Luxembourg, 20 April 2009 - Transcom WorldWide S.A., the global outsourced
services provider, today announced its financial results for the first quarter
ended 31 March 2009.


Sequential performance 
•	Net revenue of €144.9 million, down 5% from €151.9 million
•	Gross margin up to 21.9% (20.8%) 
•	EBITA of €8.5 million, up 60% from €5.3 million after one-offs of €3.2 million
in Q408
•	EPS up to €0.07 (€0.03)
•	Exchange rate impact of -€2.6 million on revenue and -€.0.5 million on EBITA

Year-on-year performance
•	Net revenue of €144.9 million, down 16% from €173.3 million
•	Gross margin up to 21.9% (21.2%)
•	EBITA of €8.5 million, down 23% from €11.0 million  
•	EPS down to €0.07 (€0.09)

Note: Supporting presentation can be found on the Transcom website:


Pablo Sanchez-Lozano, President and Chief Executive Officer of Transcom, said: 

“Transcom reported stable margin performance in the first quarter, with gross
profit of €31.8 million (compared to €31.6 million in Q4 FY08).  EBITA was
stable on a like-for-like basis when compared to Q408, and EPS was up to €0.07. 
This performance was delivered in the context of a sequential decline in revenue
(-€7.0 million), which was due to a combination of volume reductions and
exchange rate movements.  Our ability to maintain margins is the result of a
continued focus on improving operational efficiency and managing cost structures
across the Group.

“Looking into the business more closely, our North America & Asia and West &
Central regions continue to deliver strong performance at the EBITA level,
driven by the success of our offshore and nearshore propositions, and careful
cost management.  Performance in other parts of the business is broadly stable
and on plan, with a specific focus on the recovery plan for the South Region,
which continues to underperform.

“After my first quarter at Transcom, I am pleased to report that we have
significant opportunities to build further growth and increase margins.  We have
sound customer relationships and a track record of solid client service
delivery.  We have a large geographical footprint with a combination of
offshore, nearshore and onshore delivery capabilities.  We have significant
credentials in the Communications and Financial Services sectors, and good
industry knowledge in other vertical markets, including Travel & Leisure, Media
and Retail.  Transcom has also successfully expanded its portfolio of service
offerings through acquisitions, which continue to perform well.  We are a
profitable business with a healthy balance sheet and robust working capital.

“Moving forward, we will continue to focus on cost management and operational
efficiency.  We will also return to a focus on growth, particularly through the
offshore and Credit Management Services (CMS) businesses.  We also have
opportunities to increase the profitability of our current book of business, and
to further grow with our current clients, who remain at the heart of our
business.  We have made changes to strengthen leadership, focus and execution
speed, and will continue to do so to help serve our clients, investors and
employees even better in the coming months and years.”


Revenue & New Business Development	

In the first quarter of 2009, Transcom reported total revenue of €144.9 million,
down by 4.6% (€151.9 million) and 16.4% (€173.3 million) compared to Q408 and
Q108, respectively.

The Company signed a number of new contracts during the first quarter, both in
the CRM and CMS sectors, and extended many existing contracts.  New CRM signings
during the first quarter included Redcats and Folktandvården in Sweden, Agria
Insurance and Schibstedt-owned Absoluttfotboll in Norway, British Telecom and
BravoFly in Italy and NorthwestTel and 1-800 Pack-Rat in the North America &
Asia Pacific region. 

CRM Sector

CRM revenue in the first quarter of 2009 was €120.7 million, down by 5.6%
(€127.8 million) and 19.6% (€120.7 million) compared to Q408 and Q108,
respectively.  Transcom reported a 3.6% decrease in volumes (-€4.5 million) and
an exchange rate impact of -2.0% (-€2.6 million) during the quarter.  Volumes
began to stabilise in February and March and Transcom continues to work with
customers to monitor market demand in what continues to be a very fluid market. 

The CRM gross margin was 20.6% in the first quarter compared to 18.8% in Q408. 
The CRM business reported a positive sequential gross margin development of 0.4
pp in the first quarter when allowing for one-off costs reported in the fourth
quarter, which was achieved through effective cost structure management in a
period of volume decline.  The sequential increase in gross margins was driven
by alignment of the cost base to CRM volume levels in the West & Central region
and increased volumes in North America & Asia. These improvements were offset by
lower gross margins in the North and South regions, which was the result of
timing differences in adjusting cost structures to the CRM volume declines
witnessed in these regions.

