SCANFIL PLC              INTERIM REPORT        23 APRIL 2009  8.30 a.m.         

SCANFIL PLC'S INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 31 MARCH 2009                          

- Turnover for the first quarter of 2009 totalled EUR 49.6 million              
  (50.0 in the corresponding period 2008)                                       
- Operating profit was EUR 4.2 (4.7) million, which is 8.5 (9.5) % of           
- Profit for the review period was EUR 1.3 (3.6) million                        
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.02 (0.06)                                       

Harri Takanen, President of Scanfil plc:                                        
”We are satisfied with the financial performance for the reporting period.      
During the review period, changes in demand have been rapid and significant, and
it has been difficult to anticipate sales. The ability to respond and adapt to  
changes in demand is becoming increasingly important. We believe that we have   
succeeded in this respect. Customers are paying more attention to a supplier's  
financial stability and are trying to reduce risks in the supplier field.       
Scanfil is a well-established company and is able to guarantee continuity of    
operations to its customers. We can develop our operations in accordance with   
our strategy and thus further improve our competitiveness. As up to now, we will
need the input of our entire personnel in developing our operations also in the 

The financial situation on the market has made contract manufacturers'          
operations more difficult. Also many other companies are struggling with        
problems caused by financing and weakened sales. In accordance with its         
strategy, Scanfil plc is prepared actively enter into business transactions,    
which give possibilities to develop and increase operations.”                   

BUSINESS TRENDS                                                                 

Scanfil plc                                                                     
During the review period, Scanfil plc has mainly invested cash in hand. No      
strategic investments were made during the period.                              

Scanfil EMS Oy's general meeting has decided on a return of equity to its parent
company Scanfil plc by decreasing the reserve for invested non-restricted equity
so that the equity ratio of the company will be approximately 40%. The return of
capital will not exceed EUR 50 million and it is executed in two instalments,   
the first instalment at the second quarter and the second instalment during the 
autumn of 2009.                                                                 
Return of equity is an intercompany transaction; from the subsidiary to the     
parent company.                                                                 

Scanfil EMS Subgroup                                                            
The demand by both telecommunications and industrial electronics customers      
picked up clearly at the end of the review period, and the company's turnover   
remained on the level of the corresponding period last year. Operating profit   
was slightly under last year's corresponding period, but the company retained   
its profitability on a very satisfactory level despite the uncertainty of market
development and cost pressures caused by a global slow-down of investments.     
Scanfil's development efforts to improve personnel competence levels, cost      
management, flexible and effective production processes and comprehensive supply
chain management have resulted in the planned outcome.                          

During the review period, the company continued to invest in industrial         
electronics customers and in acquiring new customers, thus aiming to balance    
sales, expand the customer base and reduce customer-specific risk. New customers
have been acquired as expected, and the share of industrial electronics         
customers in total sales increased during the review period accounting for 44   
(37)%, whereas the telecommunications customers accounted for 56 (63)%.         

Even though the demand at the end of the review period picked up, the total     
demand during the review period by telecommunications customers decreased       
slightly compared to the corresponding period in the previous year. The decrease
in the total demand is a result of a weakened market situation. The sales for   
one customer have, however, clearly grown due to Scanfil's increased market     

From 9 March to 21 April 2009, the company carried out statutory                
employer-employee negotiations, which covered the merger of the mechanics and   
electronics plants operating in Sievi, Finland, and the partial concentration of
electronics production in lower-cost countries. The negotiations resulted in the
decision to merge the plant organisations in Sievi and concentrate part of the  
electronics production in the company's plant in Pärnu, Estonia. Due to the     
measures to be implemented, a total of 31 salaried employees and workers will be
made redundant. The aim of the measures is to lift the efficiency of operations,
improve cost-efficiency and maintain the company's competitiveness in the long  

FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT                                                           

The Group's turnover for January-March was EUR 49.6 (50.0) million, down 1%     
year-on-year. Distribution of turnover based on the location of customers was as
follows: Finland 49 (47) %, rest of Europe 18 (25) %, Asia 32 (26) %, USA 0 (1) 
% and the others 1 (1) %.                                                       

During the review period, the Group's income from customers that constitutes a  
minimum of 10% of the Group's income in accordance with IFRS 8 was as follows:  
the biggest customer EUR 18.6 (21.4) million, 37% (43%) of the Group's turnover,
the second biggest EUR 6.5 (3.4) million, 13% (7%) of the Group's turnover and  
the third biggest customer EUR 6.1 (5.9) million, 12% (12%) of the Group's      

The Chinese subsidiaries' sales accounted for 37% (32%) of the Group's sales    
during the review period including deliveries to the Group's other plants.      

