First Place Financial Corp. Reports Third Quarter Net Income of $2.5 Million

Board of Directors Approves Quarterly Dividend


 * Net income for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 was $2.5 million,
   primarily driven by mortgage banking gains, partially offset by
   provision for loan losses and loan servicing losses;

 * Historically low interest rates continued during the quarter
   resulting in an increase in mortgage banking activity and gains
   of $6.8 million, an increase of $2.9 million from the same quarter
   in the prior year;

 * First Place continued to strengthen its allowance for loan losses
   by $2.2 million or 6.5% during the current quarter to $35.8 million
   or 1.41% of loans, up from 1.28% of loans at December 31, 2008;

 * With the receipt of the U.S. Treasury's Capital Purchase Program
   funds of $72.9 million, liquidity and capital levels far exceed
   regulatory requirements which positions First Place for long-term

 * Organic deposits increased $39 million during the current quarter,
   funding the payoff of $31 million in wholesale deposit maturities
   resulting in a net gain of $8 million in deposits; and

 * The Board of Directors declared the Company's 41st consecutive
   quarterly common cash dividend.  The dividend of $0.01 per share
   is the same as the prior quarter.


WARREN, Ohio, April 22, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Place Financial Corp. (Nasdaq:FPFC) reported net income of $2.5 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 compared with $4.8 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2008. The decline was primarily due to an increase of $2.1 million in the provision for loan losses and a $3.0 million increase in noninterest expense partially offset by an increase of $1.2 million in noninterest income and a decrease of $1.9 million in income tax expense. Diluted earnings per common share for the current quarter were $0.14 compared with $0.30 for the same quarter in the prior year. Return on average equity and return on average tangible equity for the current quarter were 4.46% and 4.71%, respectively, compared with 6.11% and 9.25% for the same quarter in the prior year.

Net income of $2.5 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 represented an improvement of $96.6 million from a net loss of $94.1 million for the preceding quarter ended December 31, 2008. The $93.7 million pre-tax charge for goodwill impairment in the December 2008 quarter was the primary cause of the loss in the preceding quarter. Diluted earnings per common share for the current quarter were $0.14 compared with a net loss per common share of $5.68 for the preceding quarter ended December 31, 2008. Return on average equity and return on average tangible equity for the current quarter were 4.46% and 4.71% respectively, compared with -121.96% and -185.71% for the preceding quarter ended December 31, 2008.

For the nine months ended March 31, 2009, the Company reported a net loss of $97.7 million compared with net income of $7.9 million for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. The decrease was primarily due to pre-tax charges of $93.7 million for goodwill impairment, $12.4 million for a decline in the fair value of securities and an increase of $11.5 million in the provision for loan losses, partially offset by decreases of $5.9 million in impairment of securities and $9.6 million in income tax expense. Net loss per common share was $5.91 for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 compared with diluted earnings per common share of $0.48 for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Return on average assets and return on average equity for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 were -3.91% and -45.73%, respectively, compared with 0.32% and 3.29% for the nine months ended March 31, 2008.

Core earnings are a supplementary financial measure computed using methods other than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that exclude certain unusual or nonrecurring items of revenue or expense. There were no differences between net income and core earnings for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 and the same quarter in the prior year. For the nine months ended March 31, 2009, the pre-tax charges of $93.7 million for goodwill impairment and $1.1 million for merger, integration and restructuring expenses have been excluded from core earnings. For the nine months ended March 31, 2008, the pre-tax charge of $0.8 million for merger, integration and restructuring expenses has been excluded from core earnings. For additional information on core earnings, see the Explanation of Certain Non-GAAP Measures beginning on page five of this release and the Reconciliation of Net Income to Core Earnings on page nine.

The core net loss for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 was $4.9 million compared with core net income of $8.4 million for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Core loss per common share was $0.31 for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 compared with core diluted earnings per common share of $0.52 for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. Core return on average equity and core return on average tangible equity for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 were -2.27% and -3.09%, respectively, compared with 3.51% and 5.28% for the nine months ended March 31, 2008.

Commenting on these results, Steven R. Lewis, President and CEO, stated, "Although we still face economic challenges in the form of nonperforming assets, we are pleased with a number of positive events that occurred this quarter. Most importantly, we returned to profitability after experiencing net losses in the last two quarters. Also during this quarter, the U. S. Treasury chose to invest $73 million in our Company as part of the Capital Purchase Program for healthy institutions. This is a vote of confidence for First Place along with being a significant boost to our capital levels which will put us in a better position to weather the current economic crisis and enable us to continue to invest in our local markets by making quality loans. Finally, we have experienced a record breaking quarter in residential mortgage loan originations providing reduced interest rates and mortgage payments to thousands of customers while generating record mortgage banking gains."


