The shareholders in Malka Oil AB (publ) (below referred to as the"Company") are hereby given notice to attend the annual general
meeting at 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday May 19, 2009 at Operakällaren, Karl
XII:s Torg in Stockholm, Sweden. Registration for the meeting
commences at 12.30 p.m.


Shareholders wishing to participate in the meeting must:

(i)  be entered in the shareholders' register, kept by Euroclear
     Sweden AB (formerly the VPC) (the Swedish Central Securities
     Depository & Clearing Organization), no later than Wednesday May
     13, 2009.

(ii) notify the Company of their attendance no later than 4.00 p.m.
     on Friday May 15, 2009. Notification can be made via letter to
     Malka Oil AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 33, SE-111 45 Stockholm, Sweden;
     via telefacsimile +46 (0) 8 5000 78 15; via e-mail at address or via telephone +46 (0) 8 5000 78 10.
     Notification must include full name, personal ID number or
     corporate registration number, address and telephone number and,
     as applicable, information about proxy, representative and
     assistant. The number of assistants may not be more than two
     (2). In order to facilitate entry to the meeting, notification
     should, where appropriate, be accompanied by powers of attorney,
     registration certificates and other authorization documents.

Shareholders who have their shares registered in the name of a
nominee must, to be able to participate in the meeting, through the
nominee, temporarily register the shares in the shareholders'
register, kept by Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly the VPC), in their
own name. The nominee should be contacted in this matter well ahead
of Wednesday May 13, 2009, when such registration must be executed.

At the time of the notice to attend, the total number of shares and
votes in the Company amounts to 335 512 840.

1. Opening of the meeting
2. Preparation and approval of the voting register
3. Election of chairman of the meeting
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Election of one or two persons to, besides the chairman, attest
the minutes of the meeting
6. Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened
7. Presentation by the managing director
8. Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report as well
as of the consolidated accounts and the auditor's   report for the
9. Resolutions regarding:
    a. approval of the profit and loss account and the balance sheet
as well as of the consolidated profit and loss  account and the
consolidated balance sheet,
    b. allocation of the Company's profits and losses in accordance
with the adopted balance sheet, and
    c. discharge from liability for the members of the board of
directors and the managing director
10. Determination of the number of members of the board of directors
and, if applicable, deputy directors, of the number of auditors and,
if applicable, deputy auditors
11. Determination of the fees payable to the board of directors and
the auditors
12. Election of members of the board of directors and, if applicable,
deputy directors as well as of auditors and, if applicable, deputy
13. Resolution on guidelines for remuneration to the company
14. Resolution on a nomination committee
15. Closure of the annual general meeting

Accounting information and auditors' reports (items 8-9) as well as
the board of director's complete proposals in respect of items 13-14
will be held available at the Company's office at Birger Jarlsgatan
33, SE-111 45 Stockholm, from and including Tuesday May 5, 2009, and
will be sent in connection therewith to the shareholders who so
requests and state their postal address. All of the abovementioned
documents will also be presented at the meeting.

Item 9 b. Allocation of the Company's results

The board of directors and the managing director proposes that the
Company's accumulated losses are brought forward in new account and
that no dividend shall be made for the financial year.

Item 10-12. Election of directors of the board etc.

At the present time the Company has no nomination committee and the
board of directors has at the time of this notice to attend not
received any information of any other proposal regarding these items
on the agenda.

Item 13. Resolution on guidelines for remuneration to the company

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting
resolves on guidelines for remuneration to the company management in
the Malka Oil group (the "Group"), with in principally the following

The guidelines shall apply to remunerations and other employment
conditions for the managing director and other members of the Group's
management (the "Group management"). The Company shall strive to
offer a total remuneration that is reasonable and competitive given
the conditions in the individual country. The remuneration shall vary
in accordance with the individual's and the Group's performance. The
total remuneration to the Group management shall consist of (i) fixed
salary (which shall be adjusted yearly). (ii) variable salary (which
shall amount to a maximum of two times the annual basic salary),
(iii) long-term incentives, (iv) insurable benefits and (v) other
benefits (which shall correspond to what normally occurs within the
market). The notice of termination period shall be a maximum twelve
months upon termination initiated by the Company and a maximum six
months upon termination initiated by a member of the Group
management. In individual cases the board may approve severance pay
in addition to the notice of termination period. Severance pay may
only be paid following termination by the Company's part or where a
member of the Group management resigns due to a significant change in
the work situation, which would result in him or her not being able
to perform the work satisfactorily. The board shall reserve the right
to deviate from these guidelines in individual cases if there is
special reason for this.

