Ortivus North America launch new software product, Fusion ePCR

Danderyd April 1, 2009

Ortivus North America launch new software product, Fusion ePCR

At the conference EMS Today in Baltimore, USA, (during the weekend) Ortivus
North America presented officially for the first time its new product Fusion
ePCR. Fusion ePCR represents the first product launched on the new platform that
has been in development within the North American company for some time. Fusion
ePCR is a documentation and reporting tool for EMS, and addresses old as well as
new customers on the local market. 

Fusion ePCR provides patient caregivers with means to facilitate an efficient
data collection process to quickly produce accurate and complete electronic
patient care reports. Fusion ePCR provides features such as touch screen
navigation, ability to attach photos/documents to a report, a configurable
layout, integrated decision support logic, customizable documents and an
encrypted patient database. 

The flexible system configuration and user interface enables users to work
within a comfortable environment, customized for their needs. These features
increase the speed of data entry, as well as the speed of adoption by users. 

Fusion ePCR is fully integrated with Ortivus North Americas number one EMS
Billing application, Sweet-Billing. Together the products reduce the time
between patient transport and claim submission. Deliveries of the new product to
end customers will start later this year.

“Through the introduction of Fusion ePCR Ortivus will strengthen its already
strong position on the North American EMS market further. It also represents the
first result from our new North American software platform”, says Jan B.
Andersson, CEO Ortivus AB.

For further information:
Jan B Andersson, CEO, Ortivus, phone +46 8 446 45 00, mobile +46 705 294 741,
e-mail firstname.initial.lastname@ortivus.com or info@ortivusna.com	

Also visit www.ortivus.com or www.ortivusna.com

Ortivus offers unique solutions by combining expertise in wireless, IT and
medical technology with clinical knowledge. Ortivus solutions secure that the
patient get accurate medical treatment and expertise instantly throughout the
care process. This results in better medical outcome as well as improved
efficiency for the entire health care system.

Ortivus is a listed company on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Small Cap and was founded in
1985. It is based in Danderyd, Sweden. Ortivus have 100 employees in Sweden, US,
Canada and Great Britain. In total more than 2 600 emergency services, 1 000
ambulances and 500 hospital beds are equipped with Ortivus solutions.

