The Magical World of Nightlord -- New Engrossing Book Follows One Man's Journey From Teaching Physics to Entering an Enchanted World

TEXARKANA, Texas, March 18, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Change is never easy. It is part of human nature to follow a path and live life in a familiar pattern, and many people do. But when those comfortable patterns are disrupted, when the changes to one's life become not merely inevitable, but fact, it is not just one's life that must change. The need to change becomes essential to survival -- change or die. A compelling tale of magic and a fantastic world is bound to entertain readers with Garon Whited's fantasy novel, Nightlord: Sunset.

Nightlord introduces to readers Eric, a man who teaches physics for a living and spends weekends bashing people with wooden swords for a hobby. His entire life lacks direction, but he has his comfortable rut and no plans to change it. Until the day he meets Sasha and his world changes irrevocably. Men are trying to kill her -- and now him! Unraveling who and why, and stopping them, will take him on a journey magical, wondrous, and strange as he learns what it is to be alive -- and dead. But as he learns to deal with the changes in his life and in himself, he learns that he can make changes in the world around him. A delicate balance between Eric and the world he lives -- and dies -- in is revealed and time is running out fast. Will either one of them adapt quickly enough to survive the other?

With its compelling plot, fantastic setting, and combination of serious thought with irreverent wit, Nightlord is one fantasy novel that readers will find irresistible and enjoyable to read. Interestingly, the story is told through the viewpoint of Eric, as though the reader has stumbled upon his diary, and it is almost impossible to put down. Readers will find many interesting elements that add depth to the story, such as the many cultures of the new world, its people and many battles. From a moral standpoint, the book's plot tackles the themes of change, love, life and death. Nightlord: Sunset is now available for your reading pleasures online at

About the Author

Garon Whited was supposedly born in either 1969 or 1970; the original birth certificate is suspiciously unavailable and other records do not agree. After spending some years in college playing role-playing games, he finally settled down into a steady job working with computers. An affinity for science fiction and fantasy has condemned him to write whenever he has a chance, despite ongoing therapeutic intervention. He is not now and has never been a bloodsucking fiend of darkness, despite persistent rumor. He claims he lives in Texarkana.

                      Nightlord * by Garon Whited
                  Publication Date: February 22, 2006
         Trade Paperback; $24.64; 679 pages; 978-1-5992-6304-5
         Cloth Hardback; $35.09; 679 pages; 978-1-5992-6305-2

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