My Life as a Soldier During World War II -- See How Military Life Was Like Back Then in This Revealing Memoir

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif., March 27, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With war in the Middle East constantly in the news, people are exposed to the harsh reality that conflict can have on both combatants and civilians. But there is another side to war, and that is everyday living in the barracks, in between active engagements, can be quite as tedious and mundane as life back home and soldiers have to find ways to keep themselves occupied.

In double veteran Milton Cook's That's The Way The Ball Bounces: A Nonplused Soldier's Mundane Exploits During WWII, get a glimpse of the military life. In this engaging memoir, the reader learns about a teenage soldier's somewhat unusual service as a Military Policeman in the Army Air Force during WWII. After basic training in Miami Beach, the MP Company was stationed for over two years at the headquarters of a Replacement Depot in the English Midlands. The company was billeted in a dormitory-like barrack with two men per room. After the war, what remained of the company spent two months in Germany. This is both a personal and a social history of then Army life and Military Police duties.

For a first-hand account of a WWII soldier's life as seen from a different perspective, get a copy of this book now.

About the Author

Milton Cook is a long-time retired Mechanical Engineer who was employed in both the Aerospace and Commercial industries. In the first, he was involved in the design and testing of both commercial and military aircraft and the Apollo and Minuteman programs. Then as Chief Engineer of an Engineered Pump Company Unit, he authored several ASME papers and other published reports. A double veteran, he served first in the U.S. Army Air Force during WWII then later, during the early part of the Korean War, he was an Electronics Technical in the U.S. Navy.

           That's The Way The Ball Bounces * by Milton Cook
          A Nonplused Soldier's Mundane Exploits During WWII
                  Publication Date: December 26, 2007
        Trade Paperback; $ 19.99; 398 pages; 978-1-4257-9853-6
         Cloth Hardback; $ 29.99; 398 pages; 978-1-4257-9867-3

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