Net interest income for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 was $21.7 million, a decrease of $0.1 million or 0.7% compared with $21.8 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. This decrease was the result of a decline in the net interest margin of 13 basis points to 2.85% for the current quarter from 2.98% for the same quarter in the prior year, partially offset by a 4.5% increase in average earning assets in the current quarter compared with the same quarter in the prior year. Net interest income of $21.7 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 represents an increase of $0.4 million from net interest income of $21.3 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2008 while net interest margin of 2.85% for the current quarter increased from net interest margin of 2.81% from the preceding quarter. The primary reason for the increase in net interest margin from the December 2008 quarter was that interest rates paid on interest-bearing liabilities decreased at a faster pace than interest rates on interest-earning assets declined. During the current quarter, the Company carried a high level of short-term liquid assets due to the uncertainties in the financial markets. However, significant reductions in the cost of deposits more than offset the negative impact of high liquidity resulting in the net increase of four basis points in net interest margin.

Noninterest income for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 was $11.1 million, an increase of $1.2 million or 12.1% compared with $9.9 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2008. This increase was primarily due to increases of $2.9 million in mortgage banking gains and $0.5 million in service charges on deposit accounts, partially offset by a charge of $0.5 million for the decline in the fair value of securities in the current quarter and decreases of $0.6 million in loan servicing income and $0.6 million in other income - nonbank subsidiaries.

The volume of loan sales in the current quarter was $638 million compared to $329 million for the same quarter in the prior year. The increase in mortgage banking gains was primarily due to higher margins on mortgage banking sales and a $309 million increase in the volume of loans sold. The $0.6 million decrease in loan servicing income was primarily due to continued low interest rates during the current quarter, precipitating an increase in prepayment speeds and as a result, the amortization of mortgage servicing rights increased.

Mr. Lewis commented, "Congratulations to all of our mortgage banking personnel. Their efforts this quarter resulted in more than $700 million in residential mortgage loan originations which was more than 70% higher than any previous quarter in our history. This is a win for us and for our customers who were able to purchase new homes or reduce the monthly payments on their current homes."

Noninterest Expense

Noninterest expense for the third quarter of fiscal year 2009 was $23.0 million, an increase of $3.0 million or 15.2% compared with $20.0 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2008. The increase in noninterest expense was primarily due to increases of $1.3 million in salaries and employee benefits, $1.0 million in other expenses and $0.6 million in real estate owned expense. In order to utilize our employees more efficiently, we changed our organizational structure this quarter to manage by product line rather than by geographic region. This resulted in the elimination of certain positions by consolidating similar positions that existed in more than one region. As a result we experienced severance costs. Salaries and employee benefits also increased due to an increase in health care costs and the impact of employees added with the OC Financial acquisition in June 2008. The increase in other expenses was primarily due to an increase in FDIC premiums. This increase resulted from increases in premium rates and deposit balances along with the exhaustion of credits issued in 2006. Noninterest expense as a percent of average assets increased to 2.80% for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 from 2.45% for the same quarter in the prior year. Real estate owned expense as a percent of average assets was 0.13% for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 compared with 0.07% for the quarter ended March 31, 2008.

Noninterest expense for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 of $23.0 million decreased $93.6 million from $116.6 million in the preceding quarter. The decrease was primarily due to the $93.7 million charge for goodwill impairment in the prior quarter. Noninterest expense as a percent of average assets decreased to 2.80% in the current quarter compared with 13.81% in the preceding quarter. Core noninterest expense as a percent of average assets increased to 2.80% in the current quarter compared with 2.58% in the preceding quarter.

Core noninterest expense excludes goodwill impairment and merger, integration and restructuring costs. There were no differences for the third quarter of fiscal 2009 and the same quarter in the prior year. Core noninterest expense for the nine months ended March 31, 2009 was $66.1 million, an increase of $4.0 million or 6.5% over core noninterest expense of $62.1 million for the nine months ended March 31, 2008. For the nine months ended March 31, 2009, core noninterest expense as a percent of average assets increased to 2.64% from 2.55% for the nine months ended March 31, 2008.

