatisation Agency is the
majority shareholder of Parex banka. 

Additional information:
Indra Zinkevica
Head of Corporate Communications and PR
Ph. +371 6777 8571 or +371 2913 9449
E-mail: pr@parex.lv