Epiphany Biosciences plans on filing an IND for valomaciclovir (MIV-606) targeting MS

Epiphany Biosciences plans on filing an IND for valomaciclovir (MIV-606)
targeting MS

Epiphany Biosciences plans on filing an IND at the FDA to study the potential
impact of valomaciclovir in patients with multiple sclerosis. Valomaciclovir,
(EBP-348, MIV-606) is a compound licensed from Medivir. One of the multiple
contributing factors to the disease MS can be Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and
valomaciclovir is active against EBV and other herpes viruses. MS affects
approximately 2.5 million people world-wide and there is no effective treatment.
Valomaciclovir is presently in phase IIb clinical trials against zoster
(shingles) and phase IIa against mononucleosis (EBV infection).

For further information please contact
Rein Piir, CFO & VP Investor Relations, Medivir +46 708 537 292

For more information on Medivir, please see the company website: www.medivir.se

