Insiders' dealing

Herlev, 7 April 2009

Company Announcement no. 10/2009

Notification of transactions in Greentech Energy Systems A/S' shares and other
securities linked to such shares, carried out by executive employees and close
relations of executive employees. 

Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Act on Securities Trading, Greentech
Energy Systems A/S shall submit information on transactions in Greentech Energy
Systems A/S' shares and other securities linked to such shares, carried out by
executive employees and close relations of executive employees. 

Name:              Martin M. Kristensen
Position:          Member of Management
Issuer:            Greentech Energy Systems A/S
Stock code:        DK 00102 405 14
Name:              Shares
Transaction:       Purchase
Trading date:      06.04.2009
Market:            NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number of shares:  Market value in DKK
5,000 shares       63,000.00

Hereafter people and companies, registered in Greentech Energy Systems A/S'
list of insiders, own 470,875 shares. 

The Board of Directors

For further information please contact: 
Kaj Larsen, CEO, tel.:+45 33 36 42 02