Comment Dieu Voit Le Monde -- Synthesis of Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics and the Bible to Prove Truths About Humanity

TULSA, Okla., April 16, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- It was in 1984 that French thinker-author Bertin Nana claimed to have received revelations and enlightenment from God about the end of the world and that he is the last prophet God is sending to earth. And now, he brings forward his extraordinary experiences in this enlightening chronicle that you will never forget, Comment Dieu voit le Monde.

This prophetic book is inspired by Mother Mary, which synthesizes the truths of the Bible, western philosophy, mathematics and physics in a unique chronicle that shines light on some of the greatest enigmas known to man. In religion, the author proves biblically and mathematically that there is no hell. He also tries to attest that Christians are saved by faith and works, i.e. only the Christians who are saints will go to heaven at the resurrection. Finally, he claims to have proved biblically and mathematically that theology is a lie, the contradiction of the Bible and the Antichrist, and that it was created by Satan, i.e. the priests, the pastors, evangelists and theologians are the false prophet about which the Bible speaks in Apocalypse 19.

In philosophy of mathematics, he tries to prove that it is God who created mathematics and science, and that mathematics is art of reasoning or logic. In philosophy of physics, he explains how God created Einstein's Field Equations and the electron. Then, he deducts the physical meaning of E = MC 2 and why it is a Lorentz's invariant. In cosmology, he shows by the mathematical form of the Einstein's Field Equations, that the universe oscillates and he explains how the end of the world will happen. In addition, the author explores the concept of Satan and the original sin by combining the existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre with personalism and phenomenology. In this enlightening work, Nana explains the meaning of physical love among saints, and why he claims Mary as his wife.

Know the truth with Nana's Comment Dieu voit le Monde and you will never be the same again. For more information, log on to

About the Author

Bertin Nana, born on September 26, 1963 in Douala, Cameroon, holds a license in physics and a Master's degree in mechanical engineering. In 1984, a divine intervention occurred in Nana's life when God reveals the looming end of the world, asks him to stick to Jesus Christ, and to become holy in order to go to the sky. Later, God still revealed to him that he is the last prophet that he sends on the ground to prepare the Christian resurrection of the saints and the end of the world. The author was inspired by Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the prophetic work, Comment Dieu voit le Monde was born out of that inspiration.

              Comment Dieu Voit Le Monde* by Bertin Nana
                   Publication Date: August 8, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $15.99; 351 pages; 978-1-4257-6742-6
         Cloth Hardback; $22.99; 351 pages; 978-1-4257-6758-7

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