CMS Sector

CMS revenue in the first quarter of 2009 was €24.2 million, an increase of 0.4%
(€24.1 million) and 4.8% (€23.1 million) compared to Q408 and Q108,

The CMS gross margin decreased to 28.5% in the first quarter, compared to 31.5%
in Q408 and 32.9% in Q108.  The sequential gross margin reduction is the result
of two key factors.  Firstly, payment behaviours deteriorated in January
following the holiday period, which temporarily affected CMS performance in the
quarter.  Performance in February and March returned to normal levels. 
Secondly, during the quarter, Transcom experienced changes to its CMS service
portfolio, whereby the volume of early collection cases increased significantly,
which impacted the Company's short-term cost model and will yield future

Transcom acquired a small debt portfolio from an existing client during the
quarter and the Company now has €2.2 million worth of portfolios on its balance
sheet.  The Company is continuing to pursue a prudent strategy in the Purchased
Debt market.

Financial Review

Depreciation & Amortisation
Depreciation in the first quarter was €4.4 million and Transcom had a cost of
€750,000 relating to the amortisation of intangible assets.

Transcom remains focused on controlling costs, and through a series of
initiatives the Company was able to reduce SG&A to €23.1 million in the first
quarter of 2009.  SG&A has been trending downward sequentially over the last six
quarters, with the SG&A increase seen in Q408 being the result of significant
offshore expansion and one-off costs of €1.3 million reported in the quarter.

Working Capital
Transcom reduced the level of short-term receivables by €9 million in the first
quarter of 2009, which was in line with working capital improvements.  Long-term
liabilities increased by €17 million to €144 million in the first quarter
following the payment of the final NuComm earn-out.  A further €56 million is
available for draw-down from the Company's long-term loan facility.  Short-term
liabilities decreased in the first quarter primarily due to the payment of the
NuComm earn-out noted above.  CAPEX was managed to €1.9 million in the first
quarter.  Credit risk and working capital management remain key areas of focus
for the Company.

Exchange Rate Impact
Exchange rate movements had an impact on Transcom's Euro-denominated reporting
figures in the first quarter resulting in a €2.6 million reduction in revenues
compared to Q408 and a €0.5 million loss in EBIT compared to Q408 as detailed in
the table below.

Debt & Financing
As at 31 March 2009, Transcom had gross debt of €144 million and net debt was
€94.4 million.  The Company's current net debt to EBITDA ratio is 2.0, which is
in line with the Company's target range, and Transcom expects this ratio to
remain between 1.5 and 2.5 in 2009.  The increased debt level was due to the
final earn-out payment of €20 million to NuComm, which was paid during the first

In the first quarter, the Company had net interest payments of €1.2 million due
to the interest payable on its corporate loan facility compared to €1.5 million
in Q408.  The reduced interest payments were due to reduced interest rates in
line with the market and improved working capital. Transcom is forecasting
interest payments to remain relatively flat throughout the year.

Tax Rate
Transcom's tax rate was 26% for the first quarter and the Company is forecasting
a similar tax rate for FY09.


Note: the figures in the below tables include the allocation of Group corporate
costs as a percentage of total revenues and gross profit.  The 2008 figures have
been restated where applicable.


Revenue in the North region was €31.6 million in the first quarter of 2009, a
decrease of 9.2% (€34.8 million) and 26.0% (€42.7 million) compared to Q408 and
Q108, respectively.  The sequential decrease was due to Euro translation losses
of 3.7% (-€1.3 million) and CRM call volume reductions of 5.5% (-€1.9 million)
during the quarter.

The North region's gross margin increased to 15.2% in the first quarter,
compared to 10.6% in Q408, and decreased year-on-year from 19.9% in Q108.  After
adjusting for one-off costs incurred in Q408, the gross margin performance was
0.9 pp lower on a sequential basis.  This margin erosion was due to a time lag
in adjusting the region's cost structures to the CRM volume declines witnessed
in first quarter. 
The North region reported an EBITA of €0.5 million in the first quarter,
compared to a loss of €1.1 million in Q408, and in Q108 EBITA was €2.9 million. 
Taking into account the impacts of the one-offs, the North region saw a slight
decrease of €0.3 million in the profitability of the underlying business in the
first quarter when compared to Q408. 

Transcom has maintained stable relationships with all clients in the region, and
the volume decreases experienced in the first quarter were the result of changes
in market demand.  The volume pressure that Transcom experienced in the region
during the first quarter is expected to continue throughout 2009.  The Company
is focused on increasing sales, and saw positive developments during the
quarter.  The Company is also working on improving the management of its cost
structures in the region so that it can more efficiently adjust to any
unexpected volume changes moving forward.

West & Central

Revenue in the West & Central region was €33.6 million in the first quarter of
2009, a decrease of 6.7% (€36.0 million) and 23.1% (€43.7 million) compared to
Q408 and Q108, respectively.  The sequential decrease was due to a Euro
translation impact of 3.6% (-€1.3 million) on revenue and a 3.1% (-€1.1 million)
decline in CRM call volumes in the quarter compared to Q408.

