Exiqon calls for an ordinary general meeting on 1 April, 2009


Summary: Exiqon A/S (OMX: EXQ) calls for an ordinary general meeting on 1
April, 2009 at 3 pm (CET) at the company's address, Skelstedet 16, DK-2950
Vedbaek, Denmark. A copy of the notice and the proposals made are attached

Additional information:
Lars Kongsbak, CEO, phone +45 45 66 08 88 (cell: +45 40 90 21 01)
Hans Henrik Chrois Christensen, CFO, phone +45 45 66 08 88 (cell: +45 40 90 21

About Exiqon
Exiqon is a biotech company with activities in three business areas where the
company's technologies provide a competitive advantage: sale of diagnostic
tests (Exiqon Diagnostics), sale of innovative research products for miRNA
research (Exiqon Life Sciences), and in contract research together with
pharmaceutical companies (Exiqon Pharma Services). Exiqon is dedicated to
personalizing the treatment selection for cancer patients. The aim is to
optimize the use of existing medicine and avoid unnecessary and non-effective
treatment. By using molecular diagnostic tests that analyse the genetic profile
of each patient's tumor, treatment selection can be optimized for individuals.
Exiqon is uniquely positioned to develop such new diagnostic tests. Exiqon
already markets diagnostic tests that based on fresh tumor tissue enable
doctors to test whether their patients are resistant to one or more of the
chemotherapies offered to treat these patients and help them select an
efficacious treatment. Exiqons new molecular diagnostic products are based on
the LNA™ technology that enables testing on fixed tissue. The first molecular
diagnostic product was launched in December 2008. A number of new products will
follow in the years ahead. Using the LNA™ technology is what has allowed Exiqon
to establish a position for itself as one of the market's leading providers of
research products for gene expression analysis. These research products are
used by university scientists and in the pharmaceutical industry around the
world to make groundbreaking discoveries about the correlation between gene
activity and the development various diseases. Exiqon is also collaborating
with pharmaceutical companies in their effort to develop new medicines based on
biomarkers (Personalized Medicine). Exiqon has more than 200 employees and is
listed on the NASDAQ OMX in Copenhagen and categorized as a biotech company
(Small Cap+). Exiqon is financed until expected breakeven in 2011. 

Forward-looking statements:
This announcement contains forward-looking statements regarding Exiqon's
potential future development and financial performance and other statements
which are not historical facts. Such statements are made on the basis of
assumptions and expectations which, to the best of Exiqon's knowledge, are
reasonable and well-founded at this time, but which may prove to be erroneous.
Exiqon's operations are characterized by the fact that its actual results may
deviate significantly from that described herein as anticipated, believed,
estimated or expected.