Asset Quality

Nonperforming assets, which are comprised of nonperforming loans and real estate owned, were $104.2 million at March 31, 2009, or 3.08% of total assets, up $2.4 million from $101.8 million or 3.10% of total assets at December 31, 2008. Nonperforming loans were $69.2 million at March 31, 2009, or 2.74% of total loans, up $2.2 million from $67.0 million or 2.56% of total loans at December 31, 2008. Real estate owned was $35.0 million at March 31, 2009, up $0.2 million from $34.8 million at December 31, 2008. First Place works with borrowers to avoid foreclosure if at all possible. Furthermore, if it becomes inevitable that a borrower will not be able to retain ownership of their property, First Place often seeks a deed in lieu of foreclosure in order to gain control of the property earlier in the recovery process. First Place has been pursuing deeds in lieu of foreclosure aggressively since January 1, 2008. Over the long term, pursuing deeds in lieu of foreclosure should result in a significant reduction in the holding period for nonperforming assets and ultimately reduce economic losses. Single family residential properties represented $22.6 million of the $35.0 million balance of real estate owned at March 31, 2008.

Net charge-offs were $4.6 million in the current quarter which was an increase of $2.4 million over net charge-offs of $2.2 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2008 and a decrease of $2.5 million from net charge-offs of $7.1 million in the preceding quarter. Each quarter, management performs a review of estimated probable incurred credit losses in the loan portfolio. Based on this analysis, a provision for loan losses of $6.8 million was recorded for the quarter ended March 31, 2009. That provision represents a $2.1 million increase over the provision of $4.7 million recorded in the quarter ended March 31, 2008 and a $2.4 million decrease from the provision of $9.2 million recorded in the preceding quarter. The allowance for loan losses increased to $35.8 million at March 31, 2009, from $33.6 million at December 31, 2008 and $28.9 million at March 31, 2008. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to total loans was 1.41% at March 31, 2009, compared with 1.28% at December 31, 2008 and 1.10% at March 31, 2008. The allowance for loan losses as a percent of nonperforming loans was 51.7% at March 31, 2009, up from 50.2% at December 31, 2008. Of the total nonperforming loans at March 31, 2009, 94% were secured by real estate. Real estate loans are generally well secured and if these loans do default, the majority of the loan balance is recovered by liquidating the real estate.

Steven Lewis commented, "We have continued to experience unemployment and depressed real estate values in the markets where we lend, resulting in an unsatisfactory level of nonperforming loans. Our greatest exposure exists in our loans to builders to develop residential building lots and build new homes. Reducing our concentrations of credit in construction and development lending and the disposition of nonperforming assets remain our highest priorities. In the meantime, we continue to fully recognize the cost of our current delinquent and nonperforming loans through our provision for loan losses. We remain committed to reducing nonperforming assets in the coming months."

Balance Sheet Activity

Assets were $3.385 billion at March 31, 2009, compared with $3.284 billion at December 31, 2008, an increase of $101 million or 3.1%. The increase was due to the receipt of $73 million in the U.S. Treasury's Capital Purchase Program funds and $28 million of organic growth. The organic growth was primarily due to increases in cash and due from banks and loans held for sale, partially offset by a decrease in portfolio loans. Total portfolio loans were $2.529 billion at March 31, 2009, a decrease of $84 million from December 31, 2008. Mortgage and construction loans decreased $68 million during the current quarter, or 7.1%, to $887 million. Consumer loans decreased $10 million during the current quarter and commercial loans decreased $6 million during the same period. Commercial loans now account for 49.8% of the loan portfolio, up from 48.4% at December 31, 2008. Loans held for sale increased $63 million to $160 million at March 31, 2009 compared with $97 million at December 31, 2008.

Deposits totaled $2.549 billion at March 31, 2009, an increase of $8 million since December 31, 2008. The increase in deposits was primarily due to an increase of $39 million in deposits generated through our retail branch deposit network, partially offset by maturities of $31 million in certificates of deposit acquired through brokers and public funds of the state of Ohio. Total borrowings increased $1 million to $508 million at March 31, 2009, compared with December 31, 2008.

As stated above, the Company received the U.S. Treasury's Capital Purchase Program funds to strengthen total equity which increased to $294 million at March 31, 2009, up from $218 million at December 31, 2008. Total equity as a percent of assets was 8.70% at March 31, 2009, up from 6.63% at December 31, 2008. Tangible equity to tangible assets increased to 8.36% at March 31, 2009, up from 6.29% at December 31, 2008. The Company invested $31 million of the U.S. Treasury's Capital Purchase Program funds directly into First Place Bank, strengthening even further the Bank's capital position. First Place Bank was well capitalized under regulatory capital standards prior to the receipt of the U.S. Treasury's Capital Purchase Program funds and continued to be well capitalized at March 31, 2009.