The West & Central region's gross margin increased to 29.5% in the first
quarter, compared to 26.4% in Q408 and 26.3% in Q108.  Improvements to the gross
margin have been made in most countries in the region compared to the previous

During the first quarter, Transcom delivered significant improvements to its CRM
operations in Germany and Belgium, where the Company had previously reported
challenges.  In these countries, Transcom has improved operational efficiency
ahead of volume declines, and similar improvements were seen in the Transcom's
Baltic CRM operation. 
The CMS operations in Austria, Germany and the UK continue to contribute
positively to the Group's CMS business.

EBITA increased to €3.6 million in the first quarter, up 50% (€2.4 million)
compared to Q408, and down 16.3% (€4.3 million) compared to Q108.


Revenue in the South region was €25.3 million in the first quarter of 2009, down
by 11.2% (€28.5 million) and 39.9% (€42.1 million) compared to Q408 and Q108,
respectively.  The sequential decrease was driven by volume reductions with
major clients in France and delays in the ramp-up of a project for an existing
client in Italy.

The South region reported a gross margin of 11.9% in the first quarter, compared
to 14.7% in Q408 and 15.2% in Q108.  This development was largely the result of
the CRM volume reductions and delays noted above.  Management has put in place a
recovery plan for France and significant attention is being focused on the
execution of the plan, which is still in its early stages.

EBITA was -€1.4 million in the first quarter, compared to -€0.4 million Q408 and
€1.8 million in Q108.  


Revenue in the Iberian region was €25.0 million in the first quarter of 2009,
relatively flat when compared to €25.1 million in Q408, and up by 11.6% when
compared to €22.4 million in Q108. 

The Iberian region's gross margin was 16.8% in the first quarter, compared to
25.1% in Q408 and 21.4% in Q108.  The sequential decrease was due to operational
delays in the ramp-up of 
new services for an existing client as well as seasonality upsides realised in
Q4 related to labour cost structures 

EBITA was €0.2 million in the first quarter, compared to €2.0 million in Q408
and €0.5 million in Q108.

North America & Asia Pacific

Revenue in the North America & Asia Pacific region increased to €29.4 million in
the first quarter of 2009, up 6.9% (€27.5 million) and 31.3% (€22.4 million)
compared to Q408 and Q108, respectively.  The increase in revenue was the result
of the continued ramp-up of Transcom's Manila centre on the back of strong
demand from existing and new clients in North America.  
The North America & Asia Pacific region reported improved gross margins of 33.7%
in the first quarter, compared to 28.7% in Q408 and 24.6% in Q108.  This
increase is derived from the increased scale of the Company's Philippines

The North America & Asia Pacific region reported EBITA of €5.6 million in the
first quarter, compared to €2.4 million in Q408 and €1.5 million in Q108.


For full tabular financial information, please see attached PDF file, visit the
Transcom website at, or call Transcom Investor Relations on the
number listed below.

Notice of Financial Results
Transcom's financial results for the second quarter and six months ended 30 June
2009 will be published on 21 July 2009.

Pablo Sanchez-Lozano, President and Chief Executive Officer
20 April 2009

Transcom WorldWide S.A.
45 rue des Scillas
L-2529 Howald
+352 27 755 000
Company registration number: RCS B59528

Notes to Editors:

The following provides a breakdown of which countries are included in each
geographical region.

•	North: Denmark, Norway and Sweden
•	West & Central: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany,
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania,
Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland AND the United Kingdom
•	South: France, Italy and Tunisia
•	Iberia: Chile, Portugal and Spain
•	North America & Asia Pacific: Canada, Philippines and USA

#  #  #

For further information please contact: 
Pablo Sanchez-Lozano, President and CEO
+352 27 755 000

Alexandra Dahan, Investor & Press Enquiries			
+46 707 768 089

About Transcom
Transcom WorldWide S.A. is a leading business process outsourcer specialising in
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Credit Management Services (CMS).  We
employ more than 20,000 staff across our global footprint spanning 29 markets:
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, the UK and the USA. 

The company provides specialist CRM and CMS solutions for global brands,
including Fortune 1000 companies across a wide range of industry  sectors,
including financial services, telecommunications, e-commerce, travel & tourism,
retail, and utilities.  Transcom design solutions transforming customer
communication channels, including inbound 
communication; telemarketing and outbound; administrative tasks; credit
management; web servicing; consultancy services; contract automation; legal
services; and interpretation services.  Our solutions enhance customer loyalty
by improving the client experience from a lower operating model using our
offshore support model.

Transcom WorldWide S.A. class A and B shares are listed on the Nordic Exchange
Mid Cap list under the symbols ‘TWW SDB A' and ‘TWW SDB B'.