Item 14. Resolution on a nomination committee

The board of directors proposes that the annual general meeting
resolves to appoint a nomination committee for the annual general
meeting of 2010, mainly according to the following. The nomination
committee shall consist of the chairman of the board and one (1)
representative of each of the three (3) shareholders with the largest
voting rights at the end of the third quarter 2009. The nomination
committee's term of office shall be until a new nomination committee
has been constituted. If the ownership structure changes after the
members of the committee have been appointed but before the annual
general meeting 2010, the composition of the committee shall be able
to change. The nomination committee shall perform those duties to be
performed by a nomination committee according to the Swedish Code of
Corporate Governance.

                        Stockholm, April 2009

                       The Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Fredrik Svinhufvud, Managing Director Malka Oil, tel +46 8 5000 7811,
mobile +46 708 708 708
Mats Gabrielsson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, mobile +46
70 775 83 20

For further information on Malka Oil AB, see the website

Malka Oil AB (publ) is an independent oil and gas production  company
operating in  the  Tomsk  region  in  western  Siberia.  Its  current
position consists of oil and gas  assets for licence block number  87
in the  said  region.  The  block  has  a  surface  of  1,800  square
kilometres. There  are  currently three  oil  fields at  the  licence
block, namely Zapadno-Luginetskoye ("ZL"), Lower Luginetskoye  ("LL")
and the Schinginskoye oil  field, and a large  quantity of other  not
yet drilled oil structures.
The ZL and LL oil fields are  in production and these two oil  fields
have during 2007 went through  reserve classification by the  Russian
State Committee of Reserves  (GKZ) and during  spring 2008 a  Western
reserve study made  by DeGolyer and  MacNaughton. The GKZ  registered
extractable oil and condensate reserves  in the categories C1 and  C2
amounted to 97 million barrels at the end of 2007. The company's  own
estimate of its extractable oil  and condensate reserves, C1+ C2,  in
the three existing oil fields on licence block number 87 is currently
140-190 million barrels.  The Western reserve study estimation as  of
April 30, 2008 amounted to 43.5  million barrels 2P and 90.6  million
barrels 3P oil reserves.
Malka Oil's licence block is surrounded by a large number of
producing oil and gas fields.

Reasonable caution notice: The statement and assumptions made in  the
company's information  regarding  Malka Oil  AB's  ("Malka")  current
plans, prognoses, strategies, concepts and other statements that  are
not historical facts are estimations or "forward looking  statements"
concerning  Malka's  future   activities.  Such  future   estimations
comprise but are not limited to statements that include words such as"may   occur",   "concerning",   "plans",   "expects",   "estimates","believes", "evaluates",  "prognosticates"  or  similar  expressions.
Such expressions reflect the  management of Malka's expectations  and
assumptions made on the basis of information available at that  time.
These statements and  assumptions are  subject to a  large number  of
risks and uncertainties. These, in  their turn, comprise but are  not
limited  to  i)  changes  in  the  financial,  legal  and   political
environment of the  countries in which  Malka conducts business,  ii)
changes  in  the  available  geological  information  concerning  the
company's  projects   in   operation,  iii)   Malka's   capacity   to
continuously  guarantee   sufficient  financing   to  perform   their
activities as a "going concern", iv) the success of all  participants
in the group, or of the various interested companies, joint  ventures
or secondary alliances,  v) changes  in currency  exchange rates,  in
particular those relating to the RUR/USD rate. Due to the  background
of  the   many   risks  and   uncertainties   that  exist   for   any
oil-prospecting venture  and oil  production company  in its  initial
stage, Malka's actual  future development  may significantly  deviate
from that indicated  in the company's  informative statements.  Malka
assumes no implicit liability to  immediately update any such  future


Press Release PDF.pdf