Steven Lewis noted, "With the recent and dramatic disruption in the capital markets and the resulting tightening of credit nationwide, we have carefully monitored and maintained appropriate levels of both liquidity and capital. With today's environment forcing earnings to take a back seat, maintenance of both liquidity and capital adequacy are keys to weathering these trying times. Our growth in deposits not only strengthens our funding base, but also demonstrates the confidence that the public and our customers have in First Place."

Board Actions

At its regular meeting held on April 21, 2009, the Board of Directors declared a per share cash dividend of $0.01 payable on May 14, 2009, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on April 30, 2009. This dividend is at the same level as the dividend declared in January 2009.

Conference Call

Steven R. Lewis, Chief Executive Officer of First Place Financial Corp., and David W. Gifford, Chief Financial Officer, along with members of the Company's executive team, will provide an overview of third quarter fiscal 2009 performance and business highlights in a conference call and simultaneous webcast to be held at 10 a.m. E.T. Thursday, April 23. The conference call can be accessed by dialing 877-407-0783 or 201-689-8564. The webcast can be accessed live at the Company's website,, along with the release and supporting financial information. The event will be archived on the First Place website for one month. In addition, the recorded version of the conference call can be accessed by phone from 12 p.m. April 23, 2009 through midnight May 7, 2009 by dialing 877-660-6853 Account #286, ID #318408.

About First Place Financial Corp.

First Place Financial Corp. is a $3.4 billion financial services holding company based in Warren, Ohio. First Place Financial Corp. operates 44 retail locations, 2 business financial service centers and 18 lending centers throughout the Midwest. Additional affiliates of First Place Financial Corp. include First Place Holdings, Inc., the holding company for the Company's nonbank affiliates including First Place Insurance Agency, Ltd.; Coldwell Banker First Place Real Estate, Ltd.; TitleWorks Agency, LLC, APB Financial Group, Ltd. and American Pension Benefits, Inc. Information about First Place Financial Corp. may be found on the Company's web site:

Explanation of Certain Non-GAAP Measures

This press release contains certain financial information determined by methods other than in accordance with GAAP. Specifically, we have provided financial measures that are based on core earnings rather than net income. Ratios and other financial measures with the word "core" in their title were computed using core earnings rather than net income. Core earnings excludes merger, integration and restructuring expense; extraordinary income or expense; income or expense from discontinued operations; and income, expense, gains and losses that are not reflective of ongoing operations or that we do not expect to reoccur. Similarly, core noninterest expense or core noninterest income exclude the pre-tax impact of those same items that impact noninterest income or noninterest expense. We believe that this information is useful to both investors and to management and can aid them in understanding the Company's current performance, performance trends and financial condition. While core earnings can be useful in evaluating current performance and projecting current trends into the future, we do not believe that core earnings are a substitute for GAAP net income. We encourage investors and others to use core earnings as a supplemental tool for analysis and not as a substitute for GAAP net income. Our non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to the non-GAAP measures of other companies. In addition, future results of operations may include nonrecurring items that would not be included in core earnings. A reconciliation from GAAP net income to the non-GAAP measure of core earnings is shown in the consolidated financial highlights on page nine.

Forward-Looking Statements

When used in this press release, or future press releases or other public or shareholder communications, in filings by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission or in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases such as "will likely result," "expect," "will continue," "anticipate," "estimate," "project," "believe," "should," "may," "will," "plan," or variations of such terms or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from those indicated. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties including changes in economic conditions in the market areas the Company conducts business, which could materially impact credit quality trends, changes in laws, regulations or policies of regulatory agencies, fluctuations in interest rates, demand for loans in the market areas the Company conducts business, and competition, that could cause actual results to differ materially from historical earnings and those presently anticipated or projected. The Company wishes to caution readers not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly release the result of any revisions that may be made to any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events.

                                       Three months ended
                                            March 31,         
 (Dollars in thousands, except                                Percent
  share data)                            2009        2008      Change
 Interest income                    $    42,408  $    47,421   (10.6)%
 Interest expense                        20,723       25,586   (19.0)
  Net interest income                    21,685       21,835    (0.7)

 Provision for loan losses                6,797        4,680    45.2
 Net interest income after
  Provision for loan losses              14,888       17,155   (13.2)

 Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit 
   accounts                               2,675        2,145    24.7
  Net gains (losses) on sale of
   securities                                 1            8   (87.5)
  Impairment of securities                   --           --     N/M
  Change in fair value of securities       (489)          --     N/M
  Mortgage banking gains                  6,812        3,938    73.0
  Gain on sale of loan servicing 
   rights                                    --          490     N/M
  Loan servicing income (loss)           (1,009)        (411)    N/M
  Other income - bank                     1,653        1,624     1.8
  Insurance commission income             1,036        1,072    (3.4)
  Other income - nonbank                    457        1,070   (57.3)
   Total noninterest income              11,136        9,936    12.1

 Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits         11,382       10,083    12.9
  Occupancy and equipment                 3,639        3,459     5.2
  Professional fees                         823          649    26.8
  Loan expenses                             899          592    51.9
  Marketing                                 268          453   (40.8)
  Merger, integration &
   restructuring                             --           --     N/M
  Goodwill impairment                        --           --     N/M
  Amortization of intangible assets         784        1,104   (29.0)
  Real estate owned expense               1,102          550   100.4
  Other expense                           4,103        3,082    33.1
   Total noninterest expense             23,000       19,972    15.2

 Income (loss) before income tax
  expense (benefit)                       3,024        7,119   (57.5)
    Income tax expense (benefit)            483        2,350   (79.4)
 Net income (loss)                        2,541        4,769   (46.7)
  Preferred stock dividends and                                
   accretion                                216           --     N/M
 Income (loss) available to common
  shareholders                      $     2,325  $     4,769   (51.2)

 Basic earnings (loss) per common
  share                             $      0.14  $      0.30   (53.3)%
 Diluted earnings (loss) per common
  share                             $      0.14  $      0.30   (53.3)
 Cash dividends per common share    $      0.01  $      0.17   (94.1)
 Average common shares outstanding
  - basic                            16,569,366   15,968,711     3.8
 Average common shares outstanding
  - diluted                          16,569,366   15,998,585     3.6

                                        Nine months ended
                                            March 31,         
 (Dollars in thousands, except                                Percent
  share data)                            2009        2008      Change
 Interest income                    $   130,365  $   144,812   (10.0)%
 Interest expense                        64,422       80,047   (19.5)
  Net interest income                    65,943       64,765     1.8

 Provision for loan losses               23,364       11,836    97.4
 Net interest income after
  Provision for loan losses              42,579       52,929   (19.6)

 Noninterest income
  Service charges on deposit 
   accounts                               7,278        6,206    17.3
  Net gains (losses) on sale of
   securities                               320          737   (56.6)
  Impairment of securities                   --       (5,900)    N/M
  Change in fair value of 
   securities                           (12,353)          --     N/M
  Mortgage banking gains                 10,693        6,859    55.9
  Gain on sale of loan servicing 
   rights                                    --        1,961     N/M
  Loan servicing income (loss)           (1,993)        (267)    N/M
  Other income - bank                     4,953        4,969    (0.3)
  Insurance commission income             2,979        2,730     9.1
  Other income - nonbank                  2,204        3,546   (37.8)
   Total noninterest income              14,081       20,841   (32.4)

 Noninterest expense
  Salaries and employee benefits         31,818       30,719     3.6
  Occupancy and equipment                10,421        9,627     8.2
  Professional fees                       2,485        2,154    15.4
  Loan expenses                           2,239        1,476    51.7
  Marketing                               1,423        2,126   (33.1)
  Merger, integration & 
   restructuring                          1,109          790    40.4
  Goodwill impairment                    93,741         --       N/M
  Amortization of intangible assets       2,378        3,327   (28.5)
  Real estate owned expense               3,574        2,690    32.9
  Other expense                          11,771        9,947    18.3
   Total noninterest expense            160,959       62,856   156.1

 Income (loss) before income tax 
  expense (benefit)                    (104,299)      10,914     N/M
  Income tax expense (benefit)           (6,584)       3,038  (316.7)
 Net income (loss)                      (97,715)       7,876     N/M
  Preferred stock dividends and
   accretion                                216           --     N/M
 Income (loss) available  to common
  shareholders                      $   (97,931) $     7,876     N/M

 Basic earnings (loss) per common 
  share                             $     (5.91) $      0.49     N/M
 Diluted earnings (loss) per common
  share                             $     (5.91) $      0.48     N/M
 Cash dividends per common share    $     (0.18) $     0.495   (63.6)
 Average common shares outstanding 
  - basic                            16,558,189   16,180,416     2.3
 Average common shares outstanding 
  - diluted                          16,558,189   16,259,477     1.8

 N/M - Not meaningful


                 Mar. 31,   Dec. 31,    Sept. 30, June 30,   Mar. 31,
                   2009       2008        2008      2008       2008
 (Dollars in 
  thousands)   (Unaudited)(Unaudited)(Unaudited)           (Unaudited)