Operating profit during the review period was at very satisfactory level EUR 4.2
(4.7) million, representing 8.5 (9.5)% of turnover. Earnings for the review     
period amounted to EUR 1.3 (3.6) million.   Earnings per share were EUR 0.02    
(0.06) and return on investment was 9.1 (14.2)%.                                

FINANCING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                               

The Group enjoys a strong financial position.                                   
The consolidated balance sheet totalled EUR 197.7 (185.8) million. Liabilities  
amounted to EUR 56.5 (50.0) million, EUR 44.5 (38.0) million of which were      
non-interest-bearing and EUR 12.0 (12.0) million interest-bearing. The equity   
ration was 71.4 (73.1)% and gearing -46.4 (-26.5)%.                             

Financial assets totalled EUR 77.5 (62.1) million, of which EUR 41.0 (43.0)     
million has been deposited in bank accounts and in time deposits with maturity  
of three months or less. Deposits of over three months amounted to EUR 11.7     
(5.0) million. An additional EUR 24.9 (14.1) million has been invested in       
financial instruments, mainly in bonds, credit linked notes as well as bond and 
index funds; of this, EUR 17.1 million will mature in less than a year. These   
are secondary market investments. These are secondary market investments. In    
compliance with the IFRS, the investments have been measured at fair value, and 
due to the market uncertainty, an impairment loss of EUR 1.3 million was        
recorded on the investments on 31 March 2009.                                   
In line with the Group's investment policy, half of the investment portfolio is 
in risk-free interest rate investments and around one third in low-risk         
investments, while around one fifth can be invested in non-capital guaranteed   
moderate risk investments. No strategic investments were made in the accounting 

Cash flow from operating activities in the review period was positive at EUR    
10.6 (8.5) million. Change in working capital during the financial period was   
EUR 6.1 (4.3) million                                                           

Gross investments in fixed assets totalled EUR 0.4 (0.3) million, which is 0.8  
(0.6)% of turnover. Depreciations were EUR 1.3 (1.6) million.                   


Scanfil plc's Annual General Meeting held on 26 March 2009 confirmed the        
Financial Statements for 2008 and discharged the Board of Directors and the     
President from liability.                                                       

According to Board of Directors' proposal The Annual General Meeting decided to 
distribute a dividend total of EUR 0.12 per share on the market or a total of   
EUR 7,005,180.24. The record date for the payment of dividend was 31 March 2009 
and the date of payment of the dividend was 7 April 2009.                       

The Meeting resolved that the Board of Directors consists of five members.      
Asa-Matti Lyytinen, Jorma J. Takanen, Reijo Pöllä, Jarkko Takanen and Tuomo     
Lähdesmäki were re-elected as members of the Board of Directors. In it's        
meeting, held after the General Meeting, the Board of Directors elected Jorma J.
Takanen as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Asa-Matti Lyytinen as Vice
Chairman of the Board of Directors.                                             

The Meeting decided according to the Board of Directors' proposal to authorize  
the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of the Company's own shares 
with distributable assets and transfer of the Company's own shares.             

OWN SHARES                                                                      

On 31 March 2009, the company owned a total of 2,337,768 of its own shares which
represented 3.9% of the company's share capital and votes.                      
During the review period, the company disposed of 5,687 of its own shares in    
conjunction with the share-based profit-sharing scheme of the Group's Management

SHARE TRADING AND SHARE PERFORMANCE                                             

The highest trading price during the review period was EUR 2.20 and the lowest  
EUR 1.91, the closing price for the period standing at EUR 2.00. A total of     
1,076,041 shares were traded during the period, corresponding to 1.8% of the    
total number of shares. The market value of the shares on 31 March 2009 was EUR 
118.4 million.                                                                  


Scanfil Group's personnel averaged 2,035 (2,074) employees during the review    
period and the company employed 2,032 (2,116) employees at the end of the review
period, of whom 1,487 (1,571) were employed in the company's foreign plants.    

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

Scanfil plc                                                                     
Scanfil plc will operate as an investment company with an objective to look for 
new growth possibilities by, for example, making strategic investments in       
companies operating in different business sectors. The continuing economic      
uncertainty gives a strong company a good basis for various restructuring       

Scanfil EMS Subgroup                                                            
The situation in the telecommunications technology and industrial electronics   
markets where Scanfil operates remains so unstable that it is unfounded to make 
predictions on their future development during the current year. Scanfil's aim, 
however, is to achieve at least the 2008 turnover level and maintain the        
operating profit on a satisfactory level.                                       

The new customers in the industrial electronics sector have had a positive      
effect on sales, but it is very difficult to predict how the financial crisis   
will affect demand in the sector as a whole in 2009.                            

