BE Group is reporting lower earnings but notes stabilization

BE Group is reporting lower earnings but notes stabilization

Press Release 				

April 24, 2009

• Cost savings programme faster and more effective. The programme was expanded
to SEK 150M per year, which will be realized in 2009.

• In the Group's main markets, a stabilization of shipped tonnage was noted in
the latter part of the quarter and in April.

• Sales decreased by 34% to SEK 1,309M (1,995) accompanied by steep tonnage

• BE Group is reporting an operating loss of SEK 93M (135) attributable to the
tonnage downturn and inventory losses of SEK 95M (-7). Underlying EBITA was
nevertheless positive at SEK 4M (143). 

BE Group's new President and CEO Lars Bergström's remarks on the report:

“The recession deepened in the first quarter and the combination of lower demand
and falling prices has had severe impact on BE Group. However, the cost savings
programme is developing better than planned and we have expanded savings
measures to an estimated SEK 150M on an annual basis, up from the previously
communicated SEK 100M."

“BE Group expects a weak market in 2009 with lower demand and margins than in
2008. We are seeing signs of price stabilization but the course of future
development remains highly uncertain."

“Despite the downturn, BE Group is holding its market position and continuing to
solidify its status as one of the leading European companies in the industry."

“We will maintain our long-term strategy of increasing the service component of
sales. We are also working intensively with various activities to improve
efficiency and competitiveness while focusing on reducing working capital and
adjusting inventories to current demand. Taken as a whole, BE Group is strong,
prepared for the future and will be ready when the recovery occurs.”

The information presented here is such that BE Group AB (publ) is required to
make public under the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released for publication
on April 24, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. CET.

Questions may be directed to:

Lars Bergström, President and CEO, +46 (0) 40 38 42 00

Torbjörn Clementz, CFO and Deputy CEO, +46 (0) 70 869 07 88, 

A press conference in English will be held at 9:00 a.m. for the press and market
analysts. The conference may be followed by phone or via webcast (see
information below). Hosts of the press conference are Lars Bergström and
Torbjörn Clementz.

If you wish to participate via webcast and/or ask questions at the press
conference, please register online here.

Those who do not have access to the Internet may register by phone on +46 (0)8
5052 0110 a few minutes before the conference begins.

BE Group AB (publ), listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stock Exchange since
November 2006, is one of the leading trading and service companies in steel and
other metals in Europe. The company has about 10,000 customers, primarily within
the construction and engineering sectors. BE Group provides service in the
steel, stainless steel and aluminium sectors.The company's sales in 2008 were
SEK 7.7 billion. BE Group has more than 900 employees in ten countries in
northern Europe, where Sweden and Finland are its largest markets. The head
office is in Malmö, Sweden. Read more about BE Group at


04232792.pdf BE_Group_Interim_report_Jan_Mar_2009.pdf