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Travel to the Ancient Land of Givon -- Embark On a Journey to the Past and Future With Author Kimberly Vogel's Newest Heroine

BELOIT, Wis., April 24, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fantasy author Kimberly Vogel brings readers back to the epic kingdoms in her first two novels, Betrayal of Trust and Roses and Shadows. This time, a new heroine, Viki Johnson, will take part in an adventure that reveals more about Rae and Danny's exciting world.

Fast forward into the future since Princess Rae and her twin brother, Danny, escaped the clutches of the evil King Mitra Shakti. College student Viki Johnson studies about the history of her land, but as much as she knows about the past of the kingdoms, Viki doesn't know anything about her own past. All she knows is that the Johnsons of Everly adopted her when she was a baby. She has no idea who her real parents are. While house-sitting for the Pattersons, who were away at vacation, an intruder breaks in. Alarmed, the frightened girl calls the authorities, but apparently nothing was stolen.

Viki remembers the mysterious figure in the dark calling her 'alula' and, as she does some research, the first of a series of startling events that will change her life forever unfold. Join Viki in her quest to find her hidden past and her journey to a new future in The End of a Beginning. To order a copy of this fantastic read, please visit or call (888) 795-4274 today.

About the Author

Kimberly Vogel is an inhabitant of Wisconsin in the USA. She first began publishing her stories in her last year of college. So far she has completed two series of five books each and one independent book. So far she has published two series, each following a single twin. Betrayal of Trust starts the books about the elder sister Rae and Roses and Shadows starts the books about the brother Danny. Following the concurrent series are two more novels. The books are A Call to Arms and Queries to Generations. Approximately a thousand years after those events take place a new story begins, The End of a Beginning.

                   The End of a Beginning * by Kimberly Vogel
                       Publication Date: October 2, 2007
           Trade Paperback; $18.69; 262 pages; ISBN 978-1-4257-6483-8
            Cloth Hardback; $28.79; 262 pages; ISBN 978-1-4257-6486-9

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