Job change - CFO

Company Announcement No. 186, 2009

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00

31 March 2009

Job change - CFO

Martin Busk Andersen has got a new job outside the H+H Group and is therefore
resigning his position as CFO of H+H International A/S. 

Martin Busk Andersen has been employed by H+H International A/S since 1 August
1999 and with the CFO responsibility since 1 April 2000. Martin Busk Andersen
is continuing in his present position as CFO of H+H International A/S until 1
August 2009 at the latest. 

Anders C. Karlsson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Hans Gormsen

For additional information please contact:
Hans Gormsen, CEO, or Martin Busk Andersen, CFO, on telephone +45 35 27 02 00

This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of
inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish
text shall prevail.

