Press Invitation to a conference about transport in future cities

Press Invitation to a conference about transport in future cities

Press Invitation to the 4th International Conference on Future Urban Transport -
a conference about transport in future cities.

How should we view transport in the cities of the future?
During the past century, economic growth, urbanization and rising standards of
living have resulted in increased travel and an ever-increasing pressure on our
cities' transport systems. In meeting this need, we have constructed
increasingly larger, wider and faster infrastructures. Mobility and speed have
been purchased with energy and concrete.

However, a new, more sustainable viewpoint is required today - particularly from
an environmental perspective.

On April 20-21, leaders of cities, in business and research are meeting to
present their visions and strategies for future transport systems. Arranged by
the City of Göteborg, Volvo and Volvo's research foundations (VREF), the
conference targets decision-makers, business leaders and transport researchers.
More than 30 countries and nearly 100 cities will be represented at the

The conference in being opened by Anneli Hulthén, Chairman of the Göteborg City
Council, Leif Johansson, Volvo's President and CEO, and Arne Wittlöv, Chairman
of VREF. 
Speakers include:
André Navarri, President, Bombardier Transportation
Wang Kouzhu, Deputy Mayor, City of Changsha, China
Kulveer Ranger, Director for Transport Policy, Greater London Authority
Cyrille du Peloux, CEO, Veolia Transport
Ulf Svahn, CEO, The Swedish Petroleum Institute
Ulrika Francke, CEO, Tyréns
Elisabeth Deakin, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Paul Gustavsson, Vice President Business Development, Volvo Car Corporation
Anthony May, Professor, University of Leeds
Ingvar Nilsson, CEO, Schenker North

Prior to the conference, an Academic Workshop will be held at which the latest
research findings in the field of urban transport will be presented. 
The program and additional information is available at

Time and location: The conference is being held at Elite Park Avenue Hotel,
Kungsportsavenyn 36-38, Gothenburg, Monday, April 20, 9:00 am - 5:20 pm and
Tuesday, April 21, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. The conference starts with an Academic
Workshop on Sunday, April 19, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm.
RSVP not later than Sunday, April 19 to:

17 April, 2009

For further information, contact:
Mats Jarnhammar, Project Coordinator, +46 (0)70 656 1232,

