Draft decisions of Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs stock company

Draft decisions 
of Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs stock
company to be held on April 22, 2009. 

1. Approval of Annual report and Consolidated Annual report for the year 2008:
The shareholder's  meeting accepted  the Report of Management Board and the
Statement of Sworn auditor, has verified and approve Annual report and
Consolidated Annual report for the year 2008 prepared by the Board and verified
by the Council. 

2. Distribution of profit for the year 2008.
To re-invest profit of Company LVL 58 064 in development of the Company

3. Approval of the Budget and Development plan for the year 2009
To approve budget and action plan of Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs stock
company for 
the year 2009.

4. Election of auditor for the audit of Annual report for the year 2009 
To elect SIA “Sistēmu audits” (No of license 53) as certified auditor of
Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs stock company for the years 2009 and 2010. 

5. Determination of the remuneration for Supervisory Board and auditor.
To assess fees for the Council in amount LVL 1600 per month and LVL 5000 per
year for the auditor. 

6. About revision committee.
To establish a Revision Committee and in accordance with section 11 of
paragraph 54.1 of „Law on the Financial Instruments Market” transfer execution
of tasks of Revision Committee to the Council of Latvijas Juras medicinas
centrs stock company 

7. Miscellaneous.
To approve to authorize Law Office „Reforma” to settle the formalities with the
LR Company Register 

Management Board of Latvijas Juras medicinas centrs stock company