Scanfil believes it will maintain its market share in the telecommunications    
technology sector at least on last year's level. The decline in the market, as  
forecasted by telecommunications customers, is expected to decrease Scanfil's   
sales of telecommunications products from last year.                            

Scanfil's strong financial position gives the company a good competitive        
position on the market. The market has confidence in a financially sound and    
cost-effective company being capable of long-term cooperation also in uncertain 
financial and demand circumstances.                                             

OPERATIONAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                             

The ongoing uncertainty in the global financial situation and the constant      
strong fluctuations in demand in Scanfil's business sectors pose a risk to the  
company's business area that is difficult to estimate. The sales and            
profitability of Scanfil may weaken as demand decreases due to low investment   

In other respects, the risks facing Scanfil's business have remained essentially
the same. Risks and risk management are described in greater detail on the      
company's website under Corporate Governance and in the notes to the            
consolidated financial statements.                                              

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

Interim reports have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and       
measurement principles of the IAS 34 Interim reports standard.                  

As of January 1, 2009, the Group has applied the following new and revised      
standards: IFRS 8 Operating Segments and IAS 1 Presentation of Financial        
Statements. IFRS 8 has an effect on the segment information in the notes and    
IAS 1 has an effect on the presentation of the income statement. The company    
reports the operating segments according to geographical locations, which are   
Europe and Asia. The company follows profits according to geographical          
locations. Otherwise the same accounting principles have been applied as in the 
2008 Financial Statement. Calculation principles and formulas of the Key        
Financial Indicators remain unchanged and have been presented in the 2008       
Financial Statements.                                                           

Individual figures and grand totals of tables have been rounded to the nearest  
million euros, so they will not always add up. The figures are unaudited.       

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
EUR million                                                                     
                                                 2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

TURNOVER                                         49.6         50.0        218.9 
Changes in inventories of finished                                              
goods and work in progress                     -  0.6      -   0.7      -   0.1 
Other operating income                            0.2          0.2          2.5 
Expenses                                       - 43.7      -  43.2      - 193.4 
Depreciation                                   -  1.3      -   1.6      -   6.8 
Operating profit                                  4.2          4.7         21.1 
Financial income                                  1.0          0.5          2.8 
Financial expenses                             -  2.9      -   0.4      -   4.6 
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                               2.3          4.9         19.4 
Income taxes                                   -  1.0      -   1.3      -   3.7 
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                         1.3          3.6         15.6 

Attributable to:                                                                
  Equity holders of the parent                    1.3          3.6         15.6 

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR                        0.02         0.06         0.27 

The company does not have items that might dilute the earnings per share.       

EUR million                                                                     
                                                 2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                         1.3          3.6         15.6 
Other comprehensive income                                                      
  Translation differences                         0.8       -  1.4          4.6 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax            0.8       -  1.4          4.6 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                        2.1          2.2         20.2 

Attributable to:                                                                
  Equity holders of the parent                    2.1          2.2         20.2 

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                    
EUR million                                     31.3.        31.3.       31.12. 
                                                 2009         2008         2008 

Non-current assets                                                              
 Property, plant and equipment                   32.2         34.8         33.7 
 Goodwill                                         2.1          2.5          2.4 
 Other intangible assets                          1.4          1.0          1.4 
 Available-for-sale investments                   0.0          0.3          0.0 
 Financial assets at fair value                                                 
 through profit or loss                           7.8          4.6          7.7 
 Receivables                                      0.2          0.2          0.2 
 Deferred tax assets                              1.3          0.3          1.0 
Total non-current assets                         45.0         43.6         46.4 

Current assets                                                                  
 Inventories                                     28.7         32.0         30.2 
 Trade and other receivables                     49.6         48.1         50.5 
 Advance payments                                 0.1          0.1          0.1 
 Financial assets at fair value                                                 
 through profit or loss                          17.1          9.5         12.2 
 Available-for-sale investments, liquid assets   11.7          5.0          3.2 
 Available-for-sale investments,                                                
 cash equivalents                                29.9         19.1         34.0 
 Cash and cash equivalents                       11.1         23.9         11.1 
Total current assets                            148.1        137.6        141.2 

Non-current assets held for sale                  4.6          4.6          4.6 

TOTAL ASSETS                                    197.7        185.8        192.2 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            

