Comment to dividend announcement

Comment to dividend announcement

The unprecedented drop in light vehicle production during the last six months
and the severe constraints in the liquidity market have forced many companies
in Norma's industry to cut or suspend dividend payments to their shareholders.
Even if AS Norma's financial position is significantly better than most of its
peers, the drop in vehicle production is even sharper among AS Norma's major
customers in Russia and Sweden, and the liquidity crisis is especially severe
in Russia and Norma's Russian customers. In addition, there are currently no
signs of any improvements in these tough business conditions for Norma.
Therefore, there are no possibilities to foresee how long the current
challenging times will endure. 

Under these circumstances, it would be logical and justifiable for Norma to
adjust its dividend, consistent with the dividend reductions and dividend
suspensions virtually all other companies in Norma's industry have announced. 

When considering a reduction in AS Norma's dividend to shareholders, the
Management and the Supervisory Board have also considered the fact that the
conservative and prudent dividend policy AS Norma has applied during previous
years has enabled the Company to establish a strong financial position. This
will enable the Company to pursue its strategic program also during the
recession.  Therefore, when taking all facts into account, the Management and
the Supervisory Boards of AS Norma have concluded that it is acceptable to
maintain the same dividend as for the previous years despite the fact that the
automotive industry is presently undergoing its most challenging period since
the 1930s. On the balance, the Management and the Supervisory Board have
therefore decided to recommend to AGM an unchanged dividend for 2008 of 5
kroons per share. 

Peep Siimon, Chairman of the Management Board
Halvar Jonzon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Phone: + 372 6500 442