When a Snake Under a Thatch was Revealed -- an Enticing Sequel to Author Chike Momah's 'Friends and Dreams' Unfolds the Shrouded Truths of the Past

ARLINGTON, Texas, March 18, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Snake Under A Thatch is a sequel to Chike Momah's first novel, Friends And Dreams. It is the story of one man's despairing search for justice, and is narrated by its two leading characters, Cyril Jideofo and Jacob Bola Akande. In the prequel, Cyril was betrayed by his friend, Bernard Ekwekwe, and was sent to prison for eight long years for a crime he did not commit. He was obsessed by the cruel injustice of his fate, and eager to vindicate himself and establish his innocence. For this, he desperately searched for a powerful letter written by Bernard, a letter he was sure would absolutely prove his innocence.

Jacob Bola Akande, a Columbia University student, met and fell in love with Cyril's daughter, Chizube. One day, Chizube brought Bola home to meet her parents. Cyril and Rosemary were surprised to see their daughter with the young man and Rosemary was even more appalled when she heard his name. They asked Bola many questions regarding his family, but he never talked about his father. Eventually, however, they became quite cordial to Bola and they could sense that the young couple loved each other. On the other hand, Bola did not know who his father was and his mother, Hannah, was strangely unreceptive to Chizube. Later on, Cyril found a good job in a Nigerian accounting firm in Newark, NJ, and then got vital information at a welcoming party for his family, prearranged by the company. His search finally came to a shattering climax at the Newark International Airport - old roads crossed and truths were revealed to Bola and everyone else. What happened at the airport? Who was there? Would Cyril forgive Bernard and find complete freedom? What happened to Bernard? How would Bola react to his mother's story about his paternity? These questions will be answered and you will discover more as you flip through the pages of this suspenseful book.

A Snake Under A Thatch is an exhilarating trilogy filled with surprises. Full of twists and turns, this book will surely pierce through your heart, and make it feel the agony of deception. At the end, you will understand the power of forgiveness and grasp the reality that for every sin there is repentance and punishment. But, most of all, you will embrace the power of love in this riveting story. For more information, log on to www.Xlibris.com.

About the Author

Christian Chike Momah was born on October 20, 1930 to Sidney and Grace Momah, of Obiuno, Otolo, Nnewi, Nigeria. He was educated at the St. Michael's (C.M.S.) School, Aba; the Government College, Umuahia; and the University College, Ibadan, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in History, English and Religious Studies in 1953. In 1959, he obtained the Associateship of the Library Association from the University College, London.

               A Snake Under A Thatch * by Chike Momah
                  Publication Date: October 31, 2008
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 266 pages; 978-1-4363-6378-5

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