On AS GE Money Bank shareholder extraordinary meeting

According to application of shareholders and complying abide by the Commercial
Law and the Law on Crediting Institutions and AS GE Money Bank board resolution
No.19/3 of 24 April 2009 “On the shareholders extraordinary meeting”, the AS GE
Money Bank shareholders extraordinary meeting will take place on 29 May 2009,
in Riga, 13. janvāra Street 3, at 10.00. 

1. Election of Council of the Bank:
1.1. recalling of the last composition of the Council;
1.2. election of the new Council.
2. Election of the Audit Committee.

Tija Ezeriņa
Press secretary
Ph. +371 67110 448, 
Mob. +371 27876080
8b, G.Astras Str., Riga, LV-1082