 Share capital                                   15.2         15.2         15.2 
 Share premium account                           16.1         16.1         16.1 
 Treasury shares                              -   7.6      -   6.9      -   7.4 
 Translation differences                          2.8      -   4.0          2.0 
 Other reserves                                   4.0          3.2          3.5 
 Retained earnings                              110.7        112.2        116.9 

Total equity                                    141.2        135.8        146.2 

Non-current assets                                                              
 Deferred tax liabilities                         1.0          1.1          1.0 
 Provisions                                       5.7          6.7          6.0 
 Interest bearing liabilities                                 12.0         12.0 
Total non-current liabilities                     6.8         19.8         19.1 

Current liabilities                                                             
 Trade and other liabilities                     36.4         29.1         25.9 
 Current tax                                      1.3          1.1          1.0 
 Interest bearing liabilities                    12.0          0.0          0.0 
Total current liabilities                        49.7         30.2         26.9 

Total liabilities                                56.5         50.0         46.0 

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                      
AND LIABILITIES                                 197.7        185.8        192.2 

EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Treasury shares                                                             
D = Translation differences                                                     
E = Other reserves                                                              
F = Retained earnings                                                           
G = Equity total                                                                

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY     A        B        C        D        E        F        G
1.1.2008              15.2     16.1    - 6.9    - 2.6      2.6    109.3    133.6

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                      - 1.4               3.6      2.3

Transfer to funds                                          0.6    - 0.6        0
Distribution of treasury shares          0.0                                 0.0

SHAREHOLDER' EQUITY                                                             
31.3.2008             15.2     16.1    - 6.9    - 4.0      3.2    112.2    135.8

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY     A        B        C        D        E        F        G
1.1.2009              15.2     16.1    - 7.4      2.0      3.6    116.9    146.2

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                        0.8               1.3      2.1

Payment of dividends                                              - 7.0    - 7.0
Transfer to funds                                          0.4    - 0.4        0
Distribution of treasury shares          0.0                                 0.0
Acquisition of treasury shares         - 0.1                               - 0.1

SHAREHOLDER' EQUITY                                                             
31.3.2009             15.2     16.1    - 7.6      2.8      4.0    110.7    141.2

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR million                                                                     
                                                 2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

Cash flow from operating activities                                             
Net profit                                        1.3          3.6         15.6 
  Adjustments for the net profit                  3.4          2.3         10.2 
  Change in net working capital                   6.1          4.3          2.3 
  Paid interests and other financial expenses  -  0.2       -  0.2       -  0.8 
  Interests received                              1.0          0.4          2.1 
  Taxes paid                                   -  0.9       -  1.9       -  5.5 
Net cash from operating activities               10.6          8.5         23.9 

Cash flow from investing activities                                             
  Investments in tangible and                                                   
  Intangible assets                            -  0.4       -  0.4       -  3.4 
  Sale of tangible and intangible assets          0.0          0.2          2.2 
  Investments in other investments             - 14.6       - 14.3       - 25.6 
  Repayment of loan receivables                   0.0                           
  Dividends received                              0.0          0.0          0.0 
Net cash from investing activities             - 14.9       - 14.5       - 26.8 

Cash flow from financing activities                                             
  Purchase of treasury shares                  -  0.2                    -  0.5 
  Raising of long term loans                                  12.0         12.0 
  Repayment of short term loans                             -  7.5       -  7.5 
  Dividends paid                                                         -  7.0 
Net cash from financing activities             -  0.2          4.5       -  3.1 

Net decrease in cash and                                                        
Cash equivalents                               -  4.5       -  1.5       -  6.0 

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
at beginning of period                           45.1         50.0         50.0 
Changes in exchange rates                         0.4       -  0.5          1.0 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
at end of period                                 41.0         48.0         45.1 

KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS                         2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

Return on equity, %                               3.6         11.0         11.2 
Return on investment, %                           9.1         14.2         13.7 
Interest bearing liabilities, EUR million        12.0         12.0         12.0 
Gearing, %                                     - 46.4       - 26.5       - 38.4 
Equity ratio, %                                  71.4         73.1         76.1 
Gross investments in fixed assets, EUR million    0.4          0.3          3.9 
% of turnover                                     0.8          0.6          1.8 
Personnel, average                              2 035        2 074        2 132 

Earnings per share, EUR                          0.02         0.06         0.27 
Equity per share, EUR                            2.42         2.31         2.50 

Number of shares at end of                                                      
period, 000's                                  60 714       60 714       60 714 
- not counting own shares                      58 377       58 721       58 443 
- weighted average                             58 408       58 716       58 696 

The company does not have any liabilities resulting from derivative instruments.
Owing to the nature of the sector, the company's order book covers only a short 
period of time and does not give an accurate picture of future development.     

