Strong development in a tough market

January - March 2009
• Net sales increase to SEK 297.6 (286.1) million, an increase of 4 percent
• Operating profit (EBIT) amounts to SEK 44.7 (45.7) million, an operating
margin of 15.0 (16.0) percent
• Pre-tax profit amounts to SEK 44.7 (46.5) million
• Profit after tax amounts to SEK 32.7 (33.6) million
• Earnings per share amount to SEK 0.63 (0.66)
• Cash flow from operations amounted to SEK 30.5 (42.4) million
• The Board proposes that SEK 1.40 per share, totalling around SEK 72 million,
is distributed to the shareholders through a split and compulsory redemption

Significant events during the period
• HiQ named "IT Consultant of the Year 2009" in Veckans Affärer's survey
• HiQ invested in expansion in the Mälaren Valley and established operations in
• HiQ signed a new agreement with mobile company Scalado
• HiQ assisted Danaher Motion with developing systems for laser- and
voice-controlled trucks
• HiQ developed AirFight, a new games application for the iPhone
• HiQ signed an extensive framework agreement with Danish SKI
• HiQ signed a framework agreement with Ascom Sweden AB
• HiQ signed a two-year framework agreement with Stockholm Local Transport (SL)
• HiQ signed a framework agreement with Teracom and its subsidiary Comet
• HiQ took part in a research project to develop a simulator for dentistry
students at Karolinska Institute 

2009 in brief
The current market situation is tough, but HiQ is in a very strong position and
we are working continually and consistently on developing and strengthening our
offering and at the same time further streamlining the business. This work is
having results and 2009 has started well for HiQ. Net sales have increased to
SEK 297.6 million and operating profit is SEK 44.7 million, a margin of 15.0
percent. Cash flow amounted to SEK 30.5 million. 

In a tougher market, the importance of fine-tuning and adapting operations to
ensure continued high efficiency, good profitability and thus increased freedom
of action, increases. 

At the same time, it is even more important to continue to develop HiQ's
offering and focus on future core areas in order to ensure that HiQ remains the
industry's best supplier of specialist IT services.  One example is the further
development of HiQ Quality Services' offering within quality assurance of major
IT projects for the Swedish market. Another example is HiQs increased activities
in the Mälaren Valley and Linköping regions through increased cooperation,
intensified sales efforts by establishing HiQ in Västerås. Furthermore an
increased cooperation between the two subsidiaries in Finland is prioritised.

The economic situation has led to restructuring in a number of sectors and is
affecting a number of HiQ's key clients. Discussions regarding prices through
volume discounts are being held. All in all this is creating opportunities for
HiQ to win new business and further strengthen its market position.  

During the period we signed a number of important framework agreements and won
new orders from a large number of clients such as Scalado, Danaher Motion and
Stockholm Local Transport (SL).   

HiQ was named "IT Consultant of the Year 2009" in the magazine Veckans Affärer's
annual survey of buyers of consulting services. This is the third year in
succession that HiQ has been top ranked. Those taking part in the survey are
asked to assess their suppliers as regards confidence, customer orientation,
expertise and results - areas that have always had high priority for HiQ.

HiQ is in a good position in the current recession and is continuing to deliver
strong results. HiQ's strong financial situation, good customer relations and
strong brand enable us to strengthen our customer relations further in today's
difficult market. 

HiQ has a strong position as a specialist service provider with broad
geographical and market coverage, as well as very strong customer relationships
with leading international companies and established authorities in the Nordic
region. HiQ has a flexible delivery model and offers specialist expertise in
projects on site with customers, in its own facilities, via HiQs student pool or
via a development centre in Russia.
HiQ works with technology that makes communication possible in our daily lives -
at home, at work, in our cars, etc. Technology that enables communication is
constantly developing, regardless of the economic situation. The need for
communication is increasing - a development that creates both high demand and
many opportunities for HiQ and its clients.

HiQ works with clients in many industries, including Veikkaus, Nokia, Ericsson,
the Swedish National Tax Board, SEB, Tekes (the National Technology Agency of
Finland), Tele2 and Volvo.

For further information, please contact:

Lars Stugemo, President and CEO, HiQ
tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 000

Annika Billberg, Head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations, HiQ 
tel. +46 (0)8-588 90 015, +46 (0)704 200 103

HiQ International AB (publ), company registration no. 556529 -3205
Mäster Samuelsgatan 17, 9th Floor
Box 7421
SE-103 91 Stockholm
tel.: +46(0)8-588 90 000
fax: +46(0)8-588 90 001 