  Cash and due
   from banks  $   70,564 $   38,647 $   65,444 $   59,483 $   52,351
   deposits in
   other banks    111,376     74,494      5,992      4,151      5,049
   funds sold      41,000         --        150      5,608         --
   at fair
   value          287,719    283,097    278,989    284,433    275,519
  Loans held
   for sale,
   at fair
   value          160,165     96,851     66,039     72,341     85,372
    struction     886,805    954,660    989,003  1,015,010  1,018,083
   Commercial   1,258,784  1,265,165  1,245,998  1,234,130  1,212,947
   Consumer       383,640    393,630    395,942    399,637    384,629
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     loans      2,529,229  2,613,455  2,630,943  2,648,777  2,615,659
    for loan
    losses         35,766     33,577     31,428     28,216     28,874
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    Loans, net  2,493,463  2,579,878  2,599,515  2,620,561  2,586,785
  Federal Home
   Loan Bank
   stock           36,221     36,221     36,221     35,761     34,523
  Premises and
   net             38,561     40,454     40,328     40,089     50,902
   held for
   sale, net       14,739     13,333     13,491     13,555         --
  Goodwill            909         --     93,741     93,626     91,978
  Core deposit
   and other
   intangibles     11,380     11,979     12,767     13,573     13,998
  Other assets    119,273    109,328    103,276     97,865     92,507
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     assets    $3,385,370 $3,284,282 $3,315,953 $3,341,046 $3,288,984
               ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

    checking   $  230,968 $  227,434 $  222,305 $  248,851 $  227,994
    checking      166,394    160,274    158,298    159,874    155,941
   Savings        399,343    393,070    438,410    475,835    453,609
    markets       283,927    285,615    305,320    359,801    362,711
    icates of
    deposit     1,468,643  1,474,557  1,281,294  1,124,731  1,128,340
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     deposits   2,549,275  2,540,950  2,405,627  2,369,092  2,328,595
     ings         170,946    142,454    156,173    197,100    150,214
    debt          337,092    364,269    414,448    424,374    464,371
    ties           33,681     18,752     28,790     31,513     32,106
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     ties       3,090,994  3,066,425  3,005,038  3,022,079  2,975,286

  EQUITY          294,376    217,857    310,915    318,967    313,698
               ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     ties and
     equity    $3,385,370 $3,284,282 $3,315,953 $3,341,046 $3,288,984
               ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========


 (Unaudited)                  As of or for the three months ended
                         3/31/09  12/31/08 9/30/08  6/30/08  3/31/08
 (Dollars in thousands   3rd Qtr  2nd Qtr  1st Qtr  4th Qtr  3rd Qtr
  except per share data) FY 2009  FY 2009  FY 2009  FY 2008  FY 2008

  Fully tax equivalent
   net interest income  $ 22,038   21,712   23,358   23,241   22,246
  Net interest income   $ 21,685   21,303   22,955   22,861   21,835
  Provision for loan
   losses               $  6,797    9,216    7,351    4,631    4,680
  Noninterest income    $ 11,136    4,543   (1,598)   6,124    9,936
  Noninterest expense   $ 23,000  116,599   21,360   21,209   19,972
  Net income (loss)     $  2,541  (94,097)  (6,159)   2,914    4,769
  Income (loss)
   available to common
   shareholders         $  2,325  (94,097)  (6,159)   2,914    4,769
  Basic earnings
   (loss) per common
   share                $   0.14    (5.68)   (0.37)    0.18     0.30
  Diluted earnings
   (loss) per common
   share                $   0.14    (5.68)   (0.37)    0.18     0.30

  (GAAP) (annualized)
  Return on average
   assets                   0.31%  (11.14)%  (0.74)%   0.36%    0.59%
  Return on average
   equity                   4.46% (121.96)%  (7.74)%   3.75%    6.11%
  Return on average
   tangible assets          0.31%  (11.50)%  (0.76)%   0.37%    0.61%
  Return on average
   tangible equity          4.71% (185.71)% (11.71)%   5.66%    9.25%
  Net interest margin,
   fully tax
   equivalent               2.85%    2.81%    3.07%    3.13%    2.98%
  Efficiency ratio         69.33%  444.98%   98.16%   72.23%   62.06%
  Noninterest expense
   to average assets        2.80%   13.81%    2.56%    2.60%    2.45%

  Net income (loss)     $  2,541  (94,097)  (6,159)   2,914    4,769
  Merger, integration
   and restructuring,
   net of tax           $     --      692       29      293       --
  Goodwill impairment,
   net of tax           $     --   92,139       --       --       --
  Core earnings (loss)  $  2,541   (1,266)  (6,130)   3,207    4,769
  Core earnings (loss)
   available to
   shareholders         $  2,325   (1,266)  (6,130)   3,207    4,769