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
EUR million                                                                     
                                            2009           2008            2008 
                                           1 - 3          1 - 3          1 - 12 
Europe                                      33.7           36.8           152.3 
Asia                                        19.0           16.9            89.7 
Turnover between segments                 -  3.2         -  3.6          - 23.1 
Total                                       49.6           50.0           218.9 

OPERATING PROFIT                                                                
Europe                                       0.8            3.0            10.0 
Asia                                         3.4            1.8            11.1 
Total                                        4.2            4.7            21.1 

Europe                                     106.2          122.4           104.0 
Asia                                        56.3           46.7            51.0 
Goodwill                                     2.0            2.3             2.3 
Unallocated assets                          33.3           14.4            34.9 
Total                                      197.7          185.8           192.2 

CHANGES IN TANGIBLE NON CURRENT ASSETS                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                                                 2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

Book value at the beginning of the period        33.7         36.5         36.5 
Additions                                         0.4          0.3          3.3 
Deductions                                     -  0.0          0.0       -  0.3 
Depreciations                                  -  1.2       -  1.5       -  6.4 
Exchange rate differences                      -  0.6       -  0.5          0.6 
Book value at the end of the period              32.2         34.8         33.7 

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
EUR million                                      2009         2008         2008 
                                                1 - 3        1 - 3       1 - 12 

Given real estate mortgages                       3.4                       3.4 
Given business mortgages                         18.8         16.4         18.8 
Pledged guarantees                                0.1          0.1          0.1 
Rental liabilities                                0.4          0.6          0.5 

Scanfil Oyj has arranged a EUR 6.0 million bank guarantee to secure the payment 
of contributions related to Scanfil NV's restructuring. Scanfil NV's balance    
sheet includes a corresponding provision.                                       
Scanfil EMS Oy has given a 12.0 million counter guarantee for Scanfil Oü's      
equal size bank loan guarantee.                                                 

KEY INDICATORS QUARTERLY                                                        
EUR million                                                                     
                         Q1/09  Q4/08  Q3/08  Q2/08  Q1/08  Q4/07  Q3/07  Q2/07 
Turnover MEUR             49.6   54.2   56.0   58.7   50.0   54.4   59.1   58.9 
Operating profit, MEUR     4.2    4.5    5.2    6.6    4.7    5.5    5.6    4.0 
Operating profit, %        8.5    8.3    9.3   11.3    9.5   10.2    9.4    6.7 
Net income, MEUR           1.3    2.3    3.5    6.2    3.6    3.4    4.5    3.2 
EPS, EUR                  0.02   0.04   0.06   0.11   0.06   0.06   0.08   0.05 

SCANFIL PLC                                                                     

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Additional information:                                                         
President Harri Takanen                                                         
Tel +358 8 4882 111                                                             

Distribution         OMX Nordic Exchanges, Helsinki                             
                     Major Media                                                

Scanfil plc is a global contract manufacturer and systems supplier for          
communication and industrial electronics with over 30 years experience in       
demanding contract manufacturing                                                

Scanfil offers contract-manufacturing services as a systems supplier to the     
telecommunication industry, mainly to wireless communication sector, as well as 
to the industrial electronics industry. Main telecommunication products are     
among others integrated enclosure systems for mobile phone and ADSL networks and
assembly and testing of modules related to enclosure systems. Examples of       
industrial electronics products include box-built tested devices, various       
electronic modules, backplanes and assembled circuit boards as well as cable    
assemblies. Production plants are situated in China, Hungary, Estonia and       

Not for release over US newswire services. Forward looking statements: certain  
statements in this stock exchange release may constitute "forward-looking"      
statements which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other       
factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Scanfil  
Oyj to be materially different from any future results, performance or          
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. When used 
in this stock exchange release, such statements use such words as "may," "will,"
"expect," "anticipate," "project," "believe," "plan" and other similar          
terminology. New risk factors may arise from time to time and it is not possible
for management to predict all of those risk factors or the extent to which any  
factor or combination of factors may cause actual results, performance and      
achievements of Scanfil Oyj to be materially different from those contained in  
forward-looking statements. Given these risks and uncertainties, investors      
should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of
actual results. The forward-looking information contained in this stock exchange
release is current only as of the date of this stock exchange release. There    
should not be an expectation that such information will in all circumstances be 
updated, supplemented or revised, except as provided by the law or obligatory   
regulations, whether as a result of new information, changing circumstances,    
future events or otherwise.