Breakdown of debtors, Realkredit Danmark A/S


NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen     
Executive Board
Parallelvej 17
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Telephone +45 7012 5300
Telefax +45 4514 9624

25 March 2009

Company Announcement No 22 - 2009

Breakdown of debtors, Realkredit Danmark A/S

Pursuant to § 27a (1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Realkredit Danmark
A/S hereby publishes breakdown of debtors as at Friday 20 March 2009. Please
find the data in the attached file. 

The information will also be available on .

Yours sincerely

The Executive Board

Any additional questions should be addressed to Klaus Kristiansen, Senior Vice
President, Funding & Markets, phone +45 4513 2026.


bilag til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 22.txt nr. 22 - debitormassens sammenstning m.v. pr. 20.3.2009 - uk.pdf