Report from Annual General Meeting

Report from Annual General Meeting

At Vitrolife's Annual General Meeting yesterday, April 27, the following,
amongst other things, was decided:

•	The Board's proposed dividend of SEK 0.40 for the financial year 2008 was
approved. April 30, 2009 was adopted as the record day.

•	Re-election of Board members Patrik Tigerschiöld, Fredrik Mattsson, Madeleine
Olsson-Eriksson, Semmy Rülf, Tord Lendau and Maris Hartmanis, in accordance with
the election committee's proposal. 

•	In accordance with the proposal of the Board, to reduce the share capital by
SEK 247,300 through the cancellation of 247,300 bought back shares and to
increase the share capital by SEK 391,057.14 through a transfer from
non-restricted equity to the share capital (bonus issue).

•	Authorization for the Board, for the time up until the next Annual General
Meeting and on one or more occasions, to take a decision on the issue of a
maximum of 1,950,000 shares in total, corresponding to approximately 9.8 percent
of the company's share capital. 

•	The Board was authorized to take a decision, up until the next Annual General
Meeting and on one or more occasions, with regard to the acquisition and
transfer of the company's own shares, at the most 10 percent of the company's
shares. At the Board meeting following election, the board decided to use this

•	The proposed principles for remuneration and other conditions of employment
for the senior management were approved.

At the Board meeting following election which was held after the Annual General
Meeting, Patrik Tigerschiöld was elected Chairman of the Board.

April 28, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
The BoardQueries should be addressed to: 
Magnus Nilsson, CEO, phone +46 31 721 80 61
Eva Nilsagård, CFO, phone +46 31 721 80 13

Vitrolife is a global biotechnology/medical device Group that works with
developing, manufacturing and selling advanced products and systems for the
preparation, cultivation and storage of human cells, tissue and organs. The
company has business activities within three product areas: Fertility,
Transplantation and Stem Cell Cultivation. 
     The Fertility product area works with nutrient solutions (media),
cryopreservation products and advanced consumable instruments such as needles
and pipettes, for the treatment of human infertility. The Transplantation
product area works with solutions and systems to evaluate and maintain organs
outside the body order to select usable organs and keeping them in optimal
condition while waiting for transplantation. The Stem Cell Cultivation product
area works with media and instruments to enable the use and handling of stem
cells for therapeutic purposes. 
     Vitrolife today has approximately 150 employees and the company's products
are sold in more than 80 markets. The company is headquartered in Gothenburg,
Sweden, and there are subsidiaries in USA, Australia, France and Italy.
Production facilities are located in Sweden and USA. 
     The Vitrolife share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap.
Vitrolife AB (publ), Box 9080, SE-400 92 Göteborg, Sweden. Corporate identity
number 556354-3452.
Tel: +46 31 721 80 00. Fax: +46 31 721 80 90. E-mail:

Vitrolife is required under the Swedish Securities Market Act to publish the
information in this press release. The information was submitted for publication
on 28 April 2009 at 8:30 am CET.

This is a translation of the Swedish version of the notice. When in doubt, the
Swedish wording prevails.

