It All Starts At Home, With the Family -- New Book Reestablishes the Village That Nurtures Our Youth

BALTIMORE, April 6, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The children of today's generation get their values and character education elsewhere. Without us knowing it, they are greatly influenced by their parent's daily actions and the media in which programs are not screened all the time. Moreover, a lot of parents have ceased to fulfill spiritual and moral obligations to their little ones. We have a generation of some parents who believe that since they dropped out of school and are illiterate, it is all right for their children to continue the downward spiral. Can anything be done with the problem that's plaguing society? Author Lisa M. Calicchia challenges parents, and guardians with her outcry, I Want to Teach... Not Raise Your Kids!

Author Calicchia presents her new book, I Want to Teach... Not Raise Your Kids!, a personal account that narrates all her activities as a parent and schoolteacher. She discloses her professional and personal opinions on studying, parenting and teaching and reveals the actions she took to make every student's learning experience worthwhile.

For Calicchia, before kids become students, they are first the children of their parents -- the youngsters who need a mother's love and a father's guidance. The family a child comes from must properly nurture a child to help make the education process easier and less problematic. Calicchia studies this situation in a 20/20 vision, asserting that in reality, some school systems are primarily the ones molding and teaching our kids on how to become good children and ultimately, responsible citizens, which is not supposed to be the case.

She recalls many instances in which she witnessed parents yelling and cussing at their own children with sharp words of disrespect that would ruin anyone's self-esteem. In addition, she has witnessed flirting fathers and other inappropriate behaviors of irresponsible, uncaring or unknowing parents and shares her reflections and thoughts on these issues. For these reasons, among others, she calls out to millions of indifferent parents and guardians, I Want to Teach... Not Raise Your Kids! For more information, log on to

About the Author

Lisa Calicchia is a single parent of three precious young ladies. To help pay for college, Calicchia joined the Army Reserves right after high school. Since her honorable discharge, while working various jobs Ms. Calicchia has earned her Associates degree in General Studies, Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education and Master's Degree in Instructional Systems Development. She is currently working on her second Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. She also has a 90 Hour Day Care Certificate. Ms. Calicchia has been teaching for the last ten years in the public school system. Her love for children extends outside of the classroom into volunteering for several mentoring programs over the last decade. She is dedicated to empowering the lives of parents and children and strongly believes that the parent is the child's first teacher.

       I Want to Teach... Not Raise Your Kids! * by Lisa M. Calicchia
                      Publication Date: March 23, 2009
          Trade Paperback; $19.99; 299 pages; 978-1-4415-0320-6
           Cloth Hardback; $29.99; 299 pages; 978-1-4415-0321-3

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