  Core earnings (loss)
   available to common
   shareholders         $  2,325   (1,266)  (6,130)   3,207    4,769
  Core basic earnings
   (loss) per common
   share                $   0.14    (0.08)   (0.37)    0.20     0.30
  Core diluted
   earnings (loss) per
   common share         $   0.14    (0.08)   (0.37)    0.20     0.30

  RATIOS (annualized)
  Core return on
   average assets           0.31%   (0.15)%  (0.73)%   0.39%    0.59%
  Core return on
   average equity           4.46%   (1.64)%  (7.71)%   4.13%    6.11%
  Core return on
   average tangible
   assets                   0.31%   (0.15)%  (0.76)%   0.41%    0.61%
  Core return on
   average tangible
   equity                   4.71%   (2.50)% (11.65)%   6.23%    9.25%
  Core net interest
   margin, fully tax
   equivalent               2.85%    2.81%    3.07%    3.13%    2.98%
  Core efficiency
   ratio                   69.33%   83.00%   97.95%   70.69%   62.06%
  Core noninterest
   expense to average
   assets                   2.80%    2.58%    2.56%    2.55%    2.45%

                                                As of or for the
                                                nine months ended
                                                    March 31,
 (Dollars in thousands except per share data)     2009      2008

  Fully tax equivalent net interest income    $   67,108    65,922
  Net interest income                         $   65,943    64,765
  Provision for loan losses                   $   23,364    11,836
  Noninterest income                          $   14,081    20,841
  Noninterest expense                         $  160,959    62,856
  Net income (loss)                           $  (97,715)    7,876
  Income (loss) available to common
   shareholders                               $  (97,931)    7,876
  Basic earnings (loss) per common share      $    (5.91)     0.49
  Diluted earnings (loss) per common share    $    (5.91)     0.48

  Return on average assets                         (3.91)%    0.32%
  Return on average equity                        (45.73)%    3.29%
  Return on average tangible assets                (4.00)%    0.34%
  Return on average tangible equity               (62.16)%    4.96%
  Net interest margin, fully tax equivalent         2.89%     2.94%
  Efficiency ratio                                198.25%    72.45%
  Noninterest expense to average assets             6.44%     2.59%

  Net income (loss)                           $  (97,715)    7,876
  Merger, integration and restructuring, net
   of tax                                     $      721       514
  Goodwill impairment, net of tax             $   92,139        --
  Core earnings (loss)                        $   (4,855)    8,390
  Core earnings (loss) available to common
   shareholders                               $   (5,071)    8,390

  Core earnings (loss) available to common
   shareholders                               $   (5,071)    8,390
  Core basic earnings (loss) per common share $    (0.31)     0.52
  Core diluted earnings (loss) per common
   share                                      $    (0.31)     0.52

  Core return on average assets                    (0.19)%    0.35%
  Core return on average equity                    (2.27)%    3.51%
  Core return on average tangible assets           (0.20)%    0.36%
  Core return on average tangible equity           (3.09)%    5.28%
  Core net interest margin, fully tax
   equivalent                                        2.89%    2.94%
  Core efficiency ratio                             81.43%   71.54%
  Core noninterest expense to average assets         2.64%    2.55%

 (Unaudited)               As of or for the three months ended
                     3/31/09  12/31/08   9/30/08   6/30/08  3 /31/08
 (Dollars in 
  thousands except   3rd Qtr   2nd Qtr   1st Qtr   4th Qtr   3rd Qtr
   per share data)   FY 2009   FY 2009   FY 2009   FY 2008   FY 2008
  Total equity to
   total assets at
   end of period         8.70%     6.63%     9.38%     9.55%     9.54%
  Tangible total
   equity to
   tangible assets
   at end of
   period                8.36%     6.29%     6.37%     6.55%     6.53%
  Book value per
   common share    $    13.27     12.84     18.32     18.79     19.11
  Tangible book
   value per
   common share    $    12.55     12.13     12.04     12.48     12.65
   market value
   per common
   share           $     3.36      3.83     12.85      9.40     13.00
   declared per
   common share    $    0.010     0.085     0.085     0.170     0.170
   common shares
   (000)               16,973    16,973    16,973    16,973    16,418
  Average basic
   common shares
   (000)               16,569    16,558    16,547    15,986    15,969
  Average diluted
   common shares
   (000)               16,569    16,558    16,547    15,992    15,999

