Sponda agrees on refinancing of short-term credit limits and on new EUR 82 million credit facility with Helaba

Sponda Plc		Stock Exchange Release 27 April 2009 at 5:45 p.m. 

Sponda agrees on refinancing of short-term credit limits and on new EUR 82
million credit facility with Helaba 

Sponda Plc has extended the credit limits that function as back-up facility for
its commercial papers for a further 12 and 24 months. The agreements were
extended with the current lenders such that EUR 150 million will mature in 12
months time and EUR 100 million in 24 months. 

In addition, Sponda signed an agreement for a EUR 82 million secured credit
facility with Helaba (Landesbank Hessen-Thűringen Girozentrale). The credit
facility is for 5 years and it ensures that Sponda can refinance the bonds that
mature in 2010. For Helaba, this facility underlines further its commitment to
the Nordic markets. 

The margin on the credit facilities are in line with current market rates. The
loan arrangements will not have a material impact on Sponda's financial
expenses. The covenants of the facilities are in line with the company's other
financial covenants of which the most important ones are the equity ratio and
the interest coverage ratio. After these arrangements Sponda has no other
long-term loans maturing before spring 2011. 

Sponda Plc

Kari Inkinen
President and CEO

Further information: CFO Erik Hjelt, tel. +358 400-472 313.

Sponda Plc is a real estate company specializing in commercial properties in
the largest cities in Finland and in Russia. Sponda's business concept is to
own, lease and develop office, retail and logistics properties into
environments that promote the business success of its clients. The fair value
of Sponda's investment properties is approximately EUR 2.9 billion euros and
the leasable area is around 1.5 million m².