Interbank: Registration of bond loan issued by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (21/09)

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided to register the following loan with effect from March 27th, 2009. The loan will be registered at NASDAQ OMX Stockholm’s submarket Benchmark Bonds.

	Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB, bond loan
	March 27th, 2009, expiration date September 21st, 2039, No 594
	Fixed coupon: 4,50 %
	Coupon date: Annually September 21st. The first time being September 21st, 2009 and the last time being September 21st, 2039.
	Short name: SEBB 594
	ISIN code: SE0002829200
	Orderbook ID: 64993
	Board lot: SEK 500 000 
	Denomination: nom. SEK 500 000 
	Agent: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ)