  Net charge-offs  $    4,609     7,066     4,140     5,434     2,165
  Annualized net
   charge-offs to
   average loans         0.72%     1.07%     0.63%     0.85%     0.33%
   loans           $   69,190    66,951    62,860    50,722    57,480
   loans to total
   loans                 2.74%     2.56%     2.39%     1.91%     2.20%
   assets          $  104,159   101,752    89,433    74,417    70,692
   assets to total
   assets                3.08%     3.10%     2.70%     2.23%     2.15%
  Allowance for
   loan losses     $   35,766    33,577    31,428    28,216    28,874
  Allowance for
   loan losses to
   total loans           1.41%     1.28%     1.19%     1.07%     1.10%
  Allowance for
   loan losses to
   loans                51.69%    50.15%    50.00%    55.63%    50.23%

   originations    $  717,403   291,765   263,900   333,000   335,700
  Mortgage banking
   gains           $    6,812     2,106     2,064     2,398     3,938
   portfolio       $1,833,518 1,549,536 1,498,521 1,425,915 1,357,944
   rights          $   16,994    13,636    14,457    14,272    13,402
   (loss) recovery $      226    (1,071)     (292)      350      (145)
   rights to
   portfolio             0.93%     0.88%     0.96%     1.00%     0.99%

  Loans            $2,529,229 2,613,455 2,630,943 2,648,777 2,615,659
  Assets           $3,385,370 3,284,282 3,315,953 3,341,046 3,288,984
  Deposits         $2,549,275 2,540,950 2,405,627 2,369,092 2,328,595
  Total equity     $  294,376   217,857   310,915   318,967   313,698
  Tangible total
   equity          $  282,087   205,878   204,407   211,768   207,722
  Common equity    $  225,291   217,857   310,915   318,967   313,698
  Tangible common
   equity          $  213,002   205,878   204,407   211,768   207,722

  Loans            $2,585,519 2,622,016 2,608,491 2,584,075 2,625,799
  Earning assets   $3,141,122 3,063,980 3,016,618 2,990,206 3,007,062
  Assets           $3,331,969 3,350,845 3,308,996 3,277,762 3,276,830
  Deposits         $2,566,770 2,483,101 2,394,237 2,330,860 2,323,244
  Total equity     $  231,155   306,099   315,519   312,476   313,888
  Tangible total
   equity          $  218,737   201,020   208,705   207,018   207,400
  Common equity    $  219,640   306,099   315,519   312,476   313,888
  Tangible common
   equity          $  207,222   201,020   208,705   207,018   207,400

                                                  As of or for the
                                                  nine months ended
                                                      March 31,
 (Dollars in thousands except per share data)     2009      2008
  Total equity to total assets at end of 
   period                                            8.70%     9.54%
  Tangible total equity to tangible assets at
   end of period                                     8.36%     6.53%
  Book value per common share                  $    13.27     19.11
  Tangible book value per common share         $    12.55     12.65
  Period-end market value per common share     $     3.36     13.00
  Dividends declared per common share          $    0.180     0.495
  Period-end common shares outstanding (000)       16,973    16,418
  Average basic common shares outstanding (000)    16,558    16,180
  Average diluted common shares outstanding
   (000)                                           16,558    16,259

  Net charge-offs                              $   15,815     9,066
  Annualized net charge-offs  to average loans       0.80%     0.46%
  Nonperforming loans                          $   69,190    57,480
  Nonperforming loans to total loans                 2.74%     2.20%
  Nonperforming assets                         $  104,159    70,692
  Nonperforming assets to total assets               3.08%     2.15%
  Allowance for loan losses                    $   35,766    28,874
  Allowance for loan losses to total loans           1.41%     1.10%
  Allowance for loan losses to nonperforming
   loans                                            51.69%    50.23%

  Mortgage originations                        $1,273,068   948,800
  Mortgage banking gains                       $   10,982     6,859
  Mortgage servicing portfolio                 $1,833,518 1,357,944
  Mortgage servicing rights                    $   16,994    13,402
  Mortgage servicing rights valuation (loss)
   recovery                                    $   (1,137)     (450)
  Mortgage servicing rights to mortgage
   servicing portfolio                               0.93%     0.99%

  Loans                                        $2,529,229 2,615,659
  Assets                                       $3,385,370 3,288,984
  Deposits                                     $2,549,275 2,328,595
  Total equity                                 $  294,376   313,698
  Tangible total equity                        $  282,087   207,722
  Common equity                                $  225,291   313,698
  Tangible common equity                       $  213,002   207,722

  Loans                                        $2,621,937 2,596,732
  Earning assets                               $3,089,866 2,981,229
  Assets                                       $3,330,594 3,233,093
  Deposits                                     $2,480,746 2,276,060
  Total equity                                 $  284,646   318,406
  Tangible total equity                        $  209,421   211,310
  Common equity                                $  280,864   318,406
  Tangible common equity                       $  205,639   211,310


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