Development of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the published agenda
(announcement dated March 18, 2009). 

The General Meeting took note of the report on the Company's activities and
adopted the Annual Report 2008. Also, the General Meeting adopted the proposed
decision on use of profit/loss. 

All proposals from the Board of Directors in the agenda's item 3 were carried
unanimously, thus: 

a.	Amendment of the authorization of the Board of Directors to increase the
company's share capital, so as the authorization is prolonged to March 31, 2014
and the maximum capital in-crease is reduced to DKK 100 million. The amended
authorization is inserted as article 15a substituting article 15a of the
Company Articles; 
b.	Authorization of the Board of Directors to issue, on one or more occasions,
a number of con-vertible instruments of debt with a principal of up to a total
of DKK 50 million and a corre-sponding capital increase. The authorization is
inserted as a new article 15b of the Company Articles; 

All board members were up for election. Carsten Lønfeldt, Peter Nordkild and
Niels T. Foged were re-elected and new candidate Marianne Weile Nonboe was
elected. Ejner Bech Jensen did not seek re-election and has resigned from the
Board as of this General Meeting. After the meeting the Board constituted
itself with Carsten Lønfeldt as chairman. 

Deloitte was re-elected auditor for BioPorto A/S

Gentofte, April 1, 2009

The Board of Directors
BioPorto A/S

For further information please contact:
Thea Olesen, CEO
Christina Tønnesen, Investor Relations
Tel. +45 4529 0000


09 announcement 01.04